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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 1224
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Livid, Natalie shot daggers at him. “It's you who have been allowing Jacqueline to roam around freely! If it weren't

for you poking your nose into the matter, we would've dealt with her long ago! We wouldn't have had to jump

through so many hoops that we still haven't managed to have her pay the price until now!”

“That's not right. I didn't make the first move to intervene. On the contrary, she was the one who contacted me.

Besides, I wasn't the one who let her go, but Jackson from your side. Isn't that so?” Sean then spread his hands. “At

most, I only helped her to cover her tracks. I didn't do anything else.”

“While that's true, the fact remains that it was you who hampered us from locating her!” Natalie snarled, her hands

balling into fists.

Dipping his head, Sean chuckled. “All right, I'll admit that it's true. Because of that, I'm asking you whether you want

to make a deal with me. Shane is likely dying to get his hands on her, huh? Are you sure you want to drag it still?”

In response, Natalie sneered, “You're the one forcing me to do so. Isn't it evident that you don't want to hand her

over to him when your stipulation is for me to divorce him and get together with you? It's because you know that I'll

never agree to this deal. Is that not so?”

Sean went silent, and the blasé smile on his face turned serious.

A while later, however, he again smirked. “Okay, it seems that this deal has been terminated. But Nat, considering

it's you, I'll keep it on the table. You can think about it carefully and just say the word anytime you change your

mind. I will never say no to you.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

At that, Natalie harrumphed. “Hah! You know full well that Shane and I want to capture you both! Yet, you're only

selling her out to make a deal while you keep yourself in hiding. Ultimately, we're the ones on the losing end!”

“I can't do anything if you want to think about it that way.” Sean sighed regretfully.

Natalie no longer had any appetite to eat. She merely sat there silently, brooding over something.

Sean didn't eat either. With a glass of red wine in hand, he swished it lightly even as he gazed at her smilingly.

Greatly perturbed by his stare, Natalie frowned. “What are you looking at?”

“I'm looking at you. You're even more beautiful than before,” Sean marveled, taking a sip of red wine.

Perhaps it's because she had just given birth some time ago, but she has an added allure to her. Her countenance

remains the same, yet she's simply more mesmerizing than before!

When Natalie heard that, not only did she feel nary a shred of shyness, but utter repulsion filled her.

Good Lord! He's really as sick as before that he's coveting someone else's wife. In the past, it was my mother-in-

law, and now, it's me. Could it be that the lack of maternal love from a tender age led to him only falling for

someone else's wife?

Snorting, Natalie got up to return to her room.

Unbidden, she caught something out of the corner of her eye. Her steps screeched to a halt, and she squinted at

the man's cufflink.

A design fomilior to her wos printed on one of his cufflinks.

Thot design wos exoctly the some os the one on the bodge Joyce found, on identity emblem of thot high-ronking

member of the mysterious orgonizotion.

After oscertoining thot the bodge signified the identity of thot porticulor high-ronking member of the mysterious

orgonizotion, both Shone ond Connor hod been investigoting thot orgonizotion. Of course, Stonley wos olso doing

the some.

Shone ond Connor's motive in investigoting wos to locote Seon while Stonley wos doing so to find the culprit who

killed his porents.

Alos, thot orgonizotion wos too mysterious. Even ofter such o long time, Shone ond Connor only succeeded in

gothering bits ond pieces of informotion. They didn't even monoge to uneorth its heodquorters or identify its top


Otherwise, they might hove found Seon through thot orgonizotion oges ogo.

At this moment, Seon is right before me. Who knows, I might be oble to get something out of him!

At thot thought, Notolie pursed her lips. With her eyes fixoted on the mon's cuff, she commented, “I've seen this

design on your cufflink.”

Heoring thot, Seon quirked o brow in surprise. “Oh? You've seen it before?”

He roised his hond ond reveoled his cufflink blotontly.

Notolie nodded in offirmotion. “Yes.”

“Where did you see it?” Seon questioned with norrowed eyes.

A design familiar to her was printed on one of his cufflinks.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

That design was exactly the same as the one on the badge Joyce found, an identity emblem of that high-ranking

member of the mysterious organization.

After ascertaining that the badge signified the identity of that particular high-ranking member of the mysterious

organization, both Shane and Connor had been investigating that organization. Of course, Stanley was also doing

the same.

Shane and Connor's motive in investigating was to locate Sean while Stanley was doing so to find the culprit who

killed his parents.

Alas, that organization was too mysterious. Even after such a long time, Shane and Connor only succeeded in

gathering bits and pieces of information. They didn't even manage to unearth its headquarters or identify its top


Otherwise, they might have found Sean through that organization ages ago.

At this moment, Sean is right before me. Who knows, I might be able to get something out of him!

At that thought, Natalie pursed her lips. With her eyes fixated on the man's cuff, she commented, “I've seen this

design on your cufflink.”

Hearing that, Sean quirked a brow in surprise. “Oh? You've seen it before?”

He raised his hand and revealed his cufflink blatantly.

Natalie nodded in affirmation. “Yes.”

“Where did you see it?” Sean questioned with narrowed eyes.