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Barren Mother Give Birth to Sextuplets To The Hot CEO

Chapter 24
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“Mother!” He called Nell, Nell had a look of shock on her face as if scared that he

probably overheard them, she quickly smiled,” yes, son. Do you have something urgent to tell me?” “You

know how much I trust you, right?” Broderick asked her.

“Yes, sure.” Nell answered, her mind had become so unsettled and her mouth was almost shivering

but she tried to have a facial expression that depicts that she was calm.

“Yet you lied to me that you are the mother of the children. I overheard all the conversation cause I was s

uspecting that something was odd expecially with the kid‘s reaction. The love they have for this woman is

excess.” Nell didn‘t expect for the secrete to get exposed so soon,” actually, it was an agreement betwee

n your mum and I for me to act as a mother to the children.”

Broderick felt very dissapointed in Nell and then looked at Amy, ‘this slender woman really gave birth to si

x kids? Who is their father?‘ he thought to himself.

Could it be her ex husband? Amy was very happy that Broderick find out the truth in no time, she thought

it would take time. She rushed happily to the bathroom and began to bath for her children. The children

could see her face beaming and they wondered what made their sad mother suddenly happy. A couple of

minutes later, she was already done dressing up for the kids, she walked

with the six adorable kids to Broderick‘s room and planted

a knock there gently. The door opened and Broderick said,“tell the kids to hold on outside and come in.”


did as commanded and then walked inside the room, “why did you hide your identity as the children‘s mo

ther? Are you not proud of your own kids?” “Mrs. Alessandro

thought you wouldn‘t accept to marry me if you know that I have six children,” she answered sincerely. H

e looked at her face intently for

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a while and then said, “it was you who hide your identity as a mother of six children just to get married to

me. Now it makes sense why you

are trying to escape with the children.” Amy lowered her head slightly, she knew that there was nothing s

he could say that can make him see her differently from how he perceived her. “Who is their father?” He

asked the million dollar question that made Amy‘s heart thump so heavily that she almost coughed. “I do

n‘t know whom their father is,” she managed to raise her face up and answered. “Is that so? How old are

the children?” He asked. “They are six years,” Amy answered, hoping he doesn‘t connect the dot. They h

ad sex precisely six years ago, could it be that... Of course not. He was

infertile, it will be impossible for him to produce babies talk more of producing six babies. Broderick could

have simply

waved the thought away but the fact that those children had the same resemblance with him got him thin

king. He assured himself to confirm if he was really infertile or perhaps, it was his late wife who was infert


Broderick went out with the six children alongside Amy, he shopped for them and bought every single

thing they set their hands on for them and when they were done, his car and that of his escorts parked dr

ove to a different mansion. It was when

Amy stepped out that she realized that this mansion was not the Alessandro‘s mansion. “Sorry! But may I

ask where this place is?” Any asked. “We would stop living at the

Alessandro‘s mansion, here is one of my house and here is where

we would live until my mother dies,” he said. At least, she would be able to escape Nell who seems to be

turning into a villian, she had no idea why she suddenly turned against her. Anyways, they were no long

er in the Alessandro‘s mansion. She walked inside with the kids and the house butler showed Amy her ro

om, he also showed her

the room for the kids. Any arranged the boys to have a separate room while he arranged the girls to have

a separate room. After a whole lot of settings that took a couple of hours, she finally retired back to her b

ed. She thought Broderick would frustrate her even more if

he finds out that the children were hers and that she had been lying to him but he didn‘t react that way at

all. Infact, his reactions had been strange. He even brought them to a separate house. Amy thought that t

here was no point attempting to run away again, it was impossible for anyone to escape Broderick. All he

r attempt to run away from him will always be futile. She would just endure for the remaining eight month

s when his mother is likely to die and then leave. Until then, she would try to hide the fact that the childre

n were his from him cause that may bring more complications. Also, as long as she remains here, her chi

ldren will be able to go to a school where they could afford an high quality education. Until she is able to l

eave this place, she would try to develop

herself. Amy didn‘t know when she slept off, she woke up a couple of hours later as a result of her phone

that chirped briefly, she tiredly picked up the phone and checked, seeing that it was a notification of a G

mail, she adjusted well into a sitting position as she clicked on the mail.

She read that a

company had offered her a job opportunity and that she was to resume the following day. Happiness fille

d her heart at once. Why was everything suddenly seemed to be working in place for her? When she wa

ke the following morning to check on the kids, but she realized they were already dressed in a new scho

ol uniform. The children swarmed around her happily, the male told her how the butler had woke them up

and dressed

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for them gently, the girls also narrated how a female maid had woke them and dress for them. They were

happier cause of their new school uniform. Amy smiled knowing that this was Broderick‘s handiwork.

A knock landed and after Amy had permitted whoever was outside to come in, the butler came in and said

take the children to school.”

“Oh!” Amy exclaimed with a smile,” can I escort them to the car?” “Sure, ma,” the butler answered and

she followed the kids outside if the house to where numerous cars were, Amy waved the children a

merry goodbye and watched as they were escorted like the children of a king away. Soon, the car was lea

It‘s Callan‘s Family Company –

‘where is Broderick though?‘ she thought to herself. She went ahead and bath then got dressed. She

had to resume early to the company that had ju offered her employment.

While dressed in an office suit, she walked outside of her room and when she was almost reachii the large

appeared from the dinning, she glanced and saw Broderick. He w also dressed in suit. “Good morning an

smiled when saying th though it was impossible to forget

the near death experiences that he let her went through mai times but at least, he was being good to his c

has something with the

company. Amy watched his reaction in silence and he could tell that something was off, when she was ab

belongs to Callan‘s family, you know that, right?” “No, I don‘t,”

Amy was surprised, BS company were actually one of the companies she applied for the past so she thou

want to,” Broderick said , standing still. She was just going there to

work, nothing else. But then, she was likely to meet with Callan. Althou it had

been six years, she hates to see

Callan cause the pain he caused her in the past still hurts he But what if Callan had no idea she was even

with the compar probably because of Callan, then she can just resign. “I‘ll like to go,” she said and Brodric