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CEO’s Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery

Chapter 11
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Chapter 11 Caleb Smith didn't quite understand. Did Nash fall ill? He had a medical examination not long ago, and his health seemed normal. But if there were any issues, it could only be...

As Caleb entered the office, his gaze immediately fixed on Nash's trousers. Sensing his strange expression, Nash frowned, "I asked you to check on Nina's health. Why are you staring at me?" Caleb quickly averted his gaze, awkwardly smiling. "Nothing, I just met her at the elevator, and she seemed quite upset." "She'll cback," Nash remarked.

"Did you two have a quarrel?" "It's normal for women to get upset." Caleb hesitated to speak further and chose to sit on the nearby sofa instead.

Seeing Caleb's reluctance to leave, Nash said, "Since she's gone, you can leave too. I don't need you here." "I've just arrived. Can't we catch up as friends?" Caleb, after sconsideration, chuckled, "Nina has her reasons for being upset. It's normal for couples to have sproblems. Once those are resolved, the relationship will improve, right? I think you could try setting aside your pride and visit the hospital. It might help your relationship with her, and she won't find fault with you anymore." At the mention, Nash's expression darkened, feeling something amiss as he stared sharply at Caleb.

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Feeling the intense gaze, Caleb's back went cold. Afraid of hurting Nash's pride, he cautiously added, "It's not entirely... Although couples need to be understanding, if there are issues in that department, shouldn't they be addressed? "Did Nina tell you that?" Nash's tone turned cold.

Caleb gulped nervously. Summoning his courage, he said, "She askedto check on your health." Seeing him approaching with a medical kit, Nash snapped, "Get out!" Nina returned to the York family, intending to pack her bags and move out.

At this moment, Sally and her sisters were playing card games, chatting and laughing, occasionally discussing their sons' wives. However, whenever Sally talked about her, it was always with disdain and dislike, comparing her unfavorably to others' daughters-in-law, praising their good backgrounds, good images, and everything else. Starting from her background, she had no merits.

Nina had grown tired of hearing these criticisms and had becmostly immune to them. She walked in without intending to engage in their conversation. Sally saw her at a glance, and didn't feel like playing cards anymore. She immediately put on a stern face and shouted, "Stop right there!" Nina couldn't help but stop and turn to her. "What's the matter?" Sally's expression turned sour as she scolded, "You're becoming increasingly reckless with your spending. You blew two hundred thousand in one shot. How much money have you drained from our family since marrying into it? You don't even think about this family. Which daughter-in-law spends money like you do?" Nina didn't understand the situation, but she found it absurd. "When did I spend so Amuch money?" Since marrying into the York family, all the valuable items Nash had given her were kept in boxes and never taken out. She had never spent a penny of their money. Every penny she spent was earned by herself.

"Don't play dumb. See for yourself!" Sally accused, pointing her finger. “What kind of clothes do you buy that costs two hundred thousand? Do you have such expensive tastes? You just waste money. At this rate, our family will be ruined by you someday!" A notification on her phone showed two hundred thousand spent, on women's clothing no less, which left Nina in contemplation. She hadn't been shopping recently. It was impossible for her to such an amount on women's clothing.

Nina looked at Sally with firmness in her voice. "I didn't spend it." Sally didn't believe her. "If it wasn't you who used the credit card, then who? Did the ghosts spend this?" "I've never spent any money on the credit card." "You're still trying to argue? There are only a few people in our family who can use the credit card. And it's for women's clothing. If I hadn't secretly linked the family's credit card, I wouldn't have known that you were spending so much 5/9 Chapter 11 +15 BONOS money behind my back. It's not just this, is it? How much have you spent in our family over the years? You have to confess everything to me." Sally accidentally discovered the large sum spent while checking the accounts, and immediately suspected Nina.

Nina also knew that as long as Sally didn't like her after marrying into the York family, this hwouldn't belong to her either. She didn't want to cause any trouble, so she naturally wouldn't do anything wrong. Whenever there was a problem, it was always suspected to be her fault, which made her lose patience. She said, "You can check, but don't ctowhenever there's a problem." "What's your attitude? If it wasn't you who spent the money, who else could it be? You're just a gold digger who set her sights on our wealthy family a long tago...

"I spent the money." Suddenly, Nash's voice cfrom outside the door. He had just arrived hand heard them arguing, so he walked in expressionlessly.

Nina and Sally's eyes all turned to him. Sally suddenly faltered. After saying so much, it turned out Adt to be Nina, She then said, "Nash, how could it be you who spent it? This was for women's clothing. You're not trying to cover for Nina, are you?" But Nash replied, "It was for Miranda."

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This statement left Sally speechless again, and she didn't say another word. But Nina's expression gradually darkened, he suspicious gaze fixed Π on Nash. He was really willing to spend money on Miranda, starting from two hundred thousand just for a set of women's clothing. Indeed, he loved her deeply.

Nina's lips curled up in a faint sneer as she shifted her gaze and walked upstairs without looking back.

Sally was still pondering whether Nash spending so much money on Miranda meant that their relationship had progressed to a certain point, and that he would divorce Nina when the tcame.

Feeling much better, she said, “Nash, I'm not bothered about you spending money on Miranda. I was just asking." Nash's eyes were cold as he continued, "I lent it to her." Sally was stunned. "Lent it?" Nash looked at her, warning, "Don't meddle in between." Sally was quite pleased to hear him say that, and her expression changed. She wanted to retort, but seeing his seriousness, she wisely kept quiet to avoid unnecessary conflict.

Upstairs, Nina was packing her luggage. Nash's words just now had given her a strong urge to leave the York family. Leaving voluntarily was better than being driven out later; at least now she wouldn't be in such a sorry state. She also had her principles. Since they were so afraid of her spending the York family's money, she wouldn't take any of the precious jewelry or gifts Nash had given her. She would only take her own clothes, packing them into a box casually.

Coincidentally, Nash walked in and saw her busy packing her suitcase. He frowned and asked, "What are you doing?