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Bring Your A Game, Mr

Chapter 94
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Chapter 94 Since We’re All Here

Elise’s cheeks turned beet red. She wanted to explain herself, but she ended up going along with

Alexander’s words since she didn’t know what else to say. “Yeah. Since I’m here, let’s confirm some of

the details regarding our partnership, Mr. Smith.”

Tiffany Smith, who was sitting beside Alexander, didn’t seem pleased by Elise’s suggestion. “You agreed

to sing a few songs with me today, Alexander! Since we’re out for some fun, let’s not talk about work-

related matters, okay?”

“That’s right! Let’s not talk about work as it’s pretty rare for us to spend our leisure time together. Since

Miss Sinclair is here, let’s all have a few drinks together! We’ll enjoy ourselves, just for tonight!” Theodore

said with a wide grin.

However, Alexander merely smirked after hearing their words. “I’m sure you know that Miss Sinclair

owns the largest portion of Griffith Group’s shares now, Mr. Smith. Whatever Miss Sinclair says should

take precedence. Since she’s here today, I don’t think it would be right for me to use work as an excuse

to enjoy myself.”

Theodore quickly understood what Alexander meant. “All of us are really busy with work in the daytime,

Miss Sinclair. It’s such a rare opportunity for us to relax a little! Why don’t we have a few drinks before we

start our discussion? We can talk about our companies’ partnership a while later.” Theodore chuckled

and glanced at Elise before he reached over and held onto her arm. He led her to a spot beside

Alexander. Elise was about to protest, but Theodore didn’t give her the chance to say anything. He

simply called for the waiter and ordered a few more bottles of alcohol.

Elise shot Alexander a glance, only to see him gazing at her with a rather enigmatic look in his eyes.

Something seemed to click in her mind at that very moment. “Mr. Smith, don’t you think we should settle

our contract before having our drinks? We’d be able to enjoy even more that way!”

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Ultimately, Theodore was too impatient to listen to Elise’s constant talk about their partnership and the

contract. He finally gave in. “Miss Sinclair. Will we get to enjoy our drinks and music once we sign this


She nodded. “Of course! We can only say that we’ve formed a partnership once we sign the contracts,

right? I’ll only feel safer once we document our agreement in black and white.”

“Fine, Miss Sinclair! Hand me the contract. We’ve pretty much discussed all of the details with your

company, so I’m sure the contract will look fine to me. We can sign it now,” Theodore uttered impatiently.

Elise hadn’t expected Theodore to be so compliant. After sending Alexander a glance, she pulled a

contract out of her office bag and handed it over to Theodore. “Take a look at this, Mr. Smith.”

Theodore directly flipped to the last page of the contract and scribbled his signature on it. “There! We’re

done now, aren’t we, Miss Sinclair?”

The smile on Elise’s face blossomed like a flower. “Of course, Mr. Smith! Cheers.” She held a glass up

and clinked it against Theodore’s before she finished her entire drink. A grin spread across Theodore’s

face. “You’re an independent woman indeed, Miss Sinclair. I respect you for that.” He finished his drink

before he turned to glance at Alexander. “Miss Sinclair is no regular woman, huh, Mr. Griffith? I hesitated

for a long while as I was uncertain if I wanted to sign the contract, yet it only took her a few sentences to

convince me to sign the papers. She’s a special lady indeed.”

“You must be joking, Mr. Smith. Of course, Miss Sinclair is the central figure of Griffith Group, but I’m

sure it was her sincerity that made you so willing to sign the contract,” Alexander replied politely.

Theodore chuckled once more. “It’s more than that! To be honest, one reason I agreed to this is because

of my precious sister. Her feelings toward you are so obvious that even I, as her brother, couldn’t bear to

stand around and watch her! I had to do something!”

Tiffany seemed rather embarrassed by his words. “What are you talking about, Theodore?!” Theodore

hastily stopped himself from saying anything else. “Alright! I won’t make any further comments! You know

yourself best.”

When Tiffany shifted her gaze toward Alexander, her cheeks were as red as a tomato. Her large, shining

eyes were fixed upon Alexander’s side profile as she spoke. “You don’t need to listen to my brother,

Alexander. You’ve always occupied a large space in my heart.”

Alexander narrowed his eyes. “Are you saying that I’ve gained weight, Miss Smith? You make me sound

as if I’m taking up all of the space in there.” He spoke in a rather playful tone, and it managed to resolve

the awkward atmosphere that had built up in the room. “I guess you could think of it that way,” Tiffany

said with a soft giggle.

I don’t think I’m needed here, Elise thought. At that moment, she received a call from Samantha, which

gave her the perfect reason to excuse herself. “I have other matters to handle, Mr. Griffith. I should leave


Theodore stopped her the moment she finished speaking. “I’d feel rather offended if you left, Miss

Sinclair. You’re asking to leave when you just sat down! Did you just come here to sign the contract? Are

you ignoring me now that the paperwork is done?”

“You’ve misunderstood me, Mr. Smith. That’s not what I meant to do at all.” Elise hastily attempted to

clear her name.

He interrupted her words. “If that’s not what you meant to do, then you shouldn’t be in a rush to leave.

Let’s have a couple more drinks.” Elise had no choice at this point. She gave Alexander a pleading stare

hoping that he would intervene, but he merely smirked at her without saying anything.

In the end, Elise could only send Samantha a text explaining the situation she was caught in. Minutes

later, Samantha showed up with Riley and Mikayla beside her. The three of them rushed into the room.

“Are you okay, Elise?!” Samantha cried.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

The sight of three young and pretty ladies made Theodore’s eyes widen. “Could these girls be your

friends, Miss Smith?” he asked with a broad smile on his face. Samantha simply strode toward Elise

before grabbing her arm. “Let’s leave now, Elise.”

Elise felt a weight lift off her shoulders as she took the first few steps to head out of the room. However,

Theodore stopped them before that could happen. “Since you ladies are here, why don’t you guys just

join our room? It’s more fun than just a few of you girls being together in a room—all of us would enjoy

more company!”

Without any hesitation, Samantha stepped forward to protect Elise. “We’re not interested in joining you

guys! You look like someone with bad intentions!”

Elise felt the urge to give Samantha a thumbs up. It was the first time anyone had ever criticized

Theodore for having bad intentions, and for some odd reason, he found himself attracted to Samantha’s

personality. “Hey, young lady. We’re all out here for some fun. Do you have to make me sound so bad?

Since we got the chance to bump into one another, why don’t we exchange our phone numbers?”

Samantha’s face darkened as she felt she was being teased by the man. “I’m not interested in

exchanging numbers. Let’s go, Elise.”

Theodore was about to stop them again, but Alexander called him just in time. “Let’s have a drink now,

Mr. Smith.” Theodore didn’t wish to reject Alexander in front of everyone—he had no choice but to lift his

cup for a drink with Alexander. By the time Elise and the rest of them left, only the three of them were left

in the room.

Initially, Tiffany’s plan had been to spend some quality time with Alexander. However, after the incident

with Elise, Alexander only seemed colder toward Tiffany than before. Tiffany had had no choice but to

ask her brother for help. All along, Theodore understood Tiffany’s intentions—he had been delaying the

partnership with Griffith Group precisely because he wanted to create more opportunities for his sister.

However, he hadn’t expected to sign the contract after talking to Elise for just a few minutes.

Theodore couldn’t tell what was going through Alexander’s mind, so he tried his luck with an invitation to

drink. “Mr. Griffith, we managed to sign the contract tonight, but we haven’t gotten a chance to enjoy

ourselves yet. Why don’t we switch to another spot for more drinks? Tiffany can have a few more drinks

with you—how does that sound?”