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CEO’s Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery

Chapter 126
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The person in front of her looked at the dropped registration form with confusion, surprised to see Nina appearing here so early.

He bent down to pick up the fallen form. Seeing this, Nina's pupils slightly contracted as she quickly moved to pick it up as well. However, he was closer and quickly retrieved the form in his hand.

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"Are you feeling unwell?" the man asked, glancing at the form, only to find it was for a simple ultrasound. Seeing only this column written on it already made him curious.

Feeling at a loss, Nina acted as if a colossal secret was about to be revealed, hastily snatching the registration form from him and putting it in her pocket, suppressing her flustered emotions. "I cto check on my health." Nash's gaze fell on her face, then he questioned, "If it's not stomach discomfort, why cfor an ultrasound?" Nina clenched her fist tightly, avoiding his gaze. "Didn't I say? I cto check on my health." With one hand in his pocket, Nash was displeased with her behavior, furrowing his brows as he asked coldly, "Why didn't you tellyou were coming to the hospital?" Nina replied, "You didn't chlast night, did you? I couldn't see you, so I had to calone." "Couldn't you call?" Nina pursed her lips, hesitated for a moment, then said, "I called you a few days ago, and you didn't answer, so there was no point." Those days, Nash intentionally didn't answer her calls. He was still upset. But since yesterday, he had turned on his phone, still hoping she would call.

After all, he hadn't been hfor a long time. He was also wondering if she was used to being alone at home. It seems he had overthought things.

Without him, she felt comfortable and could cto the hospital for a check-up alone.

Nina looked up at Nash, noticing he was still wearing yesterday's suit and had hurried to the hospital. She asked, "Why did you cto the hospital so early?" Nash replied, "An old acquaintance is hospitalized, so I cto pay a visit." His deep gaze fell on Nina's face, noticing that she didn't look right. He felt she had been acting strangely lately. "It's not like you to cto the hospital for a check-up all of a sudden when you have your annual check-up." His gaze shifted to her stomach. "Is it serious?" Following his gaze, Nina instinctively covered her stomach, making upzan excuse My menstrual cycle hasn't been normal lately. It might be hormonal imbalance. I'll only know the results after the ultrasound." Nash pondered for a moment, realizing she indeed hadn't had her period this month. "Have you completed the ultrasound?" "The waiting room is crowded. I'll cback in the afternoon." Seeing her pale complexion, Nash said, "I'll call the hospital director and ask him to arrange it for you." "No need!" Nina strongly refused without hesitation.

Nash's expression grew stern.

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Of course, Nina didn't want to use the VIP channel. If the hospital director found out, Nash would know about her pregnancy, and explaining it would be difficult.

She looked at Nash and explained, "The hospital is crowded, especially

the waiting area. I just went to take a look, and all those pregnant women with big bellies are sitting there waiting. How can I, a healthy person, jump the queue? You don't need to worry about me. I don't he anything planned for the afternoon, so I'll cback then." Content "Nina, you're too compassionate," Nash didn't expect her to be so understanding.

Nina replied, "I think what I said is on pretty normal. I don't pity everyone either. You You go ahead and focus on your your own matters. No need to worry about me."

Nash was still concerned about her. "Since it's in the afternoon, cwith me. We'll go together. Sa in the (ind) vel.n't website on Gøøgl" to access chapters of early and in the highest quality. X