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CEO’s Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery

Chapter 110
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Such words left Nina somewhat shocked; she had never imagined hearing them from his mouth.

His kisses started gently but grew increasingly forceful, imbued with his possessiveness, leaving Nina feeling dazed. When she felt a chill as he undid her nightgown, the piercing coldness snapped her back to reality. She glanced at her abdomen, her heart skipping a beat, then forcefully pushed Nash away, "No!" Nash, who had been deeply engrossed, snapped out of it with her forceful push. Seeing Nina's drastic reaction and sensing her resistance to his touch, he felt a mix of astonishment and displeasure.

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His eyes, previously filled with desire, immediately cooled, lips pursed as he coldly questioned, "Are you guarding yourself for Scott, or for Zac?" Her strong reaction and rejection of his touch could only mean one thing-she was guarding herself for the man she truly loved.

Nina's hand instinctively rested on her belly; there was a child growing inside her. She couldn't afford to be reckless or impulsive; she was on the verge of making a mistake! Looking at Nash again, she noticed his face turning cold, his displeasure evident, clearly dissatisfied with her actions.

But what could she do? He was intoxicated and not in a rational state. The child in her womb was a result of their reckless union while he was intoxicated. She was not only living for herself now but also for the child in her belly.

She lowered her eyes in resignation, offering a feeble excuse, "I'm not feeling well, and I don't want to." However, Nash was not convinced by her explanation and sensed her attempt to evade the truth. His displeasure lingered in his eyes, his demeanor icy.

He promptly got off the bed and threw her a cold glance, "Since you prefer to keep yourself chaste for another man, I'll sleep in the study tonight!" With that, Nash walked out of the bedroom without looking back. The door slammed shut with a loud bang. Nina dressed herself and sat on the edge of the bed, her gaze lowered to her belly. She gently stroked it, seeking solace for herself and comfort for her child. "Baby, daddy is angry, and he doet SEAR*ch the Find_Nøvelwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

know you exist. Mommy have the courage to telloesn't but Mommy will give you lots and lots of love." No matter how affectionate Nash's gaze, she dared not let her guard down to tell him. He had deceived her so many times, even callously using her, and each tshe had thought they could live happily ever after, only to be disappointed in the end.

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This time, she feared that if he deceived her again, her child would not exist. She could only endure the injustice for her baby.

Nina had never been one to sleep in, but lately, she found herself feeling unusually tired. It was all beginning to make sense. No wonder she felt nauseous and had been late to work.

This time, instead of rushing to get ready, she went downstairs first to have breakfast. She instructed the helper to prepare a hearty meal, wanting to ensure her child received proper nutrition. When Sally cdownstairs and saw Nina eating breakfast so

heartily, it was unlike her usual appetite Sally began to nag, "What tis it? You're stiknot at work You should know that Nash gets up at six every day. As the boss, he's always punctual. You, as an employee, are always late." Content Despite Sally's sarcastic remarks, Nina remained unfazed, enjoying her meal. She calmly retorted, "As his wife, I doubt anyone will question when I go to work." Sally, seeing Nina talk back, approached her confidently and said, "You're pushing it. You and Nash will eventually divorce. Only Miranda is worthy of being my daughter-in-law!" X