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Billionaire’s Ex-wife : Craving You

Chapter 65
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Chapter 65
I knew I owed Ravel a date, whether or not I was contemplating ending things with him. I quickly apologized to the makeup artist
and stylist for the delay, urging them to work swiftly since I didn’t want to keep Ravel waiting any longer than
In just under an hour, my makeup was completed and my hair styled. Slipping into the dress Ravel had given me and adorning
myself with the diamond set he’d gifted me on my last birthday, I felt a twinge of nostalgia. There had been a point when I had
considered selling this set to alleviate some financial strain, particularly when Kelvin’s financial demands had grown insistent.
A light knock sounded on my door, followed by Adam’s entrance. “The car is ready,” he informed me.
Nodding in response to Adam, I slung my purse over my shoulder and left the room. I should have been excited; spending time
with Ravel usually brought a sense of excitement, but tonight, the impending news of our breakup hung heavily over me. Maybe
after the dinner, I would muster the courage to convey my intentions to end our relationship.
Settling into the car, I leaned back and closed my eyes, attempting to calm my racing thoughts. Whenever I glanced up, I noticed
Adam’s gaze on me through the rearview mirror. He likely wondered about Kelvin, but I had no obligation to provide an
explanation to him.
As the car pulled up at a hotel, Adam emerged, opening the door for me and ensuring I didn’t step on my dress. Stepping out, I
moved toward the hotel’s entrance. However, Adam took hold of my hand and steered me toward a different wing of the building.
Baffled, I looked back at the parked car. “Where are we going?” I queried, my confusion evident.
“To where Mr. Southwark is,” came Adam’s curt reply. His words left me speechless as I obediently trailed behind him. The path
led us to a dimly lit structure adjacent to the hotel. Slowly, his hand released mine, leaving me in the darkness.
Panic began to gnaw at me. “Adam!” I called out, my voice trembling. Fumbling in my purse, I searched for my phone’s flashlight.
But before I could retrieve it, a spotlight suddenly burst to life, illuminating a man poised at a piano. I stared, a mixture of curiosity
and surprise swirling within me. The man’s fingers began to dance on the piano keys, producing soft, melodic tunes.
As he played the first stanza of ‘Perfect’ by Ed Sheeran, the music came to a gentle halt. Then, another spotlight illuminated
Ravel. And then, another light revealed Elenor, followed by Raymond, Adam, and several unfamiliar faces. They held letters that,
when read together, spelled out the words, “Will You Marry Me?”
My eyes widened in a mix of shock and disbelief, unshed tears shimmering as I watched Ravel approach me with a nervous

smile. “What’s happening?” I silently mouthed, utterly taken aback by this unexpected turn of events. How did things evolve to
this point?
Coming to a stop before me, Ravel gently took my hand in his, his expression a blend of nervousness and earnestness. “Hazel,”

he whispered, his voice carrying a tender weight. “From the very first day I crossed paths with you in that hallway, my life has
been transformed by your love, bringing me endless joy and laughter.” His azure eyes danced with affection and admiration as
they locked onto mine. “You’ve become my constant thought, my eternal desire to be in your presence. When you moved in with
me, returning home to you became my most cherished wish.”
He moistened his lips nervously, his words quivering with sincerity. “I don’t want this to end, Hazel. I yearn to lie beside you in
bed for eternity, to wake up each day with your face as my first sight until my last breath.” His figure slowly sank to one knee, his
vulnerability laid bare. “Hazel Brown, would you do me the honor of making me the happiest man alive by saying yes to spending
forever with me?”
A surge of desire to say yes coursed through me. The thought of a future with Ravel, building a life together, having children, and
growing old side by side, had always been my aspiration. Yet, the shadow of my past loomed large, threatening to sabotage
everything. I tore my gaze away from him, glancing at the faces surrounding us.
Chapter 65
Elenor appeared genuinely joyful, Raymond seemed to hold onto a glimmer of hope, Adam’s pride was evident for having played
a role in orchestrating this surprise, while the other unfamiliar faces bore a mixture of envy and happiness, perhaps yearning for
a similar moment. Anne, of course, was absent. If her own son didn’t care enough to bring her here, why should
Finally, I shifted my gaze back to Ravel. With all those eyes on us, it didn’t feel like I could utter a negative answer. But why
should I say no? There was every reason to embrace happiness, not just for him, but for myself as well. It was time to let him
decide whether my past was a deal-breaker or something he was willing to look beyond.
Moistening my lips, I nodded, a quiet affirmation. “Yes,” I breathed, lifting my hand to display the fingers that would soon carry the
ring. “Let’s face the future together, Ravel.” A broad smile lit up his face as he slid the ring onto my finger. Standing, he
enveloped me in his arms and pressed his lips tenderly against mine.
The gathering erupted in a chorus of cheers, coos, and playful whistles. Disregarding the attention, I entwined my arms around
Ravel’s neck and deepened the kiss, intent on sealing this moment with the intensity of my emotions.
After what seemed like an eternity, we eased away from the kiss to catch our breath. Ravel’s forehead rested gently against
mine, and an uncontainable smile spread across my face. “When did you start planning all of this?” I asked, unable to contain my

His grin was infectious. “I’ve been thinking about marrying you for quite a while now, but I began planning this surprise about a
month ago.”
The joyous atmosphere embraced us, and I couldn’t help but feel a sense of happiness. There was, however, the pressing
matter of discussing Kelvin with him. For now, I needed to reach out to Kelvin and halt any potentially damaging information from
being published. Ravel needed to hear it from me first.

“Congratulations, girl!” Elenor’s exuberant voice rang out as she enveloped me in a warm hug. “You two are going to have the
most gorgeous babies.”
She had mentioned she was going to spend her vacation in Paris. “Weren’t you supposed to be traveling?” I inquired.
Elenor nonchalantly shrugged. “I’ll do whatever it takes to make Bluey happy and to sp i ke Anne’s blood pressure.” We shared a
chuckle, appreciating her dark humor. Congratulatory words followed once Elenor released me from the embrace.
Ravel handed me a glass, and together we raised a toast to new beginnings and an eternal future. As the music began playing
and the food was served, Elenor claimed the dance floor, while Ravel excused himself briefly to attend to some phone calls.
Elenor had already uploaded the news to her Instagram account, setting the internet abuzz.
Seizing the moment, I excused myself from the festivities and retreated to a quieter corner to call Kelvin. He answered on the
second ring. “You crazy bit ch!” he snapped in response. “You said you ended things with him. So what’s this engagement
news all about?”
My hand clenched into a fist, my frustration evident. “He proposed, and I couldn’t refuse,” I responded tersely. “Please don’t
publish the photos. I’ll get the money to you soon.”
Kelvin’s chuckle carried a sly edge. “You must be naive to think I’d settle for the same amount. You’re in a much more vulnerable
position now, Hazel, which is why I’m asking for two million dollars.”
My eyes widened in disbelief. “Kelvin, you can’t be serious. Two million is excessive!”
He scoffed dismissively. “Perhaps it’s a bit much for Southwark’s girlfriend, but it’s definitely not excessive for Southwark’s future
wife You’ve got a fortnight to come up with the money, or I’ll be approaching the next newspaper outlet. I’ll be waiting for your
call.” The call ended abruptly, leaving me speechless and my heart racing.
Just how insatiably greedy could Kelvin be? Demanding two million dollars, money he didn’t earn or deserve? I refused to be
extorted by him, no matter the circumstances.
“Hazel?” Ravel’s voice cut through my thoughts. “Why are you out here?”
Putting on a smile, I turned to face him. “The music was getting to be a bit overwhelming, and I was starting to develop a
headache. So, I stepped away from the noise.”
Chapter 65
His nod was thoughtful. “Who were you on the phone with?”
Feigning innocence, I asked, “Who are you talking about?”
He gave me a pointed look. “I saw you on the phone. Everyone you know is inside. Who could you possibly be calling?”
This was the moment. I took a deep breath. “Kelvin,” I whispered.