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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 1711
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Chapter 1711 He Was Busy

Honestly, Mr. Thompson really was something! Did he genuinely not want to answer Nat's

call, or was he just busy?

If he was genuinely busy, he should hang up the phone and sent a message to let Natalie


But now...

“Ugh,” Lina let out a frustrated sigh, her head throbbing with pain.

What was going on here? She finally managed to persuade Nat, but then there was a

problem with Mr. Thompson.

She couldn't do anything about this either. Her hands were tied.

Natalie was still staring at the cell phone screen, the call still ringing.

She told herself silently that she would let the phone ring three more times. After the third

ring, if no one answered, she would hang up and never call him again.

Then, she also had to consider whether she could continue her relationship with Shane in

the future.

One ring!

Natalie took a deep breath.

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Two rings!

Natalie closed her eyes.


Just as she thought of the word “three” in her head, a voice suddenly came through the

phone. “Madam.”

Natalie opened her eyes immediately and stared at the cell phone screen.

The cell phone screen no longer displayed the dialing interface. Instead, it showed the

active call interface, with a timer already counting the duration of the call.

It was obvious that she wasn't hallucinating earlier.

Lina noticed that Natalie was stunned and thought that the latter hadn't realized what was

happening. She immediately exclaimed excitedly, “Nat, did you hear that? He answered,

he answered, Mr. Thompson answered the call!”

Honestly, Mr. Thompson really was something! Did he genuinely not want to answer Nat's

call, or was he just busy?

On the other end of the phone, Silas' mouth twitched slightly. “Um... Ms. Cohen, I'm not

Mr. Thompson. You are mistaken.”

Upon hearing this, the excitement on Lina's face vanished instantly. She yelled into the

phone, “If you're not Mr. Thompson, why did you answer the phone? We were so happy for

nothing! Do you know that Nat has finally come to her senses and is willing to listen to Mr.

Thompson and leave this place? She wants to make up with him, and when she took the

initiative to call him, he didn't even answer! Now that the call is finally connected, it turns

out that it's not Mr. Thompson who answered, but you! Why did you take his phone? Are

you trying to meddle in their affairs?”

Her outburst startled Silas so much that he froze for a moment. After a while, he finally

came back to his senses as he sorted through her words, and eventually understood what

had happened.

It turned out that Madam had finally come to her senses and wanted to take the initiative

to make up with Mr. Thompson.

However, Mr. Thompson didn't answer the phone, which made Madam very uneasy.

Well, they did let Madam down, but they really had no choice.

Sighing, Silas rubbed his temples and replied, “Ms. Cohen, please don't shout at me. If Mr.

Thompson did not answer his phone, it must be because he was busy and inconvenient for

him to answer. That's why he asked me to answer the call for him.”

“Hmph, then why didn't you explain it from the beginning?” Lina grumbled unhappily.

Upon hearing that Shane didn't intentionally ignore her calls but was occupied with

something else, Natalie's heart settled a bit, and she breathed a sigh of relief. The pallor

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on her face gradually faded, and a flush of color returned.

She misunderstood him. Indeed, he must be very busy if he was not answering the phone.

How could he answer the phone when he was swamped with work?

She was overthinking, only focusing on the fact that they were currently giving each other

the silent treatment. Therefore, she assumed that Shane deliberately ignored her calls

without considering that he might be busy dealing with his work. It was her fault.

She had become paranoid.

When he returned, she would sincerely apologize to him.

Pondering for a moment, Natalie made a gesture to Lina, signaling her to not argue with

Silas for now. Then, she asked Silas on the other side of the phone, “Mr. Campbell, what is

Shane busy with? Has anything big happened? Please tell me, I need to know about

Shane's situation. If I don't, I'll feel uneasy.”

Noticing the concern and anxiety in Natalie's tone, Silas became serious as well. “Madam,

don't worry. Mr. Thompson is fine, and nothing has happened for now. Today, he just went

out to check on the equipment. As you know, we are about to have our final battle with

Sean, so naturally, we should start preparing for the equipment.”

“I see.” Natalie nodded, her heart finally at ease.

As long as Shane was safe and sound, she could be at ease.

“By the way, Madam, as Ms. Cohen mentioned just now, did you agree to listen to Mr.

Thompson and leave temporarily?” Silas suddenly asked at this moment.