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Bride Behind The Mask (Frederick and Marguerite)

Chapter 28
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Chapter 28

Robert’s sudden interrogation made Frederick feel uneasy, a feeling he absolutely hated. He shot

Robert a disgruntled look and said,

“Buzz off! Quit spouting nonsense.”

Robert shrugged, not surprised by Frederick’s reaction.

Frederick was a man who’d never been in love. For all Robert knew, Frederick probably didn’t even

know what love felt like.

So Robert wasn’t expecting Frederick to admit. Those words might never come out of Frederick’s


But that was okay, there was still time.


Chuck couldn’t find Marguerite at the office.

Marguerite didn’t have a fancy degree, wasn’t exactly a beauty, and was just an intern. She got pushed

around by her co–workers, running errands and putting up with their snide remarks and ridicule.

The worst part? She didn’t even have time to grab lunch before her boss sent her out to distribute


Marguerite knew this was just another way her colleagues were bullying her. The company’s reputation

was already well–known, there was no need to hand out flyers on the street.

But she was on a low position and had no say in the matter. All she could do was suck it up and endure

the mistreatment.

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From noon till around 2 or 3 in the afternoon, the sun was at its peak. She was out there for a solid

three hours..

She wasn’t some spoiled brat, and she’d done all sorts of jobs to make ends meet. So handing out

flyers wasn’t a big deal.

But without lunch, she was running on empty. She was hungry and dizzy, and almost got heatstroke.

But Marguerite couldn’t stop. There was hardly anyone around the storefront, and she still had a stack

of leaflets to hand out before she could clock out.

She patiently handed a flyer to a passerby who ignored her and even went out of their way to avoid her.


Marguerite didn’t let it get her down. She was about to lapproach the next person when she felt a hard

shove on her shoulder.

She turned around to see a woman dressed with famous brands, carrying bags of designer labels. It

was Yuna, wasn’t it?

“God, Marguerite! You’re handing out flyers? Aren’t you Frederick’s wife? Isn’t he taking care of you?”

Yuna’s fingers casually brushed against her neck, her diamond necklace caught the sunlight and


Marguerite didn’t respond, she just moved past Yuna and continued with her work.

But Yuna was persistent. She showed her bracelet which made Marguerite incredibly annoying.

“Marguerite, does Frederick know you’re doing such a menial job? He shouldn’t let you do this. Look at

me, he had someone give me a card loaded with money. He said I could spend it however I wanted

and when it runs out, I should just ask him for more.”

Marguerite pretended not to hear, she was busy handing out flyers to passerby, greeting them with a

pleasant, “Hello, our company is…”

“Hello, would you like to buy some perfume? Our company is…”


Ignored by Marguerite, Yuna couldn’t hold it in anymore. She marched up in her heels, snatched the

flyers from Marguerite’s hands, and tossed

them into the air.

The colorful sheets fluttered in the air like butterflies, landing on Marguerite, making her look ridiculous.

“Flyers! Flyers! That’s all you care about! You don’t even listen to me! You bitch!”


“This woman would rather smile at strangers than give me the time of day, is she blind? I’m dressed

head to toe in designer labels, I’m way classier than these average Joes!” Yuna thought.

The scattered flyers on the ground made Marguerite furious. She glared at Yuna, trying her best to

keep her composure, “What the hell do you


Yuna arrogantly brushed her hair away, then suddenly played the victim, shouting out loud,

“Is there anyone who can help me? This woman stole my bracelet and won’t admit it! Can someone

come over here!”

Marguerite thought, “What?”

She stole Yuna’s bracelet? What a crock of bull! Was this woman out of her mind?

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“Which eye of yours saw me stealing your stuff? I’ve been handing out these flyers fair and square, I

didn’t even touch you!”

Their argument quickly gathered a crowd outside the store, their cold stares made Marguerite feel the


“You did steal my bracelet! If you had the guts, you’d open that bag and let me see!”

Marguerite had had enough, “I didn’t steal anything, why would I have to let you search my bag?”

“If you don’t let me check, how would I know you didn’t steal?”

Yuna played up her victimhood, “Can anyone help me here? That bracelet was a gift from my boy

friend, it’s expensive. If you want one, I can buy you one, but you can’t steal mine!”

The crowd saw Yuna’s sincere expression and her beauty, so they started to stir the pot.

“Yeah, if she suspects you, just open your bag and show her!”

“She must’ve stolen it, why else would she refuse to open her bag?”

“Look at her raggedy clothes, and she’s so ugly. Ugh, envy the rich all you want, but you can’t steal!”

“All of you…”

Everyone was against Marguerite, she felt helpless and desperate.

Even though she was poor, she was always ambitious, always striving to be upright and kind. How

could she endure Yuna’s public humiliation?

To clear her name, Marguerite had no choice. She glared at the smug Yuna, took off her bag, and

dumped everything out.

Notebooks, pens, lipstick all rolled out. And with them, a shiny chain.

Seeing this, Marguerite was horrified, but Yuna, who felt like she got her gotcha moment, immediately

picked up the chain from the ground and accused her,

“And you dare say you didn’t steal, what’s this then?”