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Barren Mother Give Birth to Sextuplets To The Hot CEO

Chapter 306
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Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot Ceo Chapter 306

Michael lead Amy inside and helped her to sit gently on the bed, he was seated right beside her. Amy felt

comforted. She

looked at his face like a baby looking at the face of his father.

In the past, she just didn’t like Michael, maybe because he had come to her as a gentleman then all of a

sudden changed

into a wicked somebody. But at the moment, he had a natural liking for him only that she can’t tell if it’s

just a temporal one or the one that will last.

“I know you need to go home to see the kids but let’s have fun for a while before you leave, okay?” He

said, looking at her

face while Amy nodded.

“Can you play tennis?” He asked her, his face was now getting softer Amy nodded with a smile.

“Let’s go play tennis then,” Michael said and stood then began to change into a sport wear. Amy had her

eyes fixed on

him as he undressed and dressed.

Amy stood,” I don’t have a sport wear though.”

“I’ll get you one, don’t worry,” he said and stretched his hand towards her, Amy received it and he helped

her up


They both walked to where the car was. Michael drove her to a mall where he got Amy a sport wear

before eventually

taking her to the tennis spot.

There were a slightly old couple playing a tennis at the spot when they came so they just had to wait for

them until they

were done. Amy was leaning on Michael’s shoulder during the waiting period.

After the slightly old couple were done, Michael and Amy got on the various sides of the tennis court and

began to play.

Amy found herself laughing during this fun period cause Michael was obviously better than her when it

comes to this

sport yet he would let her win intentionally.

After they were done playing the tennis, Amy felt light, she couldn’t feel the heavy burden she use to feel


“Before I drive you to your house, how about I get you an ice cream? Or are you too big for that?”

Michael asked and Amy


“I’m still a baby,” Amy joked and Michael giggled lightly.

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Michael drove her to an ice cream joint and they both bought an ice cream.

While the both of them were holding their ice creams, Amy moved her head playfully to Michaels ice

cream and sucked

on it.

Michael furrowed his brow and said,” thief!”

Amy chuckled, Michael immediately turned her back from him and began to drink the ice cream very fast.

Amy kept trying to stand before him but he kept avoiding her,

at the end, he turned to her and showed her the empty cup.

He was already done drinking the ice cream.

“You have such a big mouth, how can you drink all of this big ice cream at once?” Amy said but Michael

swiftly snatched

her ice cream from her and in the process, some of the ice cream fell on Amy’s cheek.

Michael surprisingly licked the ice cream on her cheek,

giggled and ran away with the snatched ice cream.

Amy chuckled but felt like a mess cause of the ice cream that spilled on her, she ran towards him and

eventually caught up with him, “for what you do, you must buy me four more ice creams.”

Michael laughed, snubbed and continued drinking his ice.

cream until it was done. “I don’t have money,” he joked.

“Lies! I’ll cry if you don’t,” Amy acted like a baby about to cry.

“I don’t like to see tears on your face,” he placed his two hands on her cheek and moved his face closer

to her,” hold on, okay?”

Amy nodded.

He walked away from her and came back few minutes later with five men, each of them were holding five

cups of ice

creams each.

When Amy saw the five men holding the twenty five ice creams, she furrowed her brow and said to

Michael,” why are

they here?”

“These twenty five ice creams are for you. If it’s not enough,

I’ll just buy the entire ice cream joint for you,” Michael said and Amy blushed.

Amy collected only an ice cream and dismissed the men.

They played as they walked back to the car. Michael then drove her to her house, before she stepped

down, Michael

said,” if you ever get bored at home, don’t even hesitate to call me.”

“Got it, Zaddy,” she said and they both laughed.

“And erm… I don’t want to see you in that club again.

Whenever you are depressed, just call me, okay?”

“Yes Zaddy,” she said and Michael laughed even more.

“Bye,” Amy waved her hand merrily and stepped down from the car. Michael remained inside the car and

watched her as

she walked inside. Afterwards, he drove away.

A few seconds after Amy walked inside, the door flung open hard and her heart skipped in fear, she

turned and saw

Broderick walked in with a terrifying look.

“Amy, you went out with a man. Don’t even deny it cause I saw you step down from a man’s car,”

Broderick accused.

Amy smirked, she loved to see this man this way, “and who says I’ll deny it?”

Broderick was surprised at her response but at the same time angry, “Amy!”

“I went out with a man and so? How is that your business? I left your house yesterday because you said

you will beat me

for your ‘new love! You even went to visit her at the hospital,

afterall, I’m the wicked woman who beat your love, right?”

Amy said sarcastically.

“What’s wrong with you, Amy? Did you want to become promiscuous just because I rebuked you for

doing something


“Fuck off!” Amy shouted at him,” I hate the fact that you are blind. Actually, you just can never see

through the minds of

people. Despite being the most powerful man in the continent, I can’t tell the difference between you and

an idiot.”

“Amy!” Broderick was enraged.

“You are in my house so don’t threaten me or I’ll arrest you.

Go back to your ‘new love’s’ house,” Amy commanded.

Broderick walked up to her and grabbed her shoulder hard,” is this you? When did you change?”

Amy pushed him with all her strength but he didn’t bulge as he was too strong.

“Take your filthy hands away from me. This was the same hand you were using to touch that bitch,” Amy

shouted at

him but when Broderick didn’t show any sign of taking his hand off her, she bite on him hard.

Broderick quickly took his hands from him cause her teeth causes him a sharp pain, blood immediately

began to spill

from his hand.

“You can’t blame me for it, now leave my house.” Amy commanded ruthlessly.

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He binded his bleeding hand with an handkerchief and said,”

can I at least see my children?”

“You can,” Amy sat on the chair and added,” they are in their rooms.”

“Okay,” Broderick looked at Amy with a very painful heart.

Why did she change to him? Did she stop loving him? Who was the man she was with? So many

questions filled his heart.

Nonetheless, he walked to the boy’s room and saw that even the girls were in the room and they were all


seriously on the laptop.

As soon as one of them sighted him and shouted ‘daddy.

Moses immediately closed the laptop and they all rushed towards him.

He spent quality time with the kids, playing with them.

Though he was laughing when they joke, he was very sad on the inside. The relationship between him

and the mother of

the kids hasn’t been smooth lately.

He was with them until it was night, he even lead them to eat dinner and lead them back to the room.

Broderick waited on his kids until they slept off after which he walked out of the room. However, he didn’t

see Amy in the

living room.

He walked over to the kitchen to check on her but he couldn’t find Amy still.

So he went to sit in the living room and called her. Amy was at this time inside Joan’s room. They had

both been gisting and laughing but when she got Broderick’s call, her face became serious and she

answered the call.

“I’m in the living room, where are you?”

Amy was quiet for a while then she spoke,”it’s late already.

Didn’t you plan to go home?”

“I want to see you, please show up,” Broderick said.

“I’ve gone out,” Amy said.

“Again? Is it to a man’s place?”

“That’s right, to a man’s place. You should go to Elva’s place too,” Amy said and Joan who was seated

before her gave her

a thumbs up.

Broderick felt pained on the inside,” are you kidding? Like you left me here and went to a guy’s place?”

“Didn’t you send me away from your house and went to meet your new lover at the hospital? The only

thing between us is

our kids,” she said.

“Does that mean you don’t love me anymore?”

“I don’t.” Amy answered.