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Belong to the Lycan Alpha by Jikanyotomare

Chapter 93
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Chapter 93
Once Darren arrived with four warriors, the fight between the alpha and ten beasts had done, many carca s s e s on the ground,
but the alpha was not in a good condition too. Hunter shifted into his human skin, because he couldn’t sustain his
beast form.
“Kellan!” Hunter growled the name. “Catch him alive!” He was going to make his life a living hell for threatening his mate’s life
and his! There was no mercy that he would show to him, just like how he showed no mercy to his own father.
In a way, Kellan was not wrong when he accused him of killing his own father!
The four warrior beasts immediately dashed toward the direction where they still could sense Kellan’s scent. Kellan was not
someone strange for them, since he was the former beta.
“Hunter!” Darren stopped Hunter when he was about to shift into his beast again. and joined the fray. “The pack house is under
attack and Lilac is injured.”
Hunter knew the pack house was under attack, but he believed Darren and Rye had prepared for this, since he had warned them
something like this might happen, understanding Kellan’s personality, he actually was surprised, because it was only now he
made his move.
However, what elicited anger from Hunter was what the last sentence that Darren said.
“Injured!?” Hunter growled. He cursed himself for letting two beasts escaped him, but he thought, he gave Lilac’s enough time to
reach the pack house. How wrong he was in that sense.
Without another question, Hunter immediately shifted into his beast and changed his direction toward the pack house.
[How bad her injuries are?!] Hunter asked his beta through mind link, as they rushed back toward the pack house.

Darren told him about the injuries on her back, he was a little bit startled by the anger that Hunter emanated. He looked so
terrifying, whenever he was mad and now the beta could sense that the alpha was not only mad, he was enraged.
Despite the injuries that he sustained himself, it didn’t slow down Hunter to reach the pack house and look for his woman.
Chapter 93

The battle within the pack house had died down, this kind of battle most likely was a distraction and was not the real aimed their
enemy wanted, therefore, there was no need for evacuation, more so, almost all the pack member of the lycan pack knew how to
protect themselves.
It didn’t take Hunter for long to find where Lilac was and the healer immediately stood up when she saw the alpha shifted into his
human form, the second he stepped into the room. She nodded her head solemnly.
“How is she?” Hunter growled the question, as he went to the bed and check on Lilac herself.
“She will be fine, alpha, but her healing ability is not as fast as us, lycan. More so... The healer cleared her throat. She was a
young healer, probably she was only five
older than Lilac, with round face and freckles across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. “...since she is very exhausted from
the marking and the mating, it probably takes her a while to regain her consciousness.” Her face turned red. She learned about
what had happened when she checked on Lilac.
On the other hand, the alpha looked unfazed when he heard that. He sat down on the edge of the bed and stared at his woman’s
sleeping face. Once again, she injured her back...
This was his fault for not being able to protect her. He should have protected her better than this.
“Alpha... your wounds...” the healer reminded the alpha about his wound, but Hunter simply waved his hand, telling them to go

“Bring me clean clothes,” Hunter told Darren before the two of them left.
Not long after that, Darren returned with clean clothes and towel. There is news. This is very messy, but I don’t know what the
“What is it?” Hunter asked, as he undressed himself. Some of his wounds had healed, but there were three deeper wounds that
were still bleeding and Hunter used the towel to wipe the blood and wait until the wounds were close before he put on his clean
Darren wanted to suggest for him to call for the healer, but he knew him well to know what kind of answer that he would give him,

so he gave up the idea and reported the information he got.
“We got Kellan, but we lost his daughter. I think the attack in the pack house was a distraction to get his daughter out of the
dungeon.” Darren furrowed his brows. He
Chapter 93
believed with this theory. “But, we can’t find her anywhere. Someone from outside of the pack must have helped them, right now,
we are interrogating Kellan. I am sure this attack was his plan.”
Hunter didn’t need to be told about this, he knew the attack was planned and Kellan took the matter a little bit far by attacking
him and trying to kill his woman
and him.
“But, we don’t recognize the attacker. For sure, they were all lycan.” Darren
contemplated about this for a while. “We are the only lycan pack in this realm. Who do you think those lycan were?”
Hunter put on his clothes when the blood stopped oozing out from his wounds, and they finally closed.
“I will investigate the matter. Send someone to track down where Grace is.” Hunter went to the bed and carry Lilac in his arms.
He would put her into their bedroom. “Tell Hella to come to my bedroom to check on her.”
“Okay.” Darren stared at Lilac, who looked so pale and weak. “You really did mark her.”
Hunter glanced at him, as if he was talking something in different language. “She is my woman, I put claim on my woman what is
wrong with that.”
“The pack member...”
“The f u c k with the pack member.”