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Beyond the Timescape

Chapter 402: Living Things Adapt to Their Environment
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Chapter 402: Living Things Adapt to Their Environment

Unexpected things can inherently catch a person by surprise and throw their emotions into chaos. Xu Qing had been engrossed in the lieutenant governor’s lecture about the history of humankind. It was his first time hearing about such things, so it was only natural that he was deeply interested. Perhaps because of that, he was caught completely off guard when that one particular name came up.

Based on what the lieutenant governor was saying, that person... had once done amazing things for humankind. But Xu Qing was not so great of a person that he could just forget about the past. His way of thinking was simple: he still wanted to find the crow and kill it. [1]

It didn’t matter to Xu Qing if that person’s past accomplishments were truly as the lieutenant governor had recounted. And Xu Qing didn’t think he needed to sit around wondering about the truth.

Maybe it was true that the world could be described in terms as simple as good and evil. But Xu Qing knew that things between people were never simple. No, they were deeply complex. Very rarely were things simply ‘good’ or ‘evil.’ Virtually everything came down to one’s perspective.

Perhaps one person, in order to keep living, would steal another person’s final white bolus, thus causing that other person to experience mutation and die. Maybe that thief would go on to do the same thing over and over again, just to keep living. Every person who died because of that thief would call him ‘evil.’ But perhaps that thief would use the life he had earned to help people, perhaps even save the lives of others. In that case, all those other people would call him ‘good.’

In the end, was he evil, or good? Such matters are complicated, as there was a bad side to either decision. Any judgment about a situation like that would be informed by one’s personal situation. The ‘correct’ answer would differ from person to person.

Xu Qing had learned that truth from a young age, and had seen it play out in front of him many times. Now, though he still didn’t completely understand it, he felt like he was close. Sticking to one’s heart was the best option.

If I want to kill you, I kill you.

If I want to rob you, I kill you.

If you hurt me, I kill you.

If you kill my parents, then I’ll definitely kill you!

Xu Qing looked up at the lieutenant governor. By chance, it was the exact moment when the lieutenant governor finished his history lecture, and he happened to be looking at Xu Qing. They shared a glance. The lieutenant governor nodded.

“Next, I’m going to explain how to deal with an impasse when dealing with plants and vegetation. Truth be told, that kind of situation isn’t rare. There are plants everywhere in Revered Ancient. In fact, there are far more varieties than there are intelligent species. If you could observe Revered Ancient as a whole, and then remove all intelligent species, nothing much would change. But if you took away all the plants and vegetation, it would change very dramatically.”

The lieutenant governor’s hoarse voice matched his physical appearance, making it seem like his words echoed out from the ancient past into the minds of those attending the class.

“I’m not going to teach you a specific method or technique. Instead, I’m going to give you a pattern to follow, something that you can build on in the years to come.

“After you leave this class, I want you to take time thinking about... how to change the fundamental characteristics of a plant. For example, how to change an ordinary plant into a medicinal plant. Or how to take a spirit plant and turn it into a poisonous plant. Or, conversely, how to change a poisonous plant into a spirit plant. In a potentially deadly situation, that ability could be your means of salvation.”

Xu Qing had previously pondered this very subject. Based on what Grandmaster Bai had taught him, it was possible to use yin-yang polarity techniques along with various medicinal theories to combine different medicinal plants to effect transformations. However, it wasn’t a perfect method, as not all plants could be changed by alterations to yin-yang polarity.

Xu Qing and all the other swordsages were already pondering the lieutenant governor’s words. Although most people in attendance only had average skill when it came to plants and vegetation, all of them were at least partially educated. After all, it wasn’t possible to get through life without at least some knowledge of medicinal pills.

Smiling, the lieutenant governor waved his hand to produce a flower pot, within which was growing a small flower. The flower’s stalk was green, and it had three red petals that looked almost like fish scales. Altogether, there was something very strange about the plant.

Redscale lily. Xu Qing recognized it immediately. It was a type of rare poisonous flower that couldn’t be transformed with yin-yang polarity techniques.

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“Watch carefully.” The lieutenant governor took out a small bottle. Opening it, he poured the liquid from inside onto the soil in the pot. After observing what was happening to the redscale lily, he added a different medicinal liquid. Having done that, he threw both of his hands out to each side and released the power of his cultivation base. Sending it into the pot, he made sure the redscale lily absorbed all of the liquid.

Gradually, something marvelous happened. The redscale lily’s petals turned white. Moments later, a fragrant aroma filled the air.

Everyone watching was amazed, especially Xu Qing.

Although it might not have seemed impressive, the more someone understood about plants and vegetation, the more shocking it would be. Xu Qing knew yin-yang polarity couldn’t be used on redscale lilies, yet the lieutenant governor was able to effect such a change. It caused Xu Qing’s eyes to glitter.

“Do you understand?” the lieutenant governor asked. “If you want to affect a medicinal plant, you can't be bold and decisive. You don’t need to make yin-yang adjustments to transform it. You just water it quietly.

“If you gradually change its environment, as well as its diet, you can exert a huge influence on the plant without it even realizing it. To put it plainly, you’re not actually transforming the plant. The plant is using its own power to transform itself. All you’re doing is giving it the proper environment in which to change.”

The lieutenant governor smiled encouragingly as he looked at the thoughtful swordsages in the study hall.

“And that is the pattern I wanted to impart to you. With that foundation, you can now look at plants and vegetation in a different way. Perhaps it can help you to do half the work, with twice the effect. Over the course of the rest of your seven-day training, I’ll explain more about this subject on a daily basis. If you can’t master it by the seventh day, you can always spend military credits to come to the Lieutenant Governor’s Mansion to study further.”

With that, the lieutenant governor left. Everyone bid him farewell with respectful bows. Xu Qing did the same. This particular class had been very enlightening to him.

That marked the end of the training for the day, and everyone went their separate ways.

It was already evening, and the moon had risen. There were no clouds, so the beautiful moonlight spilled down like a silver river.

Xu Qing and the Captain were getting ready to head back to the subsidiary sect when Kong Xianglong called out to them from behind.

“Xu Qing!”

Xu Qing stopped and looked back. Kong Xianglong had a sincere smile on his face, as he hurried over, followed by Sir Mountain-River, Wang Chen, and Duskspirit.

“We’re all going to be comrades-in-arms soon,” Kong Xianglong said. “Let me buy you a drink! I don’t want to beat around the bush, so I’ll just say it plain and simple. I want to be friends with you! Besides, my other friends are curious about you too. And since you just got to the county capital, you’re probably not very familiar with the Swordsage Palace. I’d be happy to explain a few things. What do you think?”

Xu Qing hesitated. It seemed like a sincere invitation, and he did want to learn a bit more about the swordsages. However, he got the impression these people didn’t like the Captain very much.

Kong Xianglong came across as a bit boorish. But that was just his general personality, and the fact that he didn’t like spending a lot of time thinking about things. It didn’t mean that he was a fool. Obviously, he could tell why Xu Qing was hesitating. Suppressing his reservations about Chen Erniu, he said, “Fellow Daoist Chen, if you’re busy....”

“I’m not busy!” the Captain said, feeling very pleased with the way Xu Qing was watching out for him.

Xu Qing nodded.

Kong Xianglong didn’t care if an additional person came along or not. Hearing Xu Qing’s response, he laughed heartily, and then they all headed off. Along the way, Duskspirit snagged Qing Qiu, who had been about to head off on her own. Qing Qiu really had no choice but to go along.

And thus, the seven of them left the Swordsage Palace.

Right about then, Zhang Siyun walked out of the study hall. Seeing them all leaving together, he snorted coldly and left on his own.

Kong Xianglong had grown up in the county capital, so it was only natural that he knew all the best restaurants and drinking spots. Instead of picking a fancy restaurant, he led them to an ordinary wine shop. There weren’t many customers there. The proprietors were an old husband and wife who were obviously well-acquainted with Kong Xianglong and his friends. When the old couple came out bearing dishes for another table, they immediately noticed Kong Xianglong and smiled.

“Well if it isn’t little Kong! And you brought new friends?”

“Uncle Zhou! Aunt Zhou!” Kong Xianglong hurried over and helped them with the dishes, taking them to the other table. The guest there didn’t seem nervous at all in the presence of so many swordsages. [3]

In fact, he said, “Helping out again, little Kong?”

“Of course! I can work and drink at the same time!” Kong Xianglong laughed, put down the food, then went and grabbed some alcohol for his own table.

“What are you doing standing around?” he said. “Sit, sit! I brew the alcohol here, so I can guarantee you it isn’t watered down.” After making sure everyone had a place to sit, Kong Xianglong served the alcohol. It really did seem like he owned the place.

Qing Qiu found it very odd, and Xu Qing eyed Kong Xianglong a few times during the process. The Captain seemed as if he knew exactly what was going on.

Kong Xianglong opened his mouth to speak, except that another customer yelled for the bill. Standing, he hurried over and took care of it. He seemed like a completely different person from that menacing individual who had arrived at the Swordsage Palace.

When Duskspirit saw the reaction of Xu Qing and the others, she explained, “Big Bro Kong grew up in poverty. When he was small, he worked days in the Swordsage Palace, and then did odd jobs in the city at night to earn some extra spirit coins. He worked as a waiter at this particular wine shop for three years. He only quit after he had to start going on missions all the time. But whenever we have a reunion dinner, we come here. After all, his Uncle Zhou and Aunt Zhou treat him very well. Big Bro Kong is the kind of person who cherishes old friendships.”

Xu Qing looked at Kong Xianglong hurrying around the restaurant. In his entire life, he had never encountered anyone like this.

Eventually, Kong Xianglong came back to the table. After sitting, he lifted his alcohol flagon and gave a hearty laugh. “Any day that I make so many new friends is a good day! Come, brothers. Drink!”

Sir Mountain-River, Wang Chen, and Duskspirit raised their alcohol flagons. Xu Qing, the Captain, and Qing Qiu did the same. Then everyone drank together.

They were young, so they drank quickly. Alcohol didn’t affect cultivators easily, but it could liven up the atmosphere. And Kong Xianglong’s friendly laughter made things even better. Thanks to his efforts, the mood quickly grew much more relaxed than before. Kong Xianglong’s open-minded personality was even more obvious when he was drinking. Clearly, he was a big drinker, as he downed flagon after flagon.

Eventually, even Xu Qing and Qing Qiu loosened up. That said, the two of them clearly didn’t like each other, and hardly exchanged a single glance.

The Captain, of course, was affable by nature, and didn’t hold back in drinking with Sir Mountain-River and the others.

“Little River, Duskspirit, Wang Chen,” said Kong Xianglong, “I know full well the three of you aren’t convinced that Xu Qing actually earned the veneration of the Grand Emperor. But let me tell you, one of the things we human chosen need to avoid at all costs is jealousy. We all listened to the same history lesson today. Remember how strong humankind used to be? If it wasn’t for infighting, we would still be just as amazing. I can’t speak for the rest of you, but I’m completely convinced by Xu Qing. 30,000 meters is 30,000 meters!”

Kong Xianglong’s heartfelt expressions eventually caused Sir Mountain-River and the others to relax somewhat, and they even started chatting a bit with Xu Qing. That said, they were still very wary of the Captain, and that wasn’t something that would go away quickly.

After three rounds of drinking, the food was served. Smiling at Xu Qing, Kong Xianglong said, “Xu Qing, you probably haven’t sought enlightenment of The Emperor’s Sword, have you? You either, little Duskspirit. I succeeded last year, so let me share some of my experience with you.”

Xu Qing was moved. He knew that such enlightenment sessions were rare, and that people usually didn’t want to talk about the details. The Captain was also surprised, and even Qing Qiu suddenly looked up.

Kong Xianglong laughed. “What’s with all the weird expressions? It’s just enlightenment of The Emperor’s Sword, that’s all!”

Up to this point, Wang Chen had said the least. He was the one who quietly said, “This is just how Big Bro Kong is. He gave me my life lamp.”

“I didn’t give you that life lamp. We stole it together!” Kong Xianglong went to clasp Wang Chen on the shoulder, except his hand went right through him.

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“Big Bro Kong, my true form is in a key cultivation juncture....”

Kong Xianglong laughed again, then looked back at Xu Qing and went on to explain his experience with The Emperor’s Sword.

Thus, time passed. They continued to drink, until eventually the Captain took out some special spirit alcohol from Seven Blood Eyes. It was so strong that mortals who drank it would die. To cultivators, it was considered fine liquor. That improved Kong Xianglong’s impression of the Captain a bit.

Eventually, despite being cultivators, they were all starting to get a bit tipsy. After all, none of them were using their cultivation base to dispel the alcohol from within them.

Of course, that made them more talkative. Sir Mountain-River became less gloomy, and even started loudly cursing the Yao Clan. Clearly, he was not happy about how close the Yao Clan was with nonhumans.

Eventually, conversation shifted to the governor and the lieutenant governor. When it came to the former, they sighed, but at the same time, talked about him with understanding and admiration. As for the latter, he was widely regarded as a very intelligent and talented administrator who did a lot of good for the county capital.

Eventually the Captain and Kong Xianglong got into a drinking match, and the atmosphere got even more excited.

As midnight approached, they finally left the wine shop. Although this one gathering wasn’t enough for them all to become fast friends, at least they now knew each other a bit better.historical

On the way back to the subsidiary sect, the Captain threw his arm over Xu Qing’s shoulders and pointed out with his other hand as if he were looking down at all heaven and earth. “Let me tell you, little Ah Qing. Those people simply do not have a very high alcohol tolerance. Your Eldest Brother, on the other hand, has got some skill. Kong Xianglong really was subpar. He couldn’t come close to out-drinking me!”

Xu Qing smiled and nodded in agreement.

The night passed without incident.

The following days, classes continued in the study hall. As new swordsages, they learned more swordsage secret magics, and were taught many other things.

Eventually, the Swordsage Palace arranged for them to break up into smaller groups that generally met in separate locations. Because of constantly being put into different groups, the new swordsages gradually got to know each other.

On one occasion, Xu Qing ended up in a group with Qing Qiu, where they went through a course on dealing with ambushes. Although Qing Qiu’s face was as cold as ever, they cooperated well enough that, inside, she was starting to feel conflicted.

Another time, Kong Xianglong and the Captain worked together on a search mission. They failed, the reason being that when they found the item they were looking for, the Captain couldn’t hold back and took a bite out of it.

After that, Kong Xianglong took the opportunity to secretly tell Sir Mountain-River and his other friends to be careful around Chen Erniu.

“That fellow has a nose like a dog’s. He’s incredibly skilled at searching for things. But he also likes to bite stuff. If you’re on a mission with him in the future, you have to be very careful about your belongings!”

In that manner, the seven days of training passed in a flash.

Not only had they benefited greatly from the training, but also, the new batch of swordsages wasn’t filled with a bunch of strangers. Everyone knew each other, and there were also some budding friendships. They weren’t deep friendships, but they were a start. The start of becoming comrades-in-arms. The only exception was Zhang Siyun.

When it came time for the final assessment, Xu Qing was told he didn’t need to participate, and that he was being assigned a post with the palace lord.

The palace lord didn’t stay in the Swordsage Palace. He stayed in the Corrections Division. That was a tradition among palace lords in the Swordsage Palace. They always led the Corrections Division.

After Xu Qing left the study hall with his post assignment, he headed to Sea-Sealing County’s number one prison!

1. The crow is a reference to Xu Qing’s metaphorical life story in chapter 380. Please commit this to memory…. ☜

2. As I’m sure most of you know, women don’t formally change their surname when they marry in China. However, there are various forms of address in which the woman could be referred to by her husband’s surname. That seems to be what’s going on here. The wife is likely not surnamed Zhou, but is being addressed as such for some reason that’s not explained. At least, that’s the conclusion Madam Deathblade and I came to. ☜