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Burning Passion: Love Never Die

Chapter 849
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Amidst passion’s confluence, Rhea‘s gaze fluttered open. After tonight Darin would try every means to kill Millie.

With dawn’s arrival, Millie stirred from slumber, stretching Languidly. Grasping her phone, she embarked on a digital journey, scouting for bus tickets to her childhood abode. Her grandmother’s desire for a return tugged at her heartstrings, urging swift action to refurbish the ancestral dwelling in anticipation of her grandmother’s homecoming.

Recognizing that prolonged vacancy could invite problems, such as leaks and the embrace of dampness, Millie’s resolve surged.

A call to her grandmother ensued, words laced with purpose as she declared her intent to restore the old abode. Joy burgeoned in her grandmother’s voice, and delight in the prospect was palpable.

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Next, an attempt to reach Marcus bore no fruit. Unperturbed, Millie wrote a note detailing her excursion to the countryside to oversee the old house herself.

Upon Millie’s arrival at the bus station, she gracefully embarked upon the coach, her choice falling upon a seat adjacent to the window, a spot that promised glimpses of the world’s passing tapestry.

Due to the lengthy and tiring journey back to her hometown, Millie decided to close her eyes and rest. In the preceding days, her body had been nearly drained by Marcus.

As Millie gently shut her eyes, a youthful gentleman stepped aboard the bus in tandem. With a graceful gesture, he hoisted his belongings onto the rack, all the while, his gaze serendipitously alighting upon Millie, a pleasant astonishment dancing within him.


Yet, the bus’s cacophony devoured his utterance, leaving Millie’s repose untouched. The young man’s approach yielded nothing. He went to take his seat.

An ebony-skinned figure followed suit, eyes deliberately tracing Millie’s form, Settling at the rear, his motives remained veiled. Unbeknownst to Millie, this silent theater played out.

Veering into somnolence, Millie drifted, ensnared by drowsiness, when abruptly, the coach’s journey halted.

“Why this pause?”

The question echoed through the bus’s confines.

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The driver relinquished his seat, standing resolute.

“An issue has arisen with the bus, necessitating a call for aid. You’ve endured hours of confinement; I encourage you to disembark and embrace the revitalizing outdoor air. Be cautious not to venture too far,” he articulated.

Murmurs danced like whispers in the wind, with the cessation of air conditioning conjuring a stifling interior. Passengers disembarked, seeking solace beneath the roadside’s canopy.

The tumult roused Millie. Bleary eyes met a tableau of passengers seated under the protective boughs, cooling beneath nature’s embrace.

“My grandchild awaitsat school; an unforeseen delay cloaks the bus. I must beckon my husband to retrieve him,” an elderly woman Lamented.

A symphony of questions accompanied the bus’s predicament. Millie, too, joined the exodus, the sun’s fierce gaze upon her awakening.

Amidst the shelter of a sprawling tree, an elder’s gesture extended towards her.

“Fair traveler, join this haven. Shade and coolness await,” her invitation sang, a refuge in nature’s arms.