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Bride of Mr.Billion

Chapter 152
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Chapter 152

Bella’s POV:

As soon as I walked out of the kitchen, the man behind me grabbed my arm and held me in his arms.

I wanted to push him away, but I couldn’t.

He pinched my chin and asked with a smile, “Are you really angry?”

“Yes!” I nodded hard.

Herbert looked at me with a gentle smile on his face. He said, “I found that you look more beautiful when

you are angry.”

These words made me laugh again. My hand patted him on his shoulder. I really had no way to be

completely angry with him. “How about I take you to dinner tonight?” Herbert suddenly suggested. I

immediately agreed. I was really tired today. I didn’t want to prepare dinner.

“I want to eat barbecued meat.” I looked up and said.

“You can eat whatever you want.” said Herbert.

I felt that he was really gentle now and he respected my preferences. This feeling was very comfortable.

I liked my current state very much.

As expected, Herbert took me to eat barbecued meat; a high-end barbecue restaurant. It tasted very

good. Tate a lot, and most of the time, Herbert looked at me with gentle love in his eyes. When I looked

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at him, I had a feeling of being doted on. This feeling was too beautiful. I prayed in my heart. I hoped that

time could go on like this until we became old! After the barbecue, we strolled back to my apartment.

After we entered the door, he came over and hugged me. His hand had reached into my clothes. “I’m so

tired. I don’t have any strength at all. I want to take a shower and then sleep immediately.” I really

couldn’t hold on any longer. I experienced five climaxes last night, and I wanted to rest tonight. But

Herbert refused to let me go. “Don’t you have enough strength to eat so much barbecued


“Is this why you took me to eat barbecue?” I asked

“No, it’s not. But now I really want you…” Herbert directly took me into the room.

In the next hour, I was played by Herbert again, My desire was quickly aroused, and finally, I reached the

peak. After a quiver, I hugged him tightly and screamed his name loudly, “Herbert!”

I was so tired that I didn’t want to take a shower. I just fell asleep in his arms.

“After we get our marriage certificate tomorrow, I have a big gift for you!” He whispered in my ear. “What

gift…” I asked. “You’ll find out tomorrow.” He planted a kiss on my shoulder and covered me with a

blanket. Later, I only remembered that he seemed to have entered my body again at night, and I kept my

eyes closed all the way. Anyway, I couldn’t stop him. I could only spread out my hands and feet and let

him pound my body… The next day, I was awakened by the cries of birds outside the window. The sun

has risen, and Herbert was not at home. I sat up and looked at the clock on the wall. It was almost nine


He went to work again? No, he said he was going to get the marriage certificate with me this morning,

wasn’t he?

Did he forget about the marriage certificate? If he forgot about it, I would beat him up. The next moment,

I picked up my phone and wanted to call Herbert. I turned on my phone and saw a text message on the

screen. The text message was from Herbert. “Baby, I’m sorry. There’s an important short meeting in the

company this morning that I have to attend. Shall we meet at the marriage registration office at 10


The text message was sent an hour ago. I quickly typed a reply.

“Okay.” “See you at 10 o’clock.” Herbert replied. I knew that he must have an important meeting, so I

didn’t reply to the text message. Instead, I began to change my clothes and did my makeup. Today was a

special day. I wanted to appear in my most beautiful state. By the time everything was ready, it was

already 9:30. I was very satisfied with my current state. Soft long hair, delicate light makeup, a black

high-collar sweater, and a red fur coat with black boots and a black bag. I was very beautiful. These were

newly bought in the mall yesterday, and I spent a lot of money on them. However, they were indeed

different from my usual casual style. Before going out, I didn’t forget to put the wedding ring on my finger.

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He would definitely be happy to see it. After that, I quickly went out of the door and called a taxi to the

marriage registration office. Twenty minutes later, I was already sitting on a row of chairs in the reception

room. I was excited. The first time I applied for the marriage certificate with Herbert, I was completely at

a loss. I was very happy this time, because I wanted to be with my beloved forever. No matter how hard

our life was in the future, I would eventually stand with him. I looked at those couples who came to

register while waiting for Herbert, and their faces were full of happy smiles. I fiddled with the wedding ring

in my hand and imagined what expression he would have when he came over for a while.

He should be rushing over to apologize to me? After all, today is an important day. How dare he be late!

However, there was no reply from my text message. Ten minutes later, I called him directly. However, the

phone could not be connected. It’s already 10:30. I didn’t want to wait any longer. If he had something

urgent or was busy with his work, he would definitely call me. But now I couldn’t get in touch with him.

Was there an accident? Thinking of this, I was very nervous. I quickly found Connor’s phone number and

dialed it. This time, the phone was connected. “Connor, where are you and Herbert? I can’t get through

to him.” “Miss Stepanek, I’m not with boss. An hour ago, bass said that he had something important to do

and left the company. He didn’t ask me to accompany him.” Connor replied.

I was even more anxious. “Did he leave an hour ago? But I didn’t see him?”

It was at most fifteen minutes drive from the Wharton Group to the marriage registration office. There

was no reason that he hadn’t arrived after an hour.