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Bring Your A Game, Mr

Chapter 107
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Chapter 107 The Griffith Group Split-Up

On the day of Jack’s press conference for his new song, Mikayla successfully dragged Elise over to the

event. Jack’s new song was to be released at 2.00PM, but the entire hall was already filled with people

at 12.00. Most of the people were Jack’s fans from all over the country. With the tickets in her hand,

Mikayla led Elise to the entrance. Jack’s tickets were front-row spots, and Mikayla was extremely excited

when she found out that she was seated in the second row. “I’m so close to my husband. I’ll get to see

him in close proximity later!”

Elise wasn’t interested in the entire event, so she simply pulled her phone out. At that moment, she saw

a local news article that was recommended to her. She didn’t pay much attention to it at first, but when

she saw that the title of the article had the words ‘Griffith Group’, she looked at it for a second time before

tapping on it.

The article’s title read, ‘The Griffith Group Split-Up—Have all of the core technical staff left the

company?’ A bad feeling emerged in Elise’s chest when she saw the article, and the look on her face

only turned grimmer as she continued to scroll down with one finger on her screen.

At the very same time, reporters were huddled right outside Griffith Group, and all of them had their eyes

fixed on the main entrance. They were afraid that they’d miss out on the exclusive news and events.

Soon enough, a bunch of people walked out with Matthew leading the pack. The reporters immediately

charged toward them. “Young Master Matthew, is your announcement true? Are you really cutting all ties

with Griffith Group? Are you going to go independent and leave the Griffith Family completely?” one


“Young Master Matthew, you’re taking away all of the core technical staff of Griffith Group, and you’ll

cause Griffith Group a major loss. Do you feel like this is rather immoral of you?” another asked.

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“Griffith Group is a large family, and you’re one of them. Yet, you seem to be attempting to destroy the

harmony of the family—could you be facing your own struggles that you’re hiding from the public?

Please answer our questions, Young Master Matthew.”

The reporters bombarded him with questions, and Matthew simply turned to the camera before curling

his lips into a sinister smirk. “I think everything that happened between the Griffith Family needs to come

to an end today. Today, I am officially leaving the Griffith Group and its Board of Directors. I’ll no longer

play a role in this company. Aside from that, Global Trading Co. will also have its official opening today!

From today onward, I hope to learn as much as I can from everyone.”

After he finished speaking, Matthew led the rest of his men as they sauntered out of the company. His

actions were extremely bold, and the staff members of Griffith Group were all nervous because of the

incident. Alexander watched the entire live stream from his office on the top floor, but his expression

didn’t reveal any hint of emotion.

“Young Master Matthew has taken away all of the core members of our technical department and a few

of the best workers in our sales department. Half of the core members of the other departments have left

along with them. It looks like this was planned out all along,” Cameron hissed angrily. They had been

vigilant toward Matthew all along, but they hadn’t expected Matthew to act so quickly.

“The staff members are panicking, Young Master Alex. I think you should make an announcement before

things get out of hand,” Cameron continued. However, there was no anxiousness to be heard in

Alexander’s voice. “There’s no big deal. I’ll just treat this as a purge for the company. I’d like to see how

many secret traitors Matthew has planted in our company throughout these years. I want you to get a

sum of all the people who have left each department. Once you’re done with that, you can promote our

own people to take over the positions that are empty.”

“I got it, Young Master Alexander. I’ll do it now.” Cameron’s actions were quick, but he couldn’t do much

to stop the news articles from trending. Furthermore, even the Griffith Group’s shares were impacted as

they remained on a low for extended periods of time. When Jonah saw the news from his couch in

Griffith Residence, he threw a massive tantrum.

“Go and get all of them back home now!” he howled.

The housekeeper quickly nodded before she made phone calls to contact all of the young masters.

“Please come back now, Young Master Alexander! Your grandfather is throwing a huge tantrum—what

Young Master Matthew did was too much.”

Alexander’s gaze darkened as he picked his car keys up and headed out of his office. “Try to calm

Grandpa down. I’ll be there soon.”

After ending the call, Alexander took large strides to leave the company. To his surprise, he was

surrounded by tons of reporters the moment he stepped out. No matter how much the reporters tried to

question him, he kept his mouth sealed.

Thirty minutes later, all of the Griffith siblings—everyone except Jack—had arrived in Griffith Residence.

Danny was the youngest child, and he had never been involved in matters related to the business.

However, he could no longer remain in the background after Matthew did such an atrocious thing that

impacted the entire family.

“Matthew’s too much, Grandpa. Who does he think we are? How could he do such a thing? Has he

never considered the family’s well-being? Well, I guess he’s nothing more than an illegitimate child who’ll

never be recognized as one of us—perhaps that explains it,” Danny uttered.

“Danny!” Brendan stopped his brother. “Your words are too harsh. We’re all brothers, after all.”

“But are we brothers to Matthew? If he genuinely sees us as his brothers, he wouldn’t do such a thing,

would he?” Danny retorted. Brendan knitted his brows. “Regardless… Let’s wait for Alexander to come


Danny’s blood was boiling, but he had no choice but to keep his mouth shut and bite his tongue for the

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time being. Pin-drop silence filled the living hall as no one else volunteered to speak after that. Soon

enough, they heard the sound of a car pulling up in front of the house. Alexander had reached home,

and everyone felt a surge of relief the moment he walked into the hall. He rushed directly to Jonah.


Jonah looked up to stare at him. “Were you aware of what Matthew was scheming?”

“It was too sudden. I hadn’t expected it,” Alexander replied.

“This incident has a really huge impact on the Griffith Family. What are you planning to do about this,

Alexander?” Jonah asked.

“Don’t worry, Grandpa. Everything is under control. Furthermore, there are a few other things that I’d like

to report to you personally, Grandpa.”

Once Alexander finished speaking, Brendan—the more mature sibling—dragged Danny out of the hall

before Jonah said anything. Once the younger ones left, Alexander and Jonah were the only ones in the

hall. Alexander didn’t say anything and simply pulled out two documents before handing them to Jonah.

“I got someone to check on this, Grandpa.”

Jonah’s expression grew stern after he stared at the files for a short while. His heart was still pounding

long after he skimmed through the papers. “Are you sure that he did all of this?”

Alexander pressed his lips together. “I had gotten someone to investigate this matter ever since I found

an issue with my car during the race on the windy roads in the mountains. I found out that someone had

done something to my car’s brake, and I continued tracking only to find out that it was Matthew who had

done it. However, I had kept this a secret and never intended to release it to the public since I figured

that he might have just made a small mistake. I thought I’d give him a second chance, but he’s getting

worse than before.”

As he spoke, Alexander pulled out a different document. “I think you should prepare yourself mentally

before reading this, Grandpa.” When Jonah saw the serious look on Alexander’s face, he knew that the

documents were surely something of great importance. The old man took the file into his hands. This

time, his face turned ghastly pale as he read the document. His grip tightened on the papers and he

looked like he was about to be sick. “D-Did he do all of this as well?”