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Bring Your A Game, Mr

Chapter 851
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Chapter 851

"I am just an elementary student who failed my exam. What can I do, Mr. Zorn?"

Irvin's big and clear eyes blinked, making the boy look completely harmless.

Fenris stared at Irvin for a good minute as he gave it a thought, and eventually decided he was

overthinking things.

What can a little punk like Irvin do to the computer system anyway?

Still, it irked Fenris to see that apathetic attitude Irvin was displaying.

"You." Fenris narrowed his eyes and rudely instructed Irvin, "Stand in the corridor outside. Don't come

in without my permission."

Irvin, however, only continued to sit there. "Teachers aren't allowed to physically punish students, Mr.

Zorn. If you insist on that, the Department of Education will receive a report I will file on you when I get

out of here. Are you sure you want to do this?"

Fenris was delighted when he heard Irvin's question. With his hands behind his back, he took a proper

look at the boy before he let out a disdainful look. "Instead of picking up the good things, you have

learned to threaten people despite being a child, huh? Go on and file a report. We will see whether the

government officials would choose to believe an unruly bully who beat up his classmates or a teacher,

who is in the top 10. You are nothing I can't handle. Now get out!"

A small frown appeared on Irvin's young face then. As he glared at Fenris, he quickly took the chance

when Fenris was distracted to throw Alexia a knowing look, which the girl immediately understood.

Solemnly nodding, she followed his instruction and pressed 'enter' on the keyboard.

"Mr. Zorn!" The subordinate sitting in front of the computer finally lost his mind the next second.

"Something has happened! Please take a look at this!"

"What is with all this fuss just because the files can't be deleted? You can just manually leave a note on

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this…" Fenris grumbled while walking over.

However, he was greeted by a series of flickering codes all over the computer screen the moment he

stood beside his subordinate. The school's strictly-business computer system had turned into a

warzone for codes in that instant.

At that point, Fenris couldn't help worrying as well, but he managed to put on a calm façade. "Why are

you still sitting there? It is obvious this is a virus attack. Go get someone to fix this!"

"I am on my way, sir!"

Seeing this was his chance to leave this place, the subordinate was out of the room in the blink of an


With that, only the White siblings and Fenris were left in the office to glare at each other.

The older man then went to sit in front of his computer as he grumpily moved the cursor in his attempt

to fix the computer. However, he couldn't get the computer to react no matter what he did.

Seeing Fenris' comical expression, Alexia accidentally let a small laugh slip before she quickly covered

her hands over her mouth.

Fortunately, it was only loud enough for the siblings to hear her.

Irvin quickly shook his head at her, gesturing at her to not make a sound. He then took the initiative to

walk to the desk and offered his help. "Mr. Zorn, I know how to fix computers. Do you want my help?"

Fenris turned around when he heard the words. Lowering his head and pushing his glasses sitting on

the bridge of his nose up, he rolled his eyes at the boy. "You? Playing games, maybe. But you are

saying you can get rid of the virus? Stop joking around."

"Well, does this mean we can stay if I fix it?" Irvin confidently stated his intention.

Fenris was invested as soon as he heard that. "Sure," he unhesitantly agreed. "If you repair it, not only

will I let you stay, but will also let you be a computer teacher in the school."

"I am not interested in being a teacher. You just need to expel your grandson publicly if I fix it," Irvin


Fenris was about to lose his temper again when he heard the boy's words, but he held it in, and only

smilingly huffed. "Fine. But if you can't do it, I will have you expelled and have your family be

responsible for the repair fees of the computer you have touched. Would you still want to give it a try?"

"Why not?" Irvin had been waiting for this exact moment. After saying that, he stretched out an arm.

"Let us shake hands to seal the deal. Real men don't go back on their word. With this hand shake,

neither of us can break this promise."

Alexander, who was outside the door, stopped in his tracks when he heard those words.

"Alright." Fenris stood up and shook Irvin's hand. "It is a deal!"

"Please stand up, then." Irvin didn't hold back.

"Hah, that is a pretty convincing act you are putting on." Fenris unwillingly got up from the chair and

stood aside. "Let's see how much longer you can act arrogant for."

Irvin languidly blinked as he sat down in front of the computer desk. The moment his fingers met the

keyboard, he seemed as though he had been possessed by a spirit. Even the air around him felt

different in that instant.

As his warm palms hovered over the keyboard, he typed so fast Fenris thought he was looking at an


The sound of the keyboard was ceaseless. Fenris hurriedly took off his glasses, wiped the lenses hard

twice, and put them on again. By then, Irvin's hands had gotten even faster. Fenris even thought he

saw four hands moving.

After two minutes, Irvin forcefully tapped on the 'enter' key, making a clicking sound. He then threw the

keyboard to the side and coolly stood up.

At the same time, the garbled characters on the computer slowly shrank, and finally turned into a bright

line before it disappeared from the screen. The original school computer system was restored at last.

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Fenris sat on the seat in disbelief. He moved the mouse, only to find that it was operational again.

Bewildered, he peered at Irvin. "Y-You…"

He continued to stammer as he hadn't thought about what to ask.

Fenris wondered if Irvin was even human when the latter, who was only a child, actually solved the

problem that the computer firewall could not solve in such a short period of time.

Even though Irvin and Ymir were of the same age, Irvin had gotten rid of a computer virus so easily,

whereas Fenris' own grandson was still sleeping in the same bed as his mother. The more Fenris

compared them, the angrier he got.

"What?" Irvin started to collect the prize from their deal. "You are the one who is supposed to keep your

promise now, Mr. Zorn. According to our deal, you will expel Ymir after I fix the computer. You should

start with deleting his files now. The student information system is being displayed on the screen now.

Please do it."

Fenris immediately came back to his senses upon hearing that, and he guiltily turned his head as he

played dumb.

After all, Cittadel International Elementary School was the best school in Cittadel. Anyone expelled

from here would never have the chance for a re-enrolment. Fenris couldn't possibly put an end to their

family legacy, where every member of the Zorns were graduates of this school.

Besides, there was no surveillance in this room or a fourth person who could act as witness to the deal

earlier. It wasn't like two children could do anything if he were to deny having made a deal.

At the thought of this, Fenris instantly stood tall and confident again. "Who said anything about

expelling Ymir? You are the one I wanted to expel from the start, Irvin White."

Despite that, Irvin only calmly asked, "Mr. Zorn, are you going to go back on your word again?"

"Say what you will." Fenris proudly raised his chin. "You can only blame it on the fact that you are not

the vice-principal. I am the law in this school!"

He had just declared that when Alexander's voice rang out from outside the door.

"You sure are a man of power, Mr. Zorn."