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Beyond the Timescape

Chapter 276: Swordsages
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Chapter 276: Swordsages

As soon as Xu Qing left Sect Leader Palace, he took the Violet-Heaven Supreme-Limitless Crown out of his bag of holding and put it on his head. He had known before it was an extraordinary item, that much was obvious given how envious the Captain had been. Now that he knew what it could do, he wanted it on his head before he left the Seventh Peak. As soon as it was on, he performed an incantation gesture that made the crown fade away until it wasn’t visible to the naked eye. In fact, it would even be invisible to divine sense. Xu Qing was very pleased.

As a highness of the Seventh Peak, he had the right to reside in a mansion grotto. But he was used to being on the water. Unfortunately, he had no dharmaskiff right now, but he would still rather be close to the sea, so he got lodgings in the Port District. Right now, he would just have to wait for Zhang San to make him a new watercraft.

Back in the room he had rented, he checked all of his spell formations and other preparations to make sure no one had been inside while he was away. Then he sat down cross-legged to review the new techniques Master Seventh had given him.

The magical technique is quite formidable, but I’ll need to get familiar with it before I can unleash its full potential. It’s the same with the grue technique. I’ll need to find a place where I can experiment with it in private. As for the secret technique....

The sensation he got from the sealing mark in his mind caused his eyes to glitter. This technique was terrifying. Truth be told, he had never even been aware that secret techniques even existed.historical

I wonder if some of the things Master Shengyun used in our fight were secret techniques.

Thinking back, his guess was that none of them were classified in that manner. And even if they were, none could compare to Within the Nine Springs.

With nine fist strikes, I can destroy a dharma aperture. In a fight with someone I’m evenly matched with, this technique will be my greatest asset.

With such thoughts on his mind, he began working hard at familiarizing himself with the technique as it existed in the sealing mark in his mind. A whole day passed.

Next, he took a drop of his blood and put it onto the forehead of the lifeswapping ghost doll. As soon as he did that, the doll’s eyes went slack, it yawned, and then it fell asleep. Xu Qing carefully put it inside his robe. Feeling very pleased with all the latest developments, he did some thinking.

The protection provided by the Supreme-Limitless Crown will keep me safe in most deadly crises. However, that will only be my first line of defense. If I run into something so dangerous it can destroy the crown, then the lifeswapping ghost doll will be my second line of defense. But that’s really not enough.

After some more thought, he disguised himself in some ordinary clothing and went out into the city to look for something specific. Soon, he was in the neighboring district, which was the territory of the Heavenmirror Treasure Sect. After searching for a short time, he found a shop that sold the items he wanted. Entropic teleportation talismans.

Things like this couldn’t be purchased in Seven Blood Eyes, but in the big shops in a place like the Heavenmirror Treasure Sect, they were definitely available. That said, they were very expensive.

Though it pained Xu Qing to spend so much money, he bought three.

First line of defense, the Supreme-Limitless Crown. Second line of defense, the lifeswapping ghost doll. And if I run into something so dangerous that the ghost doll has to swap its life for my own, then I’ll use an entropic teleportation talisman to get to safety.

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With that taken care of, Xu Qing went back to the Seven Blood Eyes district. Walking the streets, he could see all sorts of huge construction projects going on. The building work was going along at high speed. As he strolled, he got a voice message from Zhang San.

“Xu Qing, I just finished my assignment from the sect. If you’re free, come over. The Captain and Huang Yan are here. Also, someone gave me a letter to pass to you.”

Curious, Xu Qing changed directions and headed to the new Transportation Division where Zhang San was. Upon arriving, he saw well over a hundred huge warehouses. Compared to the old Transportation Division, this place was far larger.

As usual, Zhang San was squatting on a pile of cargo. The Captain squatted nearby eating an apple. And in front of them was Huang Yan, who was giving some very thorough instructions to Zhang San. Huang Yan also happened to be holding the very same Spirit Breath Lamp that Xu Qing had sold him. [1]

Everyone here was someone he knew well. As he approached, the three of them called out greetings. The Captain chuckled, Zhang San looked at him with shining eyes, and Huang Yan patted his belly, looked Xu Qing up and down, and smiled broadly.

“I heard you got two life lamps, Xu Qing,” Huang Yan said. “Hahaha! Congratulations! Congratulations!”

Clearing his throat, the Captain said, “It’s been a few days since you went to see Master. I bet you got some good stuff, didn’t you? Come come, little Ah Qing. Give us a look. I’ll help you assess everything. Don’t let the old man hoodwink you.”

Ignoring the Captain, Xu Qing gave Huang Yan a grin and then looked at Zhang San and explained what he needed done in terms of his dharmaskiff.

“You blew it up again? Did you notice the Participation Effect that I installed?” Zhang San didn’t seem very surprised at all that Xu Qing had blown up another dharmaskiff, and actually seemed more excited to hear about the Participation Effect. [2]

Thinking back, Xu Qing shook his head.

“No way!” Zhang San said, sounding very disappointed. “Don’t tell me I installed it incorrectly.” The only thing Zhang San could think to do was make sure that the Participation Effect was easier to activate next time. Taking out a letter, he offered it to Xu Qing.

“Do you remember that girl who joined the sect at the same time as you? Her name was Li Zimei. I eventually got her transferred to the Transportation Division. She’s a hardworking girl.” Zhang San sighed. “It just so happened that the three chosen from the Supreme Arbiter Immortal Society noticed her. I guess there was some discussion between the two sects, because they ended up taking her away. They said her constitution is perfectly suited for the techniques of the Supreme Arbiter Immortal Society.” [3]

The Captain looked very curious, and even Huang Yan was eying the letter, but Xu Qing just put it into his bag of holding without reading it. He remembered Li Zimei, and how embarrassed she’d looked outside the restaurant that time she went back to get the leftovers, only to be scolded by the waiter.

Seeing that it was getting late, Huang Yan went back to what he had been saying earlier to Zhang San.

“Elder Brother Zhang San, you absolutely must help me make this thing properly. We’re right around the corner from me and Elder Sister’s 3,344th day anniversary. I don’t want to get her anything too expensive, because then she’ll take it the wrong way. But I have to give her something. That’s why I want you to turn the flame from this lamp into a hairpin. That’s going to be my gift for her.” [4]

Hearing this, Zhang San slapped himself on the chest and said, “Of course. I can do that, no problem.”

Huang Yan sighed. “Ai. Why did Seven Blood Eyes have to move to this crappy place? South Phoenix is way, way better. Don’t you think, Xu Qing? Why not head back there? I’ve been trying to persuade Elder Sister to go back.”

While Xu Qing thought seriously about the suggestion, the Captain also sighed. Finishing his apple, he took out a pear and said, “Just hearing about South Phoenix makes me wistful. I had this really amazing plan. I’d thought the whole thing through. I even got all the details from the Intelligence Division, and was just about to go through with it. Ai. Well, whatever. I guess you can say that Flame Phoenix got lucky.”

Huang Yan had been just about to leave, but hearing the Captain’s words, he stopped and curiously asked, “You had a plan relating to Flame Phoenix? What were you going to do?”

Xu Qing also looked over at the Captain.

The Captain cleared his throat. “I was planning to sneak into Flame Phoenix’s nest and take something. What a pity. Thankfully, I already have a new plan ready to go.”

Huang Yan stared fixedly, clearly waiting to hear more about the new plan.

The Captain glanced around, then lowered his voice. “Do you guys know about the swordsages?” [5]

Zhang San seemed mystified, as did Xu Qing. Huang Yan just stood there blinking and looking similarly curious.

The Captain glanced suspiciously at Huang Yan. Something seems off about this fatty....

However, after a moment, he continued, “A swordsage is a member of the Swordsage Division, one of the Five Greater Celestial Divisions of humankind. Their headquarters is in the imperial capital. The division is divided into seven palaces that govern the seven counties. Every palace has courts. In other words, the Emperor-Receiving Prefecture has a Swordsage Court.

“If you join a Swordsage Court, then you become a swordsage, and then no sect can tell you what to do. As long as you don’t betray humankind, you can basically do anything you want. Put frankly, if you can become a swordsage, then you become a top figure among all humans. You’re an official part of the imperial bureaucracy, and get to live off the government. Ancient Emperor Dark Serenity might have gone off to the holy lands, but the imperial bureaucracy still exists, and the banner of humankind still strikes fear into the hearts of nonhumans.

“As a swordsage, you can arrest anyone who even looks at you the wrong way. If you’re not stronger than them, you can issue an arrest warrant. That’s totally different from a sect bounty list. It’s like a bounty list for all humankind.

“Have a problem with Patriarch Soaring Cloud? You can just have him arrested! As for nonhumans, you can crush them on a whim. And of course, no one would dare to cause problems for you. Accidentally bump into a swordsage and you’ll head to the chopping block to be beheaded.

“Beyond that, swordsages can cultivate Dark Serenity secret magics. I’ve heard they’re really amazing. In fact, once there was someone who cultivated a secret magic like that, and they very nearly killed Flame Phoenix with a single sword move!”

Huang Yan’s jaw dropped.

However, Xu Qing’s expression remained the same as ever, as he was used to the Captain and his deliberately mystifying hyperbole.

Seeing Xu Qing’s lack of expression, the Captain raised his eyebrows. “Little Ah Qing, I heard that Master Shengyun survived that fight with you. Patriarch Soaring Cloud used some sort of secret magic to heal him. It was very, very expensive, and the president of the coalition even had to help. It’s hard to say whether that’s a potential calamity, but what I do know is that people are saying he didn’t take the defeat to heart. In fact, he went into seclusion to break through to the five-flame level!”

Hearing this, Xu Qing’s expression remained placid, but his eyes flickered with cold light.

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“However, if you became a swordsage, then all it would take would be a word from you, and Master Shengyun would be shaking in his boots! That’s why my plan... is to become a swordsage!” The Captain finished his pear and took out an orange, peeled it, then continued, “That way, it won’t matter what other grand plans I hatch in the future, no one will dare to mess with me. If they try to, I’ll punish them with the full authority of all humankind!”

“How do you become a swordsage?” Zhang San asked excitedly.

“They have a very rigorous screening and testing process. They only pick the best of the best; every ten years, they let in five new people. Based on my calculations, the examination isn’t very far away. The local Swordsage Court is near the Supreme Beginning Netherflight Pillar, and I’m getting everything ready to participate. When it comes time to head over there, I’ll let all of you know.” With that, the Captain stood, wiped the dust from his rear end, and then waved goodbye and left.

Huang Yan also departed. By the time Xu Qing and Zhang San finished discussing all the details of his dharmaskiff, the sun was setting. Finally, Xu Qing left.


Meanwhile, elsewhere in the Eight Sect Coalition, specifically in the Soaring Cloud Sword Sect, there was a secret location where countless spell formations had been set up in clandestine fashion around a huge blood cistern.

Inhuman screams of agony echoed out constantly from that blood cistern, both day and night.

Eight ancient swords rose up from the blood, and atop each of them a person sat cross-legged. There were men and women, and most were young. All of them radiated Nascent Soul cultivation base fluctuations.

The combined power of the swords released streams of sword energy, creating a web that weighed down on the blood cistern. Atop that web was an enormous golden crow, looking down and absorbing the blood.

An old man hovered in the air off to the side. He was none other than Patriarch Soaring Cloud.

As he looked down into the blood cistern, his expression was very unsightly.

“Grandson,” he murmured sadly, “just hang in there a bit longer. The poison that scumbag hit you with is unique and powerful, and none of my healing methods can purge it. I don’t know how to heal you. Even just keeping you alive is hard enough. The only thing keeping you going is the projection of the president’s imperial-class technique with its powerful life force, which keeps the poison stable.

“You can tell that scumbag has come across some good fortune. Grandson, your name, Shengyun, means ‘radiance and light.’ The omens that appeared when you were born indicate that you can walk the path of the Ancient Emperors. You can’t give up! Hang in there! You will wrest back the glory that belongs to you. All of his assets belong to you!” [6]

Within the blood cistern was a skeletal figure that only retained about thirty percent of its flesh and blood. Expression vicious, he screamed manically, “I’m going to kill you, Xu Qing!”

1. Xu Qing got the Spirit Breath Lamp in chapter 117, and sold it to Huang Yan in chapter 149. It is not a life lamp. I saw a lot of comments from readers who mistakenly thought the Spirit Breath Lamp was a life lamp. The Captain stated very clearly in 117 that the Spirit Breath Lamp is not a life lamp, but rather a knockoff that doesn’t compare to an actual life lamp. ☜

2. The Participation Effect was mentioned in chapter 195. ☜

3. Li Zimei was with Xu Qing on his first trip up the Seventh Peak in chapter 51. He gave her some words of encouragement in chapter 68, and the last we saw her was when he greeted her in the Transportation Division in chapter 79. The chosen from the Supreme Arbiter Immortal Society appeared in chapter 226 and one of them also showed up in chapter 236. ☜

4. 3,344 is about nine years. The reason this number is relevant is that it sounds similar to a Chinese expression that means “generation after generation” or “incarnation after incarnation.” When used in romantic contexts, it’s like saying “your entire life” or “all your lives.” In other words, a couple will be together for “incarnation after incarnation” i.e. forever. ☜

5. In Chinese, the swordsages are literally “sword graspers” or “sword wielders.” It sounds pretty cool in Chinese. In this case I’m taking a bit of a liberty with the translation to have something that sounds more impressive. The swordsages were previously mentioned by Master Shengyun in chapter 255, though it was in his thoughts, which is why Xu Qing has never heard of them. This point is emphasized by the author. ☜

6. As mentioned in chapter 277, Master Shengyun’s daoist name is based on his real name, Chu Shengyun. Sheng means “holy, sacred, saint, sage” and Yun is a fancy and sort of rare character that means “sunlight.” The direct translation of the name would be something like “holy sunlight.” ☜