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Black Tech Internet Cafe System-Novel2

Chapter 831 - Compliant Golden-Hooped Rod!
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Chapter 831: Compliant Golden-Hooped Rod!

Translator: Noodletown Translations Editor: Noodletown Translations

“High Immortal, when did you become accomplished in Dao, and what kind of immortal spells have you learned?” In the Dragon Palace, the host and the visitor exchanged pleasantries.

“Since the time of my birth, I have left the family to practice self-cultivation. I have acquired a birthless and deathless body...” Sun Wukong answered fluently.

“Will he use a saber?” While the viewers talked about Sun Wukong’s potential choices of weapons, the Dragon King found it hard to refuse the request and ordered a stout perch commander to fetch a long-handled saber.

The warriors who used sabers were happy and said to their peers, “Hehehe... He will use a saber! Saber!”

“This Old Monkey doesn’t know how to use a saber.” At this moment, Sun Wukong said, “I beg you to give me something else.”

“Huh...” The smiles on the faces of the warriors who used sabers turned stiff.

“Maybe he uses a polearm?” Xiaoyue mumbled.

After all, she was quite knowledgeable with weapons such as spears, halberds, etc.

Soon, the Dragon King commanded a whiting lieutenant together with eel porters to carry out a nine-pronged fork.

The fork glinted with treasure lights, and the blades flashed chillingly. With one glance, the viewers knew that it was a great treasure.

“Ugh-!” Xiaoyue’s eyes brightened. “That’s it! That’s it!”

Wukong took hold of it and tried a few thrusts with great presence.

The old Dragon King said smugly, “It weights 3,600 jin and is a rare treasure!”

[TL Note: Jin is a measurement unit, equal 500g. One jin is close to one pound.]

“3,600 jin?!” Even the saint-level masters who were used to heavy weapons were surprised.

It must be noted that using weapons wasn’t a contest of weightlifting. For saint-level masters, something that weighed 3,600 jin was easy to lift when they circulated their essence.

When they fought in battles, they could block and parry an attack with tens of thousands of pounds of force, let alone only thousands of pounds, when they used proper exertion techniques and skills.

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Even in the world where Fang Qi had come from, a master could unleash an explosive force several times or more than ten times the force of an average person with one punch, let alone these warriors.

However, even the masters who were used to heavy weapons wouldn’t use such a heavy weapon since holding it would continuously consume their energy, which would greatly reduce their strength during a battle.

To choose a weapon, one must see if it suited one’s hand regardless of its weight. Otherwise, trying to bluff with a heavy weapon would decrease one’s combat strength instead of increasing it.

The viewers were experts of weapons and naturally knew this fact.

However, Sun Wukong picked up the nine-pronged fork without activating any essence as if the fork was weightless.

It gave the viewers the illusion that this fork wasn’t that heavy.

Xiaoyue grinned happily. “This must be it!”

Yesterday, Xiaoyue tried the TV Series alone. But today, all the members of the Heavenly Faction joined her.

Seeing this, the others said, “Is the Monkey King going to use a fork?”


Boom! Sun Wukong put down the fork, which almost cracked the floor of the Dragon Palace due to its weight. Then, he said, “Too light! Too light! It doesn’t suit my hand!”

“Too... light-?!” Leidon watched the scene dumbfoundedly. As a master using heavy weapons, he swallowed his saliva with difficulty.

They knew that Sun Wukong might have a high cultivation strength, but he had only learned from that old immortal for several years.

His power shouldn’t be that great, right?

For an average immortal, this would be a good middle-scale weapon...


It is too light?!

At this moment, the Dragon King commanded an admiral and a brigadier to carry out a giant halberd.

“This halberd weighs 7,200 jin.” When mentioning this treasure, the Dragon King looked proud. “This is the best weapon in the Dragon Palace, and no one can use it.”

“7,200 jin...!?” The warriors and cultivators watching Journey to the West exclaimed.

Although one couldn’t judge a weapon by its weight, no one dared to say that it wasn’t a great treasure by looking at the dragons and phoenixes engravings on it and the chilly glints flashing on its body.

Its blade was so sharp that no one doubted the fact that it could easily break most of the good weapons that the viewers knew.

The halberd’s body was so hard that they suspected none of the weapons they knew about could leave a scratch on it.

Even for immortals, it was a rare treasure in the world!

“Huh...?! This one is good!” historical

“I guess he’ll take this weapon?”

“If it were me, I would take this halberd!”

The viewers avidly looked at the weapon in excitement, as if they were the ones getting this halberd.

Wukong took hold of the halberd and made a few thrusts casually. Then, he inserted the end of the halberd into the floor.


With a blunt noise, the magnificent and extremely hard floor paved by unknown treasure materials was pierced! It cracked open as if a godly sword cut it.

“It’s still light! Too light! Too light!” Sun Wukong said in disdain.

“It’s still light?!” The viewers stared at Sun Wukong in a daze.

What kind of treasure, what kind of weapon can satisfy this Monkey King?

At this moment, a few dragon daughters standing behind the Dragon King whispered, “That piece of rare magic iron...”

“That was the ruler with which the Great Yu fixed the depths of rivers and oceans when he conquered the Flood during the ancient time. It is a piece of magic iron, but of what use could it be to him?” The old Dragon King said doubtfully.

[TL Note: Yu the Great (c. 2123 – 2025 BC), was a legendary ruler in ancient China who was famed for his introduction of flood control, his establishment of the Xia dynasty which inaugurated dynastic rule in China, and his upright moral character.]

“A piece of rare magic iron...?”

“What’s that?!”

“This old Dragon King has a treasure better than this giant halberd?!”

“Aiya! How come there are so many treasures in the Dragon Palace?” Jiang Xiaoyue had lights flashing in her eyes.

“What a powerful figure is the Great Yu...?” In the Jiuhua City Shop, Su Tianji mumbled to herself.

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The ancient time in the mouth of an immortal was a time beyond their imagination.

Following the Dragon King to the ocean treasury, the viewers saw countless shafts of golden light at the depths with auspicious essence and clouds floating around. The light was so bright that it almost blinded the viewers.

Sure enough, there was a divine iron rod in the depths of the golden light.

But it seemed... too thick to hold; it looked like an iron pillar.

“What treasure is this...?”

“Such a big piece of iron... is he going to hold it in his arms and smash it toward enemies?” The viewers shook their heads. “This is not good! Not good! The previous weapon is better.”

“It is a little too long and too thick,” Sun Wukong shared their opinion. “It would be more serviceable if it were somewhat shorter and thinner.”

“Right! Right!” The cultivators and warriors nodded.

While they were nodding, they suddenly saw the rod turning thinner after Sun Wukong said those words!

They instantly shouted, “This treasure-!?”

Then, Wukong said, “Smaller!”

The rod shrunk further until it became the size that could be held in one hand. Wukong examined it and saw the inscription on the rod – [Compliant Golden-Hooped Rod!]

It weighed 13,500 jin!

It wasn’t just heavy.

When Wukong brandished it, it disturbed all the water in this sea area, shaking the Water-Crystal Palace and frightening the sea-turtles, tortoises, fish, shrimps, crabs, and the dragon princes and princesses. Even the old Dragon King shook with fear!

It could change into a slim needle or a big rod that could pierce layers of clouds. Seeing the Golden-Hooped Rod, even the viewers were frightened, afraid that it would pierce a hole in the sky!

At this moment, even the Jade Emperor in the Heavenly Court received a report from the heavenly general and soldiers, “Your Majesty, the heaven-born stone monkey is making trouble in the lower region, and he is sticking an iron rod up into the heavens!”

“This treasure-!!??”

“My goodness!!”

“It’s still growing! The Heaven will be pierced-!”

Even when standing in the Heavenly Court, people could see the iron rod continuing to grow, reaching as high as Heaven and as low as Hell. Not only the people in the TV Series but the viewers in the real world stepped back in fear.

“F*ck!” Song Qingfeng and the other young warriors couldn’t find words to express what they were feeling right now.

They had never heard of such a treasure before, let alone see it!