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CEO Husband's Crazy Love For His Little Wife

Chapter 675 (Devil's Marriage Trap) - Ace & Nina - Avoid men...!!!
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He always acted strict for Nina and Rose, but seeing her like this, his world shattered, and now he has no idea how to bring every broken piece and connect them again in her life.

If he knew one night of carelessness would harm his sister like this, he would've stopped her from going out that night; he took everything too lightly, But there was no if in human life, and he knew that better than anyone because life gave him only one chance. So he took advantage of life when life gave him an opportunity.

Yet when his sisters needed it in their life, he failed to give them.

Nina looked at the pearl of tears on her brother's face; she stepped closer and raised her hand. "Don't cry, brother; it's not your fault.” Nina knew Alina Martin did everything for her brother, but she would never blher brother, knowing her brother tried to stop her.

Still, she looked at the world with blind belief; she thought the world was black and white, but reality showed her world had many colors, and she was colorblind before the accident happened to her.

But Nina's words only made it worse; of course, David blamed himself for this, and he always would cause he failed to protect his sister's dignity as her brother and always blamed himself.

"Brother, | want to go where | can heal my heart; | don't want to stay here anymore.” Nina's sudden decision shocked everyone; this girl was a baby sister to them, and every decision in life would affect them as much as her.

"Where do you want to go? Brother will accompany you." David looked at Nina; he didn't question because he knew right now she needed the peace to heal her mind and her heart; she was just nothing but an 18-year-old kid, and her heart, which was full of purity now full of anger and sadness.

"Anywhere." Nina didn't know where she wanted to go, but she was sure of it. She wanted to go anywhere but to this country, where nightmares would always hunt her down whenever she closed her eyes.

"Do you want to go to Rose?" David suggested, hearing this name, Liam, who was behind them, flinched; he was already getting normal after Rose left; he reminded himself Rose had gone to study, but hearing this nagain, Liam couldn't keep calm in his heart.

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But he hid behind his expressionless eyes that he missed the surrounding girl.

"No, | don't want her to know about anything; it will make her leave everything and cbehind me; | don't want to affect her study, brother; | want to go to M country; | heard there is a fashion designer college, I'll take admission there." Suddenly Nina was talking like a grown-up girl who had just matured in a few nights.

Just a few days, yet this nightmare changed her entirely into another person; now David knows Nina will never be the sNina again, who would get angry if something did not go according to her wish.

She would not be stubborn about anything; she would be another person whom David never wanted her to be; he always thought made his two sisters the happiest person on earth, but reality taught them that happiness was hard, which comes with luck, and that the world will never go according to their way every time.

"Okay, brother will accompany you." David patted her hand; surprisingly, Nina didn't reject David or the other three brothers, yet whenever any male doctors cinto the cabin, she would hide or scream, losing control over her emotions.

So David changed all the doctors to female and changed any male helping hand in the hospital only for Nina so she wouldn't go through any pain.

David thought he could save Nina from any other disaster, but only twould tell him how wrong he was, and he could not turn the wheel of her fate and change the way of her destiny and suffering.

Inside David's cabin, David gave Liam and Alex a plan "Go with this; | want to see how much old man can protect that evil creature; since he hid her, let's make them suffer in every way; | want to end Martins slowly." The way they gave my sister slow pain, I'll get even slower their pain, they would live in fear when they would think how | would attack them; for now, we need to focus on Nina to heal her trauma; | need to bring her out from her trauma.” David knows since old master Martin hid Alina Martin for good, even if his team couldn't find her, that meant it would be futile to search for her right now, and it would be a waste of time, So he would attack the root once the root got weak. The tree would fall on its own, it might take time, but he was sure once he got on sdirt on Martin, it would be easier to take them down, He can't attack them directly because of the lack of evidence, nor does he want to spread to the world what happened to his sister, not because he is afraid, but because he knows Nina was afraid; their dad and mom's matter already caused great harm to his both sisters.

For now, he gave all his attention to Nina and made her face the world once again; until then, he would leave everything to Alex since Alex was enough to handle everything in his place.

"Also, Alex, did you find anything about the girl?" David touched his right hand with his left hand repeatedly when he asked it because the girl held his hand when he thought life would leave him.

But as if destiny wanted something else when for death, someone else appeared to hold his hand so tightly that he didn't even think once about death; for the first tin his life, someone cried for him as if it was her own life, someone who didn't even know him.

"Master, the CCTV was broken, and no one was there that night, so it's tough, but since you said she is around 16, | ordered our men to search every school and college around there. Also, | hired a man and sent him the photo they made for you, so it'll take a few days before | can give you any news." Alex didn't know what had happened to his master; his master never showed any desperation for anyone, and this girl was exceptional.

This girl's appearance seems to have changed many things in his master's life; if this were his master before the accident, his master would blow up the entire Martin family, but his master is taking it slow and sheepishly as if he doesn't want the military to cbehind his roots.

Who knows why, but he felt like this would change his master's life if they successfully found the girl.

But Alex didn't know at that tit would take two years to find the girl, and so much would happen in their lives between these two years.

After one week, the doctor discharged Nina from the hospital, and since David's wound was too severe, he had to take two doctors with them; he left S country's business on Liam and Alex's hands, But he could have had his way with Adam, Adam was stubborn about his wish, and no matter how much David refused not to calong and stay, the boy didn't listen to him at all and forcefully accompanied them.

David also knew how much Adam cared about Nina; if anyone had the right to be with her, it was Adam.

David always drowned him in work; Adam threw his work at Alex and accompanied Nina to all her school and college activities.

He always loved to pretend Nina's elder brothers, Nina and Adam, had the spersonality, they were both free bird people with no trouble in their hearts, but now Nina had changed, and she barely said 1 or 2 words to anyone.

If anyone could make her say anything, it was Adam, so David said little about it and brought both Nina and Adam to M country.

Unknown to him, he brought her to the place where her fate was connected, it was not her choice which got her there, but it was her fate which brought her to M country to prepare for her undeniable fate.

David brought her to the college to finish her admission process; he hired the best psychiatrist for Nina cause she always woke up every night with nightmares; day by day, her health was getting worse, and her health was not improving.

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Sometimes she would be dazed out and wouldn't even remember what she was doing; she always spent tin her room.

David had no choice but to let her be; he knew if he pressured her more, she would get sad; even Adam could not be much help; Nina was always avoiding crowds, especially men like they were the worst creatures on earth.

She always gets frightened if any man tries to approach her, even in college, she always avoids making friends, One night, David woke up frightened when Adam knocked on his door.

He kept knocking as the entire M country had fallen; David opened the door and saw him standing with a frightened expression.

"Nina..." Before Adam could say anything, David dragged his body into a wheelchair since his abdomen wound had yet to heal completely, and they both went to Nina's room.

David thought the snightmare again haunted her; at times like this, only David could control her, but he didn't know it was even more severe this time.

David saw she passed out in the bathroom and made a mess. It terrified Adam this time, and before he went to call David, he heard Nina vomiting in the bathroom.

He thought she had stomach trouble, but who knew it would be so severe? He didn't think she would pass out from this; David was not in the condition to carry her, so Adam carried her out and put her on the bed.

They called Nina's doctor, and the doctor crunning. Her pale face frightened the doctor. She looked white like a sheet, with no blood in her body.

The doctor hurriedly sent her to the medical room since David and Nina needed one, so David built it at hin case they needed it in an emergency.

The doctor has run stests on her and is waiting for the result. When the result cout, it shocked everyone to the core; they thought about every possibility but never thought about this possibility.

David stared at the report on his hand and clenched his other hand tight so he wouldn't lose control over his emotions.

Adam kicked away the chair and broke everything he found near his hand in frustration.

The doctors looked frightened; their actions and expression frightened them so much they didn’t dare to make a sound.