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Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon

Chapter 182 - 182: It Should Have Been Gu Zi
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Chapter 182: It Should Have Been Gu Zi

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“You should have returned this money long ago. Are you still attempting to hold on?” Gu Zi’s tone was firm, leaving no room for negotiation.

Despite the reluctance of the elderly couple, they reluctantly handed over the 100 yuan to Gu Zi, pledging in front of the police that they wouldn’t dare to cause any further trouble.

After multiple warnings from the police, the men were finally allowed to leave. Hopefully, the scare would keep them in check for a while.

Gu Zi returned inside to resume preparing desserts. Su Li informed her about a food exhibition at the parent-child reading event scheduled for the next day.

Parents were encouraged to bring homemade or store-bought snacks to sell at the school.

The money earned could be utilized by the child as they wished – either for a toy gift bag provided by the school or as a donation to a Hope Primary School in a remote mountainous region, buying necessary books in the child’s name.

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Deciding to take part in the event, Gu Zi found it meaningful. It not only allowed the child to learn about financial responsibility but also fostered a sense of ownership.

Moreover, as someone who enjoyed cooking, she welcomed the opportunity to sell delicious food on such a great platform.

At the Gong family’s city residence, Gong Zhan accompanied Lin Miao to select a new wedding dress, but her expression remained dissatisfied. Follow current s on Novᴇ(l)Fɪre.net - novelenglish.net . bin

Throughout the process, she hadn’t sensed Gong Zhan’s genuine concern; it seemed he was simply going through the motions.

Observing Lin Miao’s reticence, Madam Chen, Gong Zhan’s mother, stepped in to comfort her. “Miaomiao, are you still upset with Gong Zhan? That boy can be a bit dense sometimes. Just ignore him.”

Lin Miao’s mood lightened slightly upon seeing Madam Chen trying to ease her discomfort.

But in reality, Madam Chen did not feel good about it either. In the past, Gu Zi never needed her coaxing nor caused her such trouble.

Given her status as the chief’s wife for many years, she had to maintain her dignity.

Now, she had no choice but to lower her voice and coax Lin Miao for her son.

Juggling both ends, she couldn’t afford to neglect the stability of the Gu family. Therefore, she allowed her son and Lin Miao to proceed with choosing the wedding dress, sticking to the original plan.

But it was becoming apparent that Lin Miao’s emotional control was lacking compared to Gu Zi. Any negligence from Gong Zhan could easily provoke her.

If there were future conflicts with Gong Zhan, it would bring disgrace to everyone, which was burdensome to Madam Chen.

However, it was too late for them to regret now. They heard that Gu Zi and that country bumpkin’s wedding date was approaching.

She did not know what Gu Zi was thinking. Was she really willing to be trapped in the countryside for the rest of her life?

Madam Chen’s unease only intensified the more she contemplated the situation. A sense of unease lingered in her thoughts.

The ideal daughter-in-law for their family should have been Gu Zi.

Despite not being biologically related to the Gu family, Gu Zi was the one engaged to Gong Zhan and had spent her formative years in the city.

Gu Zi possessed beauty, education, and refinement—qualities that had initially delighted Madam Chen when she was Gong Zhan’s fiancée.

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It was a pity that there had been a mix-up at birth.

Gong Xin returned home at noon from work and found Gong Zhan standing at the door. Lin Miao was also present, visibly unhappy as she glared at Gong Zhan before storming inside.

Accompanying Lin Miao in choosing a wedding dress, Gong Zhan was in a foul mood. Only now did he realize that when Gu Zi had previously pestered him, he might have been annoyed, but he hadn’t felt this low-spirited.

He called out to Gong Xin with a cold expression. “You’ve been acting like you’ve swallowed gunpowder since you returned yesterday. What’s bothering you?”

“What’s the matter? I just can’t stand your behavior,” replied Gong Xin, turning around with a cold retort.

Gong Zhan refused to listen, his temper flaring. “Explain yourself!”

Gong Xin glanced at him and then shifted his gaze to Lin Miao. “Isn’t it evident enough? You two don’t get along, so you went on to tarnish Gu Zi’s reputation. Now, the entire neighborhood is buzzing, claiming that Gu Zi slandered Lin

Miao. Hmph, was it really slander?”

Gong Zhan was momentarily speechless, but he quickly responded, “I didn’t say anything. Why are you blaming me?”

Gong Xin rolled his eyes in frustration. He couldn’t match up to Su Shen at all.

“True, you didn’t say anything. But don’t you know how to clarify? Gu Zi has been acquainted with us for years.. Gong Zhan, what kind of man are you if you can’t even stand up for your friend?”