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Bumpkin's Rich Handsome Husband

Chapter 34
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Chapter 34

When Veronica, who was resting on the boil, saw Elizabeth, she immediatcly sat up. “Old Mrs. Kings.”

Out of courtesy, Veronica still called her ‘Old Mrs. Kings:

Naturally, Veronica knew deep down that Matthew and Tiffany could get engaged because they had

gotten Elizabeth’s consent.

When she was pregnant, Elizabeth never allowed Tiffany to enter the Kings Residence, but at this

moment, things weren’t as they should be.

Veronica didn’t know whether it was because Elizabeth couldn’t convince Matthew, or if she was two-


Elizabeth was dressed in a black velvet dress. Despite being over 70 years old, with short curly hair and

light makeup, she still had an outstanding temperament.

She walked to her bedside and looked at the frail Veronica. Although she was a little distressed, she was

also dissatisfied. “Even though Matthew is engaged to Tiffany, you shouldn’t have gotten rid of your child

this way.”

The child in her womb was the great-grandson of the Kings Family, and Elizabeth had been looking

forward to it for many years.

It took a lot of effort for them to have a child; no one thought that in the end, it was futile.

Although Veronica liked Elizabeth, she was undoubtedly upset when she heard the statement.

With pale lips, she leaned against the head of the bed. The corners of her lips curled up, and she smiled

coldly. “Old Mrs. Kings you think that I should have given birth to the child?”

Veronica never considered herself to be a reproduction tool.

Although in order to find out the truth behind the car accident and to treat her adoptive father, she could

use the child in her womb as a ‘sacrifice’, she knew that the Kings Family would never treat the child in

her abdomen badly.

But, who would’ve thought that Matthew would end up getting engaged to Tiffany!

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She absolutely couldn’t accept leuing her child call Tiffany ‘mom’ after it was born!


Elizabeth felt apologetic toward Veronica, but she couldn’t help sighing. “Sigh, although I’m upset that

you got rid of the child, I sort of understand you. You’re a good girl-much better than Tiffany. But, I’m

getting old, so I can’t make decisions about marriage matters anymore. Matthew just doesn’t have the


Hearing what Elizabeth said earlier made Veronica feel a little unhappy, but since Elizabeth was willing to

voice it all out, Veronica did indeed seel slightly at case.

“I’m not worthy of Matthew, and I don’t have the expectation to marry into the Kings Family,” Veronica

answered truthfully.

Elizabeth stared at her, feeling puzzled. “So many women want to marry into the Kings Family. You’re the

first one I’ve met to not want that.”

Veronica had stayed at the Kings Residence with Elizabeth for three days.

During those three days, Elizabeth originally wanted Veronica to conceive the eldest grandson of the

Kings Family, but she didn’t expect that spending time together those three days had made her develop

a liking toward this diligent and genuine girl.

She glanced back at the housekeeper behind her, who then stepped forward and handed something to


“Veronica, I know that you’re a good child, but your expenses are tight, and you even have to treat your

parents. This money can be regarded as the Kings Family’s compensation to you.”

After saying that, Elizabeth expressed her sincere apologies. “Although you and Matthew sleeping

together was a mistake, at the end of the day, you’re innocent.”

Of course, she was unhappy that the unborn child was gone, but there was no getting it back. Even if

she was angry with Veronica, the child wouldn’t return.

Moreover, Veronica was an outsider who only got involved because of a misunderstanding.

“No. There’s no need for that.”

Veronica thought that Elizabeth had come to punish her; she didn’t expect that she had come to make it

up to her.

“Old Mrs. Kings, uyi IT POUI, TUUL… parents. As for this…”

Veronica handed the check back to Elizabeth. “You should take it back. I won’t use it.”

“Is it too little?”

Elizabeth shot her a distasteful glare.

“The child is gone, so I no longer have any involvement with the Kings Family Hence, there’s no need for

me to accept any ‘favors’ from the Kings family.”

“What do you mean ‘favors’? It’s just a little compensation. If you don’t accept it, I won’t feel at ease.”

“If I accept it, I would be the one feeling ‘uneasy?”

Stuffing the check into the housekeeper’s hand, Veronica said to Elizabeth, “Old Mrs. Kings, I’m very

happy that you came to see me today, but… I’m a little tired and want to sleep.”

She was indirectly asking her to leave.

Now, Veronica just wanted to sever her relationship with the Kings Family.


Elizabeth was quite helpless, so she could only nod her head and agree. “Okay, then. Have a good rest.”

She got up, and the housekeeper came over to help.

“Have a good rest and take care of yourself, Veronica,” she exhorted solemnly. “Since you’ve suffered

from a miscarriage, you must take care of your body. After all, you are a girl.”

“Thank you, Old Mrs. Kings.”

From Elizabeth’s questioning’ since she came in just now to her current concern, Veronica felt as if she

was on a roller coaster.

Nevertheless, at least she knew that Elizabeth was a sensible person.

Before leaving, Elizabeth said, “About this matter, the Kings Family owes you. If at

any point you need any help, just give me a call. I’ll definitely help you if I can.”

“Okay. I appreciate your thoughts, Old Mrs. Kings.”

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Veronica didn’t take her words to heart. After experiencing so many things recently, Veronica just wanted

to be alone for a while.

The doctor said that she suffered from severe bleeding after taking the medicine that day and needed to

be hospitalized for a few days before she could go home to slowly recuperate.

However, Veronica had lingering fears.

As she impulsively wanted to get rid of the child that day, she overdosed on the medicine, but she didn’t

expect it to almost kill her.

Fortunately, she didn’t die. Otherwise, her adoptive parents would have suffered.

In the next few days, Xavier came over to have dinner with her almost every day, staying for two hours

before leaving.

During this period, Veronica deliberately went to the garden at the back of the hospital to send a video to


The garden had a nice view and looked like a park, so she lied that she was on a business trip and video

called her adoptive mother when she took a walk in the park.

After being hospitalized for a week, Veronica went through the procedures for her discharge.

Carrying her luggage out after being discharged from the hospital, she found Xavier in a car waiting for

her at the entrance of the hospital.

Dressed in gray casual clothes, he wore silver-gray sunglasses, and he held a bouquet of flowers in his

arms. “Congratulations on your discharge.”

“Why are you here?”

Veronica was a little surprised to see Xavier.

She didn’t tell anyone about her discharge from the hospital today, so how could Xavier possibly know?

“As long as I want to find out, there’s nothing I wouldn’t know.”

Xavier took the luggage from Veronica’s hand, stuffed the flowers into her hand, and smoothly wrapped

his arms around her shoulders, as if they were buddies. “Now that you’re discharged, what do you plan

to do? You’ve already quit your job at Twilight Club, right? Do you want to consider working at my
