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Billionaire’s Unseen Love (Bella and Alex)

Chapter 27
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27 Confrontations and Realizations

In a dimly lit corner of the upscale restaurant, Alex watched with a mixture of shock and jealousy as Emma,

elegantly dressed, clung to Wayne's arm, laughing freely. The intimacy of their interaction. unsettled him deeply.

It was a side of Emma he hadn't seen in their years of marriage.

After his business meeting concluded, Alex waited impatiently for Emma to exit. When she finally did, her casual

demeanor and the laughter still lingering on her lips made him realize how much he

had missed.

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Alex intercepted her near the entrance, his heart pounding with a mix of emotions. “Emma, can we talk?” he

asked, his voice tinged with urgency.

Emma, spotting Alex, felt an inner sigh of frustration. She had hoped to avoid any awkward encounters,

especially with him. But his persistent blocking of her path left her with little choice. What is it now, Alex?” she

asked, her tone laced with irritation.

“I saw you with Wayne. What's going on? Why are you with him?” Alex’s question was more of an accusation, his

voice betraying a hint of jealousy.

Emma's gaze hardened. “Since when did my life choices becyour concern? Wayne and | are adults. We can

dine with whomever we please.”

Alex’s concern was genuine, despite the bitterness in his tone. “Wayne is dangerous. You don’t know what he’s

capable of. | don’t want to see you get hurt.”

Emma scoffed at his sudden protective streak. “And you think you have the right to comment on my

relationships now? Wayne has been nothing but respectful and kind to me, something | never quite got from you.

Alex struggled to find the right words, his emotions tangled. everything we've been through, | can’t help but


“ma, | just... | worry about you..

Emma’s expression softened slightly, but her resolve remained firm. “Your concern is noted, Alex. But | am

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capable of making my own decisions. Wayne and | are just friends, and even if it were it’s not your place to



Alex watched as Emma turned away, heading back inside the restaurant. The sight of her retreating figure

reignited a sense of loss he thought he had overcome. As she disappeared from view, a poignant realization

dawned on him- Emma had moved on, and perhaps, it was the did the


In the solitude of the restaurant’s entrance, Alex stood for a moment longer, contemplating the encounter.

Emma’s words echoed in his mind, a reminder of the distance that now lay between them. The finality of their

divorce had never felt as real as it did in that moment, leaving Alex with a sense of profound loneliness and a

newfound determination to confront his own future.