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Belong to the Lycan Alpha by Jikanyotomare

Chapter 44
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Chapter 44
The moment Hunter heard luna Jasmine stepped forward and admitted the mistake that she didn’t even do, he knew what kind
of game she was playing and he wouldn’t fall for that.
This woman should know what kind of consequences that she would get by trying to take the brunt in this
serious matter.
“What do you mean with death punishment?!” luna Jasmine roared angrily and alpha James had to physically held his mate back
before she could attack Hunter out of anger.
The alpha was not happy with the irrational suggestion too.
“Alpha Hunter, you need to watch what you said.” The other alpha looked uncomfortable with how things unfolded before their
“You can’t say the word lightly.”
On the other hand, Lilac couldn’t say a word. She was upset because once again luna Jasmine tried to protect her own son in
such ridiculous way.
“You were trying to assault my woman. In my pack, a death punishment would fit the crime.” Hunter held Lilac’s hand tightly. She
glanced at him when he addressed her as his woman, because it made her stomach fluttered.
“Don’t be ridiculous! This is not your pack! Your punishment is not working here!” luna Jasmine roared and once again alpha
James gave her a stern warning to shut her mouth.

The alpha had learned what actually happened. Yes, it was his mate’s plan in the first place to make Aiden impregnated Lilac,
but at the same time, his son was willing enough to do the deed without thinking of the

More so, instead of talking about it to him and warn him what they were going to do, they actually did it behind his back, which
made them reached this point. It was very upsetting to say the least. Of course, alpha James wouldn’t agree with such nasty
plan, that was why they didn’t tell him in the first place.
“Then what punishment for such crime in this pack?” Hunter tilted his head. He thought it would be done within an hour, but
apparently, they wanted to make this more complicated than it should be. Well, he would entertain that. “Tell me, what
punishment for the crime?”
All of them went silence, they didn’t want to say it, because the punishment was not better than death, therefore, Hunter turned
his head and looked at Lilac.
“What punishment for that?” Hunter asked her with gentle tone, it was very contradicting with the way he talked earlier and his
tone rubbed luna Jasmine in the wrong way.
Yet, she couldn’t do anything because her mate was glaring at her to shut her mouth. She was also furious with herself for not
being able to compose herself. This was not like her at all to lose her temper very easily. She shouldn’t have been provoked by
what Hunter said!
“The punishment is being lashed a hundred times in public,” Lilac said coldly. If luna Jasmine, the person that she thought as a
mother figure for her could do something like that, she knew there was no helping at all. She didn’t want this woman in her life.
Chapter 44.

She should accept the consequences of her action.
“Lilac!” luna Jasmine roared angrily, she wanted to approach Lilac and slap her harshly, so she would know her place! How could
she betray her like that?!
But. Lilac was done with them. She didn’t deserve an ounce of her pity after the trick that she pulled through. It was one thing

when she suggested it, but it was another thing when she drugged her and let her son to assault her. Aiden was going to rape
her and that was the turning point for Lilac
She realized how shitty things could be and how she would feel if Aiden succeeded. She couldn’t imagine how she was right now
if Hunter didn’t come in time.
“How dare you!” luna Jasmine was struggling against her mate, who tried to calm her down, but she was too emotional to listen
to him.
“Is that true?” Hunter asked alpha James, he stared at the alpha with the look of disdain. “A hundred lashes? Only?”
“In public.” Lilac added. She felt this liberty when she went against luna Jasmine because she used to accept whatever luna
Jasmine did to her and the way she taught her everything harshly.
Hunter was right. She needed to get out of this pack as soon as possible.
She didn’t need to be here anymore.
“Make it public will not make it any better, but it will be very amusing indeed.” Hunter brought Lilac’s hand to his l*ps, which
startled all of them there, including Lilac herself. She didn’t understand what Hunter meant with such intimate gesture. “Shall we
do it now?”
A hundred lashes wouldn’t kill a shifter, but of course, it would leave a permanent damage on their b*dy, let alone if it was done
in public, where all the pack member could see. The humiliation was another scar that shouldn’t be taken lightly.
“Father! You can’t do that to mother!” Aiden snarled at alpha James angrily. “Say the word and I am going to kill that bastard! I
am going to kill that barbaric lycan!”
“Shut up!” alpha James barked, he was enraged.

Right now, they were preparing punishment for luna Jasmine after a heated argumentation with Hunter and the other alphas. It
was this punishment or death sentence, neither was better.
“I can kill him! I am sure I can kill him! I killed his father, right? Don’t you remember? I am the one, who stopped the war against
the lycan and I can start it again!” Aiden was devastated when he heard the punishment for his mother. He couldn’t believe his
father would accept that easily.
What the hell was wrong with him?!
“Shut up! Do you really think the other packs will help you this time?! They wanted their pack member back!”