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CEO’s Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery

Chapter 103
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Chapter 103 Back in middle school, he was a chubby kid. How could he possibly muster the courage to stand beside her? He could only silently steal glances at her.

"Now, I am the best version of myself," he declared.

Nina hadn't realized he harbored such feelings for her; she truly hadn't paid attention.

Looking at her, Scott spoke with an indulgent smile, "Nina, even when I was far away in Estaland, I cback once. It was when I found out you were injured, and the tI returned, you had entered high school. I could only dare to sneak a glimpse of you from far, but seeing you well madevery happy! At that moment, I made a firm decision that when I cback, I would surely bring you happiness." Nina was at a loss for words.

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She could understand him.

From middle school to now, it had been more than ten years.

And Scott's affection for her surely surpassed her feelings for Nash by far.

She asked, “Have you not liked anyone else in these years?" Scott joked, "Perhaps people from the Lucas family are naturally affectionate and loyal.

"But, Nina, don't be too troubled. I like you, but I never want to pressure you. You can considera friend, and I'm happy to have a friend like you." Nina remained silent. He truly was wonderful to her; everything he gave her was never pressure, but rather a sense of comfort. Being around him, everything she said or did just felt right.

He must have summoned considerable courage to say these things to her. He was braver than her; she dared not say anything.

"Thank you, Scott," Nina said.

Scott, understanding Nina too well, softly said, "Let's have something to eat. Don't think too much, just pretend I never said anything." He didn't wait for her answer and turned his head to chat with someone else. Nina sometimes found herself admiring and respecting him. His inner strength was both rich and resilient.

Meanwhile, Nash was relatively far away from them, diagonally across. He frowned as he couldn't make out their conversation, but he could see them chatting for quite a while.

"Mr. York, letpropose a toast to you, just to show respect!" Melody suddenly walked up to +15 BONUS him, her beautiful face carrying a hint of flattery. She was afraid he wouldn't give her face, leaving her in an awkward situation.

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Seeing them chatting happily, Nash cto his senses and raised his glass, clinking it with Melody's. "Miss Wallace, there's no need to be so polite,” he said.

His words gave Melody even more encouragement, and she asked again, “Can I invite Mr. York for a meal next time?" Nash's eyes turned cold, but he asked, "When?"

Melody immediately replied, "Any day Mr.

is fine, as long as Mr. York is free I'm free every day. I wait for Mr. York's message!" Seeing Melody being so direct, Wallace reminded her, “Melody, with so many people here, don't trouble Mr. York." "No problem," Melody confidently said. "Mr. York is not that kind of person. If he doesn't want to, how could he agree to me?"

As they chatted so happily, Nash didn't refuse, but there was a sense of discomfort in Nina's heart. She understood Nash's message. Just as Melody said, if he didn't want to, he wouldn't have agreed. In no time, Melody went to find Nash and clung to him. Nina felt stifled, excused herself from the table early, and went to the restroom.

As she cout of the restroom, she heard Melody's coquettish call, "Mr.

int York-" She saw Melody in the corner, embracing Nash's neck, tiptoeing to kiss his lips... BIG SALE: 3500 bonus free fou you