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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 703
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Liora probably hadn't expectedto be so calm. However, the woman named Vicky, who was with her, seemed to recognizeand was a bit surprised.

Staring atwith displeasure, she asked, "How can it be you?" I shifted my gaze from Liora to Vicky and asked, "Why can't it be me?" Liora glanced at Vicky and interrupted her, "Do you two know each other?" "We met at Arkadia Plaza yesterday," Vicky said. "She couldn't even afford a dress there and dare to wear a knockoff here." "Tsk tsk, Vicky, what nonsense are you saying?" Liora immediately interjected. "You may not know this, but Ms. Chloe is a nouveau riche with strong ties. In the future, Ms. Chloe might be the center of attention at such gatherings. How could she be wearing knockoffs?" Liora's ambiguous words suggested a wealthy benefactor was behind me. Otherwise, I could not attend such events. She implied that I had ssecrets or connections that others didn't know.

Ivanna couldn't stand Liora's sarcastic tone and was about to speak, but everyone's attention suddenly shifted to the entrance.

I also turned to look and was delighted to see that Trinity had arrived.

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As I expected, by her side was the long-unseen Stella. On her left was another girl I didn't recognize.

Liora's face immediately stiffened. Vicky grabbed Liora's arm and whispered, "Aunt Liora, that's..." Obviously, Vicky knew the girl beside Trinity.

Liora hushed Vicky with a low growl, "Shut up." My mind quickly grasped the situation. It seemed that the Trinity mentioned was unfolding with this girl. Otherwise, Liora wouldn't react so strangely upon seeing her.

After Stella cin, her gaze swept across the crowded hall but fixed on me. Then, she walked toward us.

Trinity didn't cover with Stella.

The woman by her side said pointedè something, and Trinity pointed toward the entrance, gesturing with her finger. My understanding was that the woman wanted to go to the restroom.

I silently observed this scene, and Stella had already approached me.

"Long tno see." I smiled faintly. "Indeed, it's been a while. I thought you were no longer in Foswood." "I've been here all along. But it seems you've been so busy lately that you don't even have tfor tea with me," she said, as if we were old friends.

én.Find"I've been preoccupied with a lot," I said, my eyes fixed on her face, observing her every expression.

"Oh?" Stella seemed surprised, excitedly asking, "There's trouble again?" This 'subtle battle' between us had becsomething common. Her surprised expression was not strange at all.

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"Yes," I said with a faint smile. "Someone is always keeping an eye on me."

But her expression ledto conclude that she he didn't orchestrate this truck incident. Her expression didn't seem like she was lying.

During our conversation, Stella's eyes casually glanced at Liora. She m hurriedly smiled and said, "Stella, it's ΕΠ been a while since I last saw you." "You've been doing so well lately. How would you have the tfor me?" Stella asked.

Observing the interaction between the two, it becevident that there

was a crack in their relationship.

Stella's casual comment later about the funds being in place hinted at sdiscord between them. en.Find I could smell a hint of disharmony in the air.