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Brand New Life Online: Rise Of The Goddess Of Harvest

Chapter 243: A Touching Conversation 1
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"Did everyone got the new quest?" I asked, seeing the notification in front of my sight. Everyone nodded, they got the same quest as well as I did.

"I guess we are already starting a new one!" Said Titan. "Planta as long as we stick with you we'll always get Quests, don't we?" Laughed my friend.

"I-I guess…" I sighed. "Sorry if it was a bit forceful."

"Not at all, I like this game for all wacky stuff that happens which I never expect even in my wildest dreams. I like that aspect a lot in fact, so let's go into an adventure already." Achlys said, my friend Rita seemed to have become quite the addict of the game at the end.

"I am up to help the Brownies; I am also excited to see a new friend of Planta." Said Acorn. "She's a Brownie, right?"

"Yeah she is!" I said with a smile. "Her name is Lily. She's someone that loves plants and especially gardening, I wonder what's her class…" I said, as we quickly decided to hurry towards the Brownies village with the guidance of the Fairy Queen.

"I am all for it as well, now that I've been accepted in this party, I want to do anything I can to help you, Planta. I owe you more than you imagine. Also… well, I've always had that dream of going into the outside world." Nieve confessed.

"Heheh, my big sis seems to be just like me at the end!" Florie giggled. "You act all serious and mature but you still want to explore and seek new adventures!"

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"I am not as childish!" Nieve said while crossing her arms. "But I feel like when I was invited and all… I felt like it was my destiny in a way. And if we can somehow defeat the Demon King and destroy his machinations in the process, then I am all up for it."

"You two girls are very refreshing to have with us." Said Titan. "And cute."

"Huh? Are you into little girls, pervert?" Asked Achlys while laughing.

"Eh? Ah? T-That's not it! Achlys you're always getting things mixed up and assuming the worst, aren't you?" Sighed Titan. "I am not a lolicon…"

"Hahaha, I was joking!" Laughed Achlys. "…Unless?"

"Unless what? I told you I am not…" Sighed Titan. "I just… well, they're cute, right? Fairies are like children… Deep down I've always kind of wanted to build a family myself and have some kids. Been a dream since I was in college."

"Is that so?" I wondered. "Why don't you find someone then? I am sure you're a handsome man, Titan."

"How can you tell when I look like a pile of wood?" Laughed Titan. "But I am already kind of in love with someone… The thing is, I am terrible at confessing my feelings, I am awkward, and weird, and stupid… And… I just ruin everything with my awkwardness and shyness."

"A-Aww, come on, don't get like that now." I said.

"Titan I don't really get what you're talking about. You're a strong and brave man, one I had never seen so brave since the ancient hero. Whatever is troubling your mind, it must be something very small that you're letting get in the way of your confidence." Titania said as if she were a mother comforting her son.

"Ahaha… I appreciate the compliments." Sighed Titan. "But its not as simple, I guess it is not something an NPC could properly understand."

"Hmm… I see." Titania sighed.

"Ah, sorry if that sounded rude… It is something from our own… well, world." Said Titan.

"The world where Players go when they disappear for some time?" Wondered Titania.

"Yeah, that place… I am impressed NPC know as much." Said Titan.

"Hey Titan, are you sure we should be talking to her about this? Does she even gets it?" Wondered Achlys.

"Of course I get it." Titania said. "We are all aware that Players go to somewhere else once they disappear. We call that the Realm of the Gods." Said Titania. "Ah, there's a force stopping me from… addressing this as much."

"Well, it is better to not talk about this, the system doesn't like that NPC get this type of info." I said. "For the moment, Titan, you should cheer up a bit, okay?"

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"It is not so easy but thanks for worrying about me." Titan said. "Aside from someone at work, you guys are… like my only friends. I am happy to have you all. I think you've helped me cope with my own life… I have so many problems in real life, it is sometimes hard to even wake up."

"I can relate! I've got a whole family I need to take care of…" Sighed Achlys.

"Eh? You're a mother?" Titan asked.

"You bet I am! Kids are hard to deal with… I can't believe I just had one like two years ago. I should probably try to use better contraceptives with my man." Said Achlys.

"Ahahaha… Y-Yeah, I suppose." Said Titan, feeling slightly awkward at Rita talking about this stuff.

"For now, how about you try to be more confident on yourself? What makes you feel awkward in the first place?" Nieve wondered.

"Ah… I just.. I don't know. Lack of experience talking with women?" He wondered.

"But aren't we all women here except Acorn?" I wondered.

"Right…" Titan said. "Well this is a game so it feels different. I don't know if I can draw any experience from here."

"Hmm… I guess you could put it that way." Said Achlys.

"For now it would be nicer if you start thinking what you could improve of yourself, or… better than that, to accept yourself with your flaws." Said Titania.

"That's easier said than done, Titania." Sighed Titan.

"Well, I've lived a long live, but even now I am still struggling just as much as you do… We all have our flaws, our mistakes, our regrets… A way for us to mature and grow as people is to accept our flaws and mistakes and keep moving forward, to not let them get in the way of our dreams." Titania said.