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Bumpkin's Rich Handsome Husband

Chapter 18
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Chapter 18

“Oh, you‘re right.”

Suddenly coming to a realization, Xavier took off his coat and sunglasses before restyling his short blow–

dried hair into a more ordinary hairstyle in the rearview mirror of the car. Once he was done, he raised

his eyebrows and looked at Veronica. “How‘s this?”

“It‘s not bad.”

“Then, let‘s go.” Saying that, Xavier opened the car door and took out four supplements from the inside.

“Why are you still bringing things?” Veronica was about to take him to the grocery store to buy a fruit

basket. She had not expected him to come prepared.

“What kind of boyfriend visits his future mother–in–law without bringing any gifts?” Xavier raised his

eyebrows at her with a smile.

“All right, I‘ll transfer the money to you later, then.”

“It‘s fine.”

The two entered Saint Hospital together. On the way, Xavier asked about Veronica‘s adoptive parents

and took the opportunity to find out her birthday as well. Although he said it was to ensure he didn‘t slip

up in front of her mother later, he actually just wanted to know more about her.

Even if everyone thought Veronica was a little ugly, Xavier felt that Veronica was genuine, calm, and did

not try to butter up to him; she was unique in her own way.

After reaching the 21st floor of the inpatient department, Veronica took Xavier into the ward and

announced, “Mom, I‘m here with your food.”

Xavier walked in with Veronica. When he saw Daniella, he contained his playboy demeanor and naturally

flashed a polite smile at Daniella. “Mrs. Murphy, I‘m Roni‘s boyfriend, Xavier. I just came back from a

business trip, so please forgive me for only being able to visit you now.”

Daniella glanced at Xavier. He was dressed in a white shirt and slacks with short black hair and

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handsome features, and he looked like a capable and neat man.

“Oh, you could‘ve just showed up without bringing anything. Come, leave your things there and have a

seat.” Daniella pointed to the sofa and asked Xavier to sit, while she took a seat next to him. “Your name

is Xavier, right?”

“Yes, Mrs. Murphy.”

In the past, Xavier always had the air of an unruly and cheeky delinquent. Whenever he sat on a sofa, he

would habitually cross his legs and spread his arms on the back of the sofa, as though he were a


This time, however, in front of Daniella, he was sitting upright and had hidden away his usual rough

expression. It was like he had become a new person.

“How did such a handsome and mannered boy start liking my daughter? You‘re here to pretend to be

Veronica‘s boyfriend, aren‘t you?”

As expected of the woman who raised Veronica, she saw through their ruse at a glance.

Veronica‘s heart skipped a beat as she held her breath for Xavier, worried that he would spoil the act.

“Mrs. Murphy, I don‘t like it when people say things like that. I‘ve never been the type of person who

judges people by their appearance. Though Roni‘s looks aren‘t extraordinary, I like her for her kind



“Of course.”

“Then, have you two thought about when you want to get married?”

All of a sudden, Daniella jumped to conclusions. Veronica wasn‘t sure if Daniella was truly worried that

she would not be able to get married, or if she was trying to take Xavier by surprise and find out his true


“Oh, Mom, how can you ask Xavier this question at your first meeting?” Veronica was speechless.

“Be quiet, I‘m talking to Xavier,” Daniella scolded.

Xavier glanced at Veronica and subconsciously rubbed his hands, feeling a little nervous; he had not felt

this way in many years. He smiled politely. “Mrs. Murphy, marriage is something I need to discuss with

Veronica. We don‘t need to hurry.”

“Okay, stop acting.” Daniella patted Xavier on the shoulder and said, “I already know that my daughter

with her ‘ugly‘ face is not worthy of you.” This guy in front of me, he‘s a talented man. Although he‘s

dressed in simple clothes, he naturally emanates a strong aura. It‘s obvious that he‘s not an ordinary


“Mom…” Veronica felt like she was about to cry. She didn‘t expect Daniella to see through their lie so


“All right.” Xavier shrugged helplessly before he sighed. “Since Mrs. Murphy already knows, I won‘t

pretend anymore.” He stood up and walked toward Veronica.

Just as Veronica was about to scold Xavier, he suddenly stopped in front of her and said, “Since Mrs.

Murphy is here today, I‘ll confess to you again. Veronica, l‘ve liked you for a long time. Can you be my

girlfriend? Although I look unreliable, I‘ll use my actions to prove to you that I am worthy of your trust.”

Veronica‘s eyes widened; she was stunned by the sudden reversal. Damn it, what‘s Xavier doing now?

Just as she was dumbfounded, Xavier squinted his eyes and signaled a look at her. It was only then that

she understood he was “acting”!

“Huh? … I…” Wittily, Veronica went along with him. “Xavier, I just asked you to pretend to be my

boyfriend. Don‘t do this. We really aren‘t a good match for each other.”


“We‘ll find out once we start dating. I‘m really not a person who judges people by their appearance. For

Mrs. Murphy‘s sake today, I hope you can give me a chance.”

“Forget it. We can only be friends. I‘m not good enough for you.”

Suddenly, Xavier grabbed her hand and knelt down on one knee, taking out a square box from his

pocket. “I‘ve seen enough beautiful girls, but you are different. Although you‘re not pretty enough, you‘re

kind–hearted, hardworking, and motivated. Someone like you is hard to come by. Roni, can you please

be my girlfriend?”

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His abrupt move was paired with a velvet box, where a beautiful and delicate necklace with a four–leaf

clover pendant lay inside. Every word that he uttered seemed to come from the bottom of his heart, and

even his gaze was sincere.

If Xavier had not signaled at Veronica with his eyes earlier, she almost would have thought that he was

really confessing to her.

His acting skills could get him into Hollywood.

“Wow, a hot guy is confessing.”

“He‘s so handsome. If someone like him likes such a mediocre girl, it must be true love.”

“I‘m so jealous. I want a boyfriend like that too.”

Because the ward door wasn‘t closed, several nurses who came back from lunch happened to run into

this scene. They stopped in front of the ward and even held up their phones to record the moment. The

nurses were also familiar with Veronica as they met every day after all.

“Veronica, hurry up and say yes.”

“He‘s so kind to you. Just say yes already.”

“That‘s right. Once you miss this chance, you‘ll never get another opportunity like this again.”

The nurses who stopped to watch jumped around excitedly, looking more thrilled than Veronica.

Seeing that, Daniella, who was sitting on the sofa, put on a cordial smile and said, “Veronica, I think that

Xavier truly loves you. Why don‘t you… try to date him?”

Daniella thought that Xavier was not a bad person from the way that he didn‘t feel disgusted by such an

“ugly” face. Perhaps Veronica could try dating him, and when the time came to meet his parents, she and

Tony should have already been discharged from the hospital. Then, Veronica would no longer have to

pretend to be ugly in front of the Larson Family, and she could also use her real face to meet Xavier‘s

parents and secure a marriage.

“Mom, I…” It was only then that Veronica understood Daniella was truly worried for her that she wouldn‘t

be able to find a boyfriend with an ugly face, and was in a hurry to pair her with a man.

With a pout, she looked at Xavier helplessly and asked, “Then… should we try dating?”