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Billionaire’s Sweet Wife by Joanna Badldwin

Chapter 99
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Chapter 99
Julian was still very happy. He held the card in one hand and Vivian’s in the other. “Vivian, we can finally get married!”
Glancing at the card in his hand, she shook off his hand coldly. “Really?”
“Look, this is a gift from my mother. It shows that she has approved of you. I know what she said just now upsets you. Please
don’t think too much. She didn’t mean it when she said those words. She just thought about it from my perspective, Julian
“Of course, it’s for your good. She even chose a wife for you. However, her ideal daughter-in-law is not me, Vivian said angrily.
Janet kept talking about Seraphina in front of her. Vivian thought, ‘It’s me who’s going to marry her son, not Seraphina!”
Janet didn’t take Vivian seriously. Her contempt for her made Vivian very unhappy.
“Don’t make a fuss, OK? Like I said, she didn’t mean it. In addition, I don’t like Seraphina. What’s the point of my mother liking
her? My mother is not going to spend the rest of her life with Seraphina. You are the one I want to marry. Her opinion doesn’t
matter to me. It won’t change anything!” Julian tried to coax Vivian patiently. He knew that she was wronged in this matter.
“Really?” Vivian asked, turning to him. “What if you change your mind?”
“How could I change my mind? Don’t you know my feelings for you after all these years? You’re the one I’ve always liked, and
the only you! Now, we have children, I won’t change my mind even if I die!” Julian said.
Julian held her hand and stuffed the bank card into her hand as if to reassure her. “From now on, you’ll be in charge of our
money, and so will I. You’re the boss, OK?”
Looking at the bank card in her palm and his sincere cyes, Vivian nodded with satisfaction. “Well, it depends on your
After sending Vivian home, Julian drove straight to the laboratory. The testing of new products had reached its conclusion, and
nothing should go wrong. As Vivian previously stated, he expected these two new products to win him an annual prize.
He recruited several perfumers and technicians a few days ago. Although their ability was not exceptional, they were at least

professional, thus producing average products was not an issue.

Everyone in the laboratory was busy. He examined the project’s progress and made sure it was on track, so he didn’t say
anything more. He simply encouraged everyone to
Chapter 99
work hard and offered to raise their pay when they achieved success.
After walking around, he found that Emily was not in the laboratory again. He called the laboratory supervisor over and asked,
“Where’s Emily? Did she ask for leave or s kip work again?”
He thought, ‘Emily has been acting normal only for a few days. What’s wrong with her again?’
“No, Mr. Brown. She quit her job,” the supervisor replied in a low voice, thinking Julian had already known about it.
“Quit her job?” Julian raised his voice and asked, “When did she quit her job? Who has approved her resignation letter? I never
received her resignation letter and never signed
“Call her now. Call her back to work right away. How dare she!” he said furiously,
putting his hands on his waist.
The supervisor dialed Emily’s number nervously. “I can’t get through.”
“Call her gain! If she doesn’t pick up, go to her place! How dare she!” Julian yelled. After thinking for a while, he continued,
“Forget it! I’ll call her myself!”
Julian went straight to the HR department. “Give me all the documents about Emily Wilson. Ask the department of legal affairs to
follow up. What kind of punishment and compensation will be imposed on employees who resign without approval?”
The HR department manager looked up at him and replied, ‘Mr. Brown, Emily submitted her resignation letter more than a month
ago. According to the law, she can leave automatically after thirty days regardless of your approval.”
“What nonsense! Why haven’t I heard of it?” Julian asked, surprised. Who saw that coming?
He had always thought that Emily would work here as long as he didn’t sign on her resignation letter. But the HR department
manager’s words had enraged him.
“T-That is according to the law,” the manager explained, lowering her voice. Even though the boss got irritated, the law was the

“Does that mean she can quit if she wants to? So the company can’t do anything about it?” Julian asked. Emily was just an
employee. He didn’t believe that the company could do anything to her!
“We haven’t paid her salary and benefits last month yet,” the manager replied, looking down at the documents.
Chapter 99
“Dock them,” Julian ordered without hesitation.
“In addition, We can ask her to ab ide by the non-compete agreement due to her special work duties,” the manager added.
Julian’s eyes lit up. “Nice! Just do as you say. So, she can’t seek employment in the industry. If she refuses, sue her to make her
pay the company’s economic losses!”
Without thinking, he knew Emily resigned from her job for Seraphina’s sake but he wouldn’t fulfill her wish.
He thought, ‘Okay. She has the right to quit her job but she can’t seek employment in the industry for at least a year. If she dares
to work in another company, he will sue her for breach of contract. Since Seraphina is so powerful, she can pay a penalty for
Thinking of the non-compete agreement that would keep Emily and Seraphina at bay, Julian was much relieved.
It turned out a woman couldn’t flirt with an energetic young man, especially when they had sex not long before..
Seraphina was just all her talk but Dashiell proved her words with his action. She finally understood the saying “Be very careful
what you say”.
She wasn’t tired when they slept together for the first time. Dashiell couldn’t get enough of her this morning. She knew Dashiell
was reserved the first time they had sex. She had never been so exhausted before, even when she practiced dancing.
After taking a shower and changing clothes, she saw the hi ckeys on her neck in the bathroom mirror. She smacked her lips and
put on a high-necked shirt. To cover them, she also wrapped a silk scarf around her neck.
She went to the laboratory in a hurry. She had an appointment with Emily to get her acquainted with the working environment
But Seraphina was still late. When she arrived breathless, Emily was chatting with Mia at the door. She didn’t know how long
Emily had been here, but they seemed to have known each other for a long time and talked quite happily.
Hearing the noise, Mia turned around and looked at her with a smile. “It’s so rare to see a workaholic late for work!”