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Barren Mother Give Birth to Sextuplets To The Hot CEO

Chapter 15
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Broderick watched as Nell lead the children to her room. Were those six children really

her children? But she couldn‘t have

abducted six identical kids at a time if at all she wanted to abduct. He then purposed to have some

talks with any of the child at any chance. Amy was frustrated inside the bathroom, she has to sit at the he

adrest of the baththub with only a towel around her body. How heartless could this man be? If at all

he wanted to lock her up, must it be in the bathroom? Amy remained in the bathroom

until it was night, she kept

hoping that he would probably change his mind but he didn‘t, moreso, she had not even taken dinner yet

and she was beginning to get hungry. But the night

kept closing up yet there was no sign of anyone, does that mean she would not be able to check on her c

hildren this night? She walked to the door and planted a knock on the door but got no response, she ban

ged the door heavily out of frustration and even screamed yet got no response. She persist in hitting the

door of the bathroom very hardly but the door was too strong and it seemed as if her voice was unable to

escape the bathroom. She sunk back to the head rest of the baththub tiredly and sadly, she was

in a painful thought when she fell asleep. She kept waking in the middle of the night, thought

and slept back. Her sleep wasn‘t a sound one at all. How could she even sleep sound in such an

uncomfortable position? The door of the bathroom opened when it was morning and she quickly stood fr

om the bathtub thinking

that her saviour had come but when her face fell on Broderick, her hope vanished. Broderick was holding

a tray that consist of a food,” I told mother you travelled somewhere when she asked of you. If you event

ually make it out of your here alive, just tell her you travelled just like I have said.” “Are you teaching me t

o lie?” She asked with all the courage in her.

He walked over to her with the tray of food

and stretched it to her,” I‘m not a prisoner, I need to get out of here. If you don‘t

want me, I‘ll understand and leave, this time, I swear with my life never to appear before you

again.” Amy thought that she would hurt herself the most in the process of trying to comfort Broderick‘s m

other who was suffering from a chronic

stomach cancer and would die in nine months time. She had to put herself first this time. “Have

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the food,” Broderick ignored all that she just said and stretched the

food closer to her. She folded her arms and looked away,” I‘m not eating unless I get out of here.” A smirk

formed on Broderick‘s lips and he

said,” I have never in my life served anyone. You are the first woman I will ever serve. If

you refuse to accept it, you will regret it” “I don‘t want,” Amy insisted, looking away. Although she was hun

gry, she couldn‘t afford

to eat in this position. If she collects the food from him and eat, it will make it look that she was comfortab

le being here. She wanted to leave here so bad. Never in her life has she ever been imprisoned

before so this feeling was strange and painful. Most importantly, she wants to see her children. Broderick

let the tray fall from his hand and the food inside the dishes fell to the floor, even the dishes that was

made of glass scattered to the floor. Amy furrowed her brow. What was he doing?

Broderick turned from her and as he began to walk towards the exit of the

bathroom, Amy ran to him and swiftly managed to escape the door of the bathroom.

Since she was only on a towel, she quickly got dressed and ran to the door that leads outside straight aw

ay then

twisted the knob. Her plan was to escape this house Firstly then explain to his mother that she would not

be coming back and that her children should be given back to her. However, the door of the room was no

t opening. Sweats began to form on her forehead immediately and she

shouted,” someone help,” she struggled over and over again to twist the knob of the door but it wasn‘t op

ening. It‘s obvious he had locked it.

A hand grabbed her neck from behind and pulled her back towards himself, when her body collapsed on

his firm body, she knew that this person was Broderick. Afterall, it was only the two of them in the


He dragged her to the bed and carried her then throw her to

the bed. Amy quickly sat upright in the bed with fear lingering on her face, she watched the man before h

er who had a murderous look on his


“After my

mother is no longer in this world, you can dissapear from my sight and never appear again. But for now,

you are stuck with me and I‘ll inflict pain on you flirtatious and deceptive woman again and again

until I watch you beg for death,” he said making Amy‘s heart thump abnormally. “Please, I know it

seems like I‘m the one throwing myself to you but it‘s not true, all that is happenings I just a coincidence,”

she pleaded. He pounced on the bed and dragged her feet, making her back fall to the bed, he held her

chin tight as

he leaned his body over her, “for daring to reject my food,” he tore her top making her brasseier got expo

sed. Her cleavage was now visible and she almost melted. Although

they were husband and wife for now, they can not be regarded as one,” please, not this way.” Amy did no

t want her first time with the man who mysteriously happens to her husband to happen like this, he adjust

ed up but his knees was resting beside her laps.

He placed his hand on his belt and unbuckled it slowly, he removed the belt and threw it to a side of

the room. The bulge on his trouser was now visible that watching it made Amy stop breathing. The

length was big and she was nervous that if he brings it out and thrust it inside of her, she would feel

so much pain. He looked at her and said,” isn‘t that what you

want?” He asked as he dipped his hand inside

his trouser slowly. Amy shook her head and almost nodded again, she didn‘t even know what she want.

She would not have

mind if her husband had sex with her but in a gentle manner but this man before her was a beast, an hea

rtless one whom she presume would make the sex rather painful for her than pleasurable. She watched

him stroke his hands around his dick thay was inside his trouser while she watched with a mouth opened

ajar, “how was it like six years ago? Sweet right? Which is why you kept appearing before me to

have my dick inside of you again, yet you kept pretending.” He placed his hand on

his tie and almost loosened it but stood up all of a sudden, he dragged her up and smuggled her back to

the bathroom. She tried to fight back but he was

far stronger than her. She had to resort into pleading, she pleaded earnestly but he just

shoved her inside the bathroom and locked the door.

I‘m sorry, I‘ll leave “Why hiding your true intentions? You want me

again inside of you and I want to give it to you but you are pretending? Keep pretending…” He said and w

Amy squatted and cried, for the rest of the day, Amy did not hear a sound coming from the room.

Her body was now weaker as she did not take any food yesterday night neither

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has she taken any food today but she had already determined in her heart not to eat any food until she se

day, the door of the bathroom opened but she remained where

she sat. She was too weak to even stand and was expecting to see Broderick appear

cause she guessed that she was the one who opened the door of the bathroom. However, a few minutes

only on a brasserie, she got

dressed in a new top and checked the time, however, her children would have gone to school already

by this time. Who opened the door of the room for her, though? While she was thinking

of what next to do, a voice called on to her and she looked towards

the direction the voice cane from and saw Elizabeth walking towards her. She walked

towards her and greeted with a smile,” mum.” “How come you travelled without informing me?” Elizabeth


troubled. “I‘m sorry, mum. It was urgent,” she said. “Oh, come with me,” Elizabeth led her to the living room

both sat closer to eachother.

“Is it personal or it‘s what you can tell me about?” Elizabeth questioned.

“It‘s personal, ma,” she answered. “Are you getting along with your husband?” Elizabeth

asked, she too knew that Broderick was very cold ever since his first love

died. “Ermm...we are still getting to understand eachother but mother, I‘ll be travelling back to the SouthHi

said. Southhill was the less developing city that Amy had travelled to years ago. It was too risky for her to

in the same house that Broderick lived. Plus she lived in the Southhill for six years and she had little to no

South Hill would save her of Broderick, then she

would do that. Maybe when the children grows up even more, she can think of bringing them back. Elizab

not expecting to hear this at all, her elated mood deflated and she asked concernedly, ” I thought you said

can‘t get rid of the love he has for his past love. Although his past love is

dead, it‘s impossible for him to get over it and that‘s really affecting me,” Amy said. “Amy, why are you givi

heal him and make

him love you or do you think that‘s not possible?” Elizabeth asked. I‘m sorry, I’ll leave Not possible! It wou

be impossible to change that kind of man, Amy thought on the inside of her but didn‘t know how to say it t

who are craving for this position that you are but I ignored them all. I have faith in you that you can

help me heal him, shine into his darkness, please.” Amy looked at Elizabeth honest look and said,” mum,

leave.” Her experiences with Broderick hadn‘t been favorable and she didn‘t even know what

he was likely to do to her next. She stood slowly and said,” mother, I‘ll be leaving to my house now, tell the

but she didn‘t shed tears. She would have to put herself first before anyone, Amy thought. Maybe Elizabet

it‘s too much of a difficult task for her.