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Bumpkin's Rich Handsome Husband

Chapter 51
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Chapter 51

Veronica was transferred overnight to Saint Hospital at 5:00AM.

She didn’t reject the arrangement because she knew that Tiffany was also in the same hospital at the

moment. If I‘m transferred to the same hospital, she‘ll definitely come to have a ‘talk‘ with me. By then, it will only be more convenient for me to gather more evidence.


Because of that, she initially didn’t dare to sleep as she was afraid that the Larson Family would try to

harm her again after failing to do so the last time.

From early morning until 8:00AM, Veronica felt extremely sleepy, but at the same time, she didn’t dare to

fall asleep.

Then, Matthew showed up in her ward.

“How are you feeling?”

He was now back to his usual cold, handsome self. His short hair was well-groomed and there were no

wrinkles on his suit, giving off the aura of his elegance.

When he approached her, she noticed the gauze wrapped around the back of his hand.

“Are you hurt?” It was rare for Veronica to speak to him in a calm manner.

It was not for any other reason; it was simply because Matthew rushed into the fire to save her yesterday.

She would always be grateful for what he did.

The man lowered his head and glanced at his bandaged hand unconcerned. “I’ve asked someone to

look into the two people who kidnapped you yesterday,” he uttered.

“Oh.” She hummed her reply without much emotion because… she knew that her two kidnappers were

of course taken away by her men. “Thank you for what you did yesterday.”

No matter what, she was still grateful to him.

While sitting on the nursing chair, Matthew couldn’t help but feel a little concerned when he looked at

Veronica lying on the bed with her eyes so heavy that it could

barely stay open.

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He thought that the reason why she didn’t dare to sleep was because of the shock she endured


When he looked at her tanned face, he found her particularly beautiful as she was now not as ugly as he

first thought she was. Maybe... she gets more beautiful the more I look at her.

Ever since last night, the image of Veronica on the bathroom floor had always showed up in Matthew’s

mind whenever he wasn’t thinking about something else.

At that moment, he felt as though his heart had almost stopped since he was stunned by the shock for a

little while.

He thought that she had died after inhaling the large amount of smoke that filled the bathroom.

When he reached out to her nose and made sure that she wasn’t dead, he felt like a huge weight had

been lifted from his heart.

To Matthew, what he did last night was probably the craziest thing he ever did in his life!

“Why did you show up in my house?” a curious Veronica asked.

“Xavier told me that you were missing, so I went over there to find you,” he answered.

After nodding her head, she asked again, “Why did you save me yesterday?”

She originally expected an explanation from him, but he coldly uttered, “It was a fireman who saved you.”

“It wasn’t you?” Veronica furrowed her brows as she couldn’t understand why Matthew refused to admit

to it.

“You’re not worthy of me saving you.” The man lifted his eyes, revealing his


Looking at his cold attitude, she began to question herself. Was it really not him who saved me

yesterday? If it wasn‘t him, where did the wound on the back of his hand come from?

After that, Matthew rose to his full height and left the ward with a cold face.

Thomas, who was guarding outside the ward, closed the door and left after Matthew.

Looking back at Veronica’s ward, Thomas couldn’t help but feel confused. “Young Master Matthew, you

clearly saved Miss Murphy yesterday. Why won’t you admit to


When he rushed to the scene and saw his own boss carrying Veronica out of the fire, he was completely

left dumbfounded.

He was so shocked that his mouth was gaping because in his memory, his boss wouldn’t risk his life for


The moment his words came out, Matthew paused in his footsteps and he turned to stare at Thomas.

Those sharp eyes were enough to send shivers down Thomas’ spine as he couldn’t help but take a gulp

of his saliva.

“This matter ends here.” Matthew warned him never to mention it again.

After that, the man went straight to Elizabeth’s ward.

As for Thomas, he stood and watched his boss back as he understood that Matthew just didn’t want to

admit to his passive feelings. Maybe his pride is preventing him from accepting the fact that he has fallen

in love with an ugly and ordinary girl from the countryside.

After entering the ward, Matthew could see Elizabeth on the bed receiving the drip treatment.


Seeing the gauze wrapped around his wound, she asked, “What happened to you? Why is your hand


“I accidentally burned myself,” he answered casually.

“You’re an adult now, so you should be more careful. Oh, dear.” Elizabeth sighed before looking at the

intravenous drip. “How long do I have to stay here?”

“The blood clot in your brain hasn’t dissipated, so you’ll need to stay here for a while.”

“Where’s Veronica? She promised that she would come to visit me, so where is she?” The moment she

mentioned Veronica, she cast a scrutinizing gaze on Matthew. “Did you do something to anger her and

make her leave?”

The man’s dashing face darkened while a hint of resignation surfaced.

“Tiffy has left too,” he uttered.

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It felt as though he was asking why Elizabeth didn’t say anything when he allowed Tiffany to leave.

“Now that Tiffy is gone, you can ask Veronica to come and visit me. Otherwise, I’ll be bored.”

When Veronica previously stayed at the Kings Residence for a few days, the two of them had mingled

with each other well. Elizabeth was particularly satisfied with Veronica’s simple and frank personality.

However, Matthew couldn’t understand why she had liked Veronica that much, but in order to allow

Elizabeth to properly recuperate, he could only lie, “She’s away on a business trip.”

The doctor had instructed Elizabeth to be on bed rest for a week and not to move because of the brain

hemorrhage. On top of that, she must not allow herself to be angry, so lying was the only way for


“Hmph, I may be old, but my brain is still functional. Veronica doesn’t have a job, so why does she have

a business trip?”

“She went to work in Xavier’s company.”

“What? She went to Xavier’s company? Oh my, that boy isn’t reliable at all. He may end up deceiving

that silly girl. Why don’t you arrange for her to work in your company?”

Matthew was rendered speechless. I don‘t think I have ever seen her this concerned about me before. “Not everyone can join the Spinfluence Group,” he uttered coldy while crossing his legs. With his head

down, he looked at the company’s information that was sent to his phone.

Unexpectedly, his words angered Elizabeth, so she slapped his arm and roared, “What are you saying?

Veronica is my goddaughter. What’s the problem? Do my words not mean anything anymore? Am I no

longer the head of the Kings Family?!”

A manchild was probably the best way to describe her as she would throw a tantrum from time to time

like a child.

While raising his dark brows, Matthew had no choice but to say, “After you are

discharged from the hospital, you can do whatever you want.”

“That’s more like it.” Elizabeth grunted coldly with an arrogant gesture as if she had just won their


Knock! Knock!

Then, a bodyguard came and knocked on the door.

When Matthew came out, the bodyguard said to him, “Young Master Matthew, Miss Murphy said that she

wants to be discharged from the hospital.”