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Burning Passion: Love Never Die

Chapter 590
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Kristina. Debbie didn’t think it a good idea to take that handbag with her into the toilet. Sof the snacks were not even packed in sealing bags. It would be unhygienic. Left with no choice, she could only turn to Hayden for help.

Hayden understood. He took her Luggage and urged, “Okay, go now. We’ll wait for you here.”

When Debbie got to the ladies’ room, she found that her period had come. She felt confused. She hadn’t eaten anything bad or done anything bad to her health recently. When did her menstrual circles becirregular? And the menstrual amount wasn’t normal either…

She wondered if anything was wrong with her body. If this continued, she thought she’d better go to the hospital to have a check-up.

When Debbie emerged from the ladies’ room, Hayden was on the phone.

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Seeing her cout, he didn’t return her Luggage but instead, walked straight out of the lobby, dragging her luggage behind him.

Debbie had wanted to take over her luggage, but since she was still wiping her wet hands with a tissue, she gave up the idea.

She tagged along with him to the exit of the airport. There, Hayden insisted on driving her back home no matter how she tried to turn him down. She told him she could take a taxi herself, but using the poor public security of Alorith as an excuse, he insisted on taking her back himself.

“C’mon Deb. It’s not safe out here. Just get in.”

In the end, Debbie reluctantly got in his car.

As bad timing would have it, Tristan, responding to Carlos’ orders to cpick Debbie up from the airport, had just arrived. He was supposed to get there before Debbie’s flight landed. However, due to the heavy snow in Alorith and a couple of car accidents on the way, his car had been stuck in the traffic jam for a few hours. He grew more and more annoyed the longer he was delayed. That was why he was late, and the moment he arrived, he saw Debbie getting into another man’s car.

In an instant, he unfastened his seatbelt and got out of his car, intending to call out to Debbie. But it was too late. Their car started and drove away as soon as Debbie and Hayden got in it.

Tristan hastily pulled out his phone to call Debbie, but voicemail was all he got for his trouble. Sighing helplessly, he got back in the car

Then he started the engine and followed their car.

Meanwhile, he called Carlos. As soon as the phone was connected,

Tristan reported to him in a cautious voice, “Carlos, Debbie… has gotten off the plane.”

“Okay,” Carlos simply responded. This was as expected. ‘Why do I feel a “but” coming?’ he thought.

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“But…” Tristan paused.

Hearing him stammering, Carlos frowned and asked, “But what?”

“It’s just that… I got stuck in a traffic jam so I got here late. I saw Debbie… get in Hayden’s car.” As he finished, he thought in his mind, ‘Jesus! No wonder Carlos askedto grab a contract that the

Gomez Group was bidding on.

I thought it had something to do with Debbie. And I’m right!”

There was a moment of silence on the phone. Tristan assumed that Carlos must be trying to compose himself. He could well imagine his boss with steam coming out of his ears.

“Stalk them and report everything to me,” Carlos coldly ordered.

“Yes, Carlos!”