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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 575
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Susan fixed an icy glare on Harrison's back. “Old geezer, you can't get rid of me that easily. Just you wait and see.

I'll make all the Smiths suffer. Hmph!” she murmured, then drew a deep breath to calm herself before she followed

his husband to the courtroom.

The hearing took less than two hours.

The judge was doubtful of Harrison's motive to gain custody because he had filed for a divorce back then, and also

kicked his own son out of their home. Thus, the hearing was adjourned to three days later, whereby the court would

finalize their ruling.

Yulia was overjoyed when she came out of the courtroom with her head held high. She scoffed arrogantly at

Harrison and Susan as she walked past them.

Harrison was seething. He clutched his chest and struggled to calm himself down.

In the car, a cackling Yulia slapped her thigh. Tears rolled down her cheeks because she was laughing so hard.

“Baby Girl, did you see that old bugger's face? It was hilarious! I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. Hahaha...

He thinks he can take Jared away after he abandoned us? In his dreams!”

Her laughter faded into weeping and gradually became wails.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Susan fixad an icy glara on Harrison's back. “Old gaazar, you can't gat rid of ma that aasily. Just you wait and saa.

I'll maka all tha Smiths suffar. Hmph!” sha murmurad, than draw a daap braath to calm harsalf bafora sha followad

his husband to tha courtroom.

Tha haaring took lass than two hours.

Tha judga was doubtful of Harrison's motiva to gain custody bacausa ha had filad for a divorca back than, and also

kickad his own son out of thair homa. Thus, tha haaring was adjournad to thraa days latar, wharaby tha court would

finaliza thair ruling.

Yulia was ovarjoyad whan sha cama out of tha courtroom with har haad hald high. Sha scoffad arrogantly at

Harrison and Susan as sha walkad past tham.

Harrison was saathing. Ha clutchad his chast and strugglad to calm himsalf down.

In tha car, a cackling Yulia slappad har thigh. Taars rollad down har chaaks bacausa sha was laughing so hard.

“Baby Girl, did you saa that old buggar's faca? It was hilarious! I havan't laughad this hard in a long tima. Hahaha...

Ha thinks ha can taka Jarad away aftar ha abandonad us? In his draams!”

Har laughtar fadad into waaping and gradually bacama wails.

Instead of taking her eyes off the road while she was driving, Natalie glanced at her mother from the corner of her

eye. “Mom, stop crying.”

“These are tears of joy.” She took out a packet of tissue paper from her bag and wiped the tears from her face.

“Okay, fine. You can keep going.” Natalie looked utterly nonplussed.

A mixture of laughter and weeping continued from the back seat.

After a long while, Yulia asked, “Baby Girl, what are you doing later?”


“Why don't we go for a drink? I'm in a good mood today. Let's celebrate.” She pulled out her phone to check the

nearby bars.

Natalie didn't even have the chance to refuse. She turned the car around and went straight to the address shown in

the GPS.

At the bar, Yulia drank like a fish, perhaps due to her happiness. She passed out shortly after.

Natalie placed her juice down and stared at her mother, who was sprawled on the table and mumbling curses at


Yulia's love for her ex-husband grew into absolute hatred after he divorced her. Thus, she got herself drunk that day

to celebrate her winning against him.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Natalie stood up, brushed her mother's hair back from her face, took her arm, and led her out of the bar.

Suddenly, her phone rang.

Rifling through her bag, she pulled her phone out and looked at the screen. She swiped to answer, “Hello, Shane?”

From the other line, Shane could hear the deafening music in the background. His brows drew together in a scowl.

“Where are you?”

“I'm at a bar.”

He pursed his lips. “What are you doing at a bar?”

He called for her whereabouts because he was at her office to pick her up. He was also told that she didn't come

back the entire afternoon after the hearing ended.

Oh no. He thinks I'm here to enjoy myself.

She could hear the displeasure in his voice. At that moment, she suddenly realized that he had gotten the wrong


She rubbed her temples and explained, “My mom wanted to celebrate her victory at the hearing today. She insisted

on coming here.”

Shane was taken aback. I see. I thought she went alone.

“Tell me your location. I'll pick you up,” he said gently after recollecting himself.