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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 123
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Chapter 123 The Call of Desire

1 reveled in the sensations of being needed and caressed. These feelings had been

repressed for too

long, and I kissed him passionately.

His words echoed in my mind. “I’ll have you right here. That way, you won’t have any

more excuses.”

It made me want to let go of my inhibitions and follow my heart.

Images of Matthew and Melanie together fueled my desire for revenge and competition. I

wanted it all and was determined to make it even better than anything they’d ever had.

Atlas hugged me and cradled my back, afraid to hurt me. Why should I refuse him? He

made me forget

my troubles.

I discovered that caresses could ease the pain. The wounds on my body no longer hurt.

Instead, there

was an unprecedented longing, a yearning for love.

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He must have sensed my desire. His hazy eyes looked at my face, and he murmured in my

ear, “Chlo, is

this okay? Will…

I covered his lips, blocking the words he wanted to say, I knew what he was worried about.

My response ignited him.

It was like floating on a cloud. I forgot all my worries and fears. Even the pain seemed to

Instead, there was an unparalleled sense of comfort.


I was on the verge of madness. I had never indulged in losing myself in such a passionate

dance for two.

It was perfect, reaching its climax until my brain seemed starved of oxygen.

Both of us had forgotten ourselves. We continued until we could no longer see each

other’s faces in the

dim room.

1 buried my face in his embrace, feeling his strong heartbeat. He gently stroked my back,

and his touch

was tender. “Is the pain gone?”

I shook my head, feeling a mix of shame and a strange satisfaction.

“You didn’t seem to hold back just now. Why are you suddenly being shy?” His voice held a



in an instant, I was much more awake, Our lives were on different paths. We had been

entangled in a

moment of desire.

I couldn’t let my thoughts wander any further. Thankfully, the room was too dark to see


My stomach let out an untimely growl. I felt mortified.

“We’ve exerted ourselves too much. It’s time to replenish our energy!” He whispered in

my ear. “Let’s go


I got up, afraid of being teased. He attempted to turn on the lights, but I resisted.

He fumbled in the dark as he got dressed, and pulled me into his arms. “Love does heal

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wounds. How

about we have some food and go at it again?”

I pushed him away abruptly. “Y–You are…”

He smirked and ruffled my hair. “You’ve gone this far. Why pretend to be so reserved?”

Oh my! This man!

I shook him off and walked away. He followed me with a sly grin.

He took me to a small, exquisite restaurant where the table was already set. Faced with

this sudden. change of scenario, I still felt a little uneasy, realizing I might have been too


Perhaps he sensed my unease, because he appeared calm and considerate. He hand

picked dishes her thought I would like–a true gentleman. It was a far cry from the forceful

dominance earlier. Now he was

gentle and caring.

The blankness in my mind had now been replaced with shame. I reminded myself not to

get caught up in

this mess.

“Um… About earlier…” I didn’t know how to express my feelings at this moment.

He looked at me for a long time, then finally asked, “What do you want to say?”