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Blood Assimilation

Chapter 244
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244 Face-Off

The two opposing forces were evidently Demon General Jarkoffin and the four Dungeon Hunters sent to exterminate the already-dead demons.

However, despite facing each other’s intense gazes, no one dared to make a move just yet and they all continued to stare at each other with varying expressions.

Demon General Jarkoffin stood there calmly with his bulky and huge body that was nearly four meters tall, as he purposefully released his baleful and fierce dark aura outward.

By doing this, it made his presence become elevated, making him appear as though he was an unstoppable force in the eyes of the weak.

At the same time, he condescendingly stared down at the four humans with clear contempt in his gaze.

He had initially traced the location where his subordinates were killed in hopes of finding that human and dealing with him accordingly. But unexpectedly, he ran into these humans who were snooping around at the battle site.

Based on the strength of their auras, he could tell that they were most likely sent to ascertain what happened in their current location.

Furthermore, just like him, it appears that they too had missed the human who killed his subordinates.

Meanwhile, the group of four Dungeon Hunters stood there with cautious gazes at the dark-skinned demon that was exuding this unfathomable and suffocating aura that made them want to gasp for air. Even so, they maintained a relatively calm expression on their faces.

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Sensing the aura coming from the demon in front of them, they all suddenly realized something and screamed inwardly shortly after.

Demon General!

Undoubtedly, only those with the status of Demon General possess such unfathomable auras, as they had met some of them on the battlefield before.

However, when compared to the Demon Generals they met on the battlefields, this particular Demon General was leagues stronger than them. This caused their hearts to immediately sink to the bottom of their guts.

They had only come here to deal with the demons that were causing havoc near the Meistic forest. They were extremely confident in being able to handle the situation since the auras they felt from those two demons weren’t enough for them to feel threatened.

However, those two demons’ auras were nowhere near the aura coming from just this demon in front of them. This current situation was completely beyond anything they had imagined before coming here.

First, not only were the demons that they came for already vanquished by unknown variables, but now even the almighty demon general of the demon’s army purposefully came to the site of the battle for some reason- something that demons of their status wouldn’t care about.

After all, they had so many subordinates, and during war and missions, they were bound to meet their ends due to an unexpected situation or encounter with their enemies. And yet this demon general came for his subordinate.

There could only be one explanation; whatever mission his subordinates were conducting was very secretive and most importantly vital to them.

Other than that, there shouldn’t be any reason besides the fact that the demon general was a sympathetic or considerate type, which would be an impossible assumption. No one would believe such a conjecture.

Therefore, they found their current predicament extremely dangerous, as they could lose their life in this small place. But they couldn’t simply turn tail and run away from the situation either- as that would be disgraceful. There was also the question of whether they could run away in the first place.

Furthermore, even if they survive this ordeal, their reputation would be tarnished.

While the others were playing mind games with each other to see who would succumb to their fears and make a mistake first or attack first, one of the four members suddenly stepped forward from the other humans.

“What are you doing standing there in a daze for?” Isn’t it just a little bit stronger than the other demons we fought before? We just need to fight it together and we’ll surely win against it.”

The other three members raised their eyebrows and slowly turned to look at the one who spoke just now in surprise- especially when they heard how this person referred to the demon as ‘it’.

Of course, this person was Gutz.

He couldn’t stand the still atmosphere that the others had going on. And while he wanted to wait for their Leader to make the final decision on what to do, he eventually got impatient and decided to act first.

Unlike the others who liked to use their brains every time they meet an adversary, he preferred directly smashing his opponents in the face before they have the time to react to his existence, so one could only imagine how impatient he would get when all they had to do was stare at their opponent without doing anything for minutes on end.

Naturally, the only reason he hadn’t attacked yet was that even he was well aware that the opponent this time was not something to take lightly. If it were normal times, he would’ve been the first to charge at the opponent with the others following suit afterward.

However, this face-off was unexpected. As such, no one was willing to make the first move only to end up losing when there could’ve been a better alternative.

Furthermore, they were facing an enemy that was stronger than anything they had ever faced, so they couldn’t risk it without thinking about their actions and their consequences.

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Therefore, after looking at Gutz for a brief moment, the other three turned back to look at the menacing demon general as they pondered how to escape this situation. They couldn’t afford to avert their gaze for too long, lest they suffer from a sneak attack.

As they did this, Demon General also didn’t bother to initiate a fight with them.

He couldn’t bother to attack weaklings like them unless they initiated the fight themselves. He found it beneath him to be the one to attack such weaklings.

Furthermore, he enjoyed the fear hidden within their seemingly calm expressions. This was a feeling that he relished every time he fought humans. Since they always put on a fa?ade that they were unperturbed by anything even when their legs began shaking from fear.

However, for some reason, one of the humans this time, although they appeared to be shaken by the mere sight of him, did not seem to be afraid- rather they merely looked surprised.

‘What a strange human...’

This got Demon General Jarkoffin intrigued for a moment but then he ignored it as he could still deal with all of them without even breaking a sweat.

‘Hah! Worms are worms regardless of their appearance or state of mind.’ He believed.

Moments later, Gutz gritted his teeth in annoyance when the others still had the same looks on their faces as they ignored his words.

He then snorted and said: “So what if it’s a Demon General? Are you guys scared because of that? If you don’t make a move now, when are you intending to do so?”

“...” The others didn’t respond to him, almost as if they didn’t hear his words as they continued pondering to themselves.

“Fine! I will fight it by myself!” He declared before charging forward without hesitation. He was determined to face off against the Demon General by himself.