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Back to the Past: Breaking the Love Spell

Chapter 83
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Chapter 83 Carlisle's eyes lit up with excitement. It was as if someone had given him a pillow while he was tired.

He had been discussing the gold farming process with Heath and the others earlier.

He hadn't expected Heath to remember everything he had said and even to contact his old classmate.

Carlisle dialed the number on the note.

"Who's this?" a hoarse voice answered from the other end.

"Hello, I'm Carlisle, and I'm..." "Oh, you're Carlisle, huh? How much can you payevery month?" The voice interrupted.

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The person on the phone seemed to know why Carlisle was calling and didn't wait for him to finish before asking about his salary.

"Did Heath tell you about my account farming business?" "He did. I can get you whatever you need." Carlisle's tone becindifferent as he said, “I don't like dealing with people who brag." "I won't take a penny from you if I were lying!" Hank replied in a similarly cold manner.

He felt that Heath's friend had no respect for him. If it weren't for Heath, he would have hung up by now.

He made thousands of dollars a month selling cheats on the forums. There was no need for him to cater to anyone.

Carlisle smiled. "What's your ideal salary?" "The sas everyone else. I want two hundred dollars a day!" Hank replied.

"Fine. Cby today, and I'll pay you for a day's work." After Carlisle hung up, Heath looked at him worriedly, cigarette in hand. “With four people in the studio, you'll be spending eight hundred dollars daily!" Carlisle's smile froze. It was indeed annoying.

Spending eight hundred a day meant he was losing five thousand six hundred dollars a week. The stubusiness wouldn't make that much in the beginning. Not to mention that he had less than five thousand dollars on him right now.

Heath stubbed out his half-smoked cigarette into an empty beer bottle and suggested, "Let's switch to monthly payments for the salary. You just have to take care of our food, housing, and transportation. We have computers now, so we don't have to go to intecafes!" "Don't worry about the money. I'll never go back on my word!" Carlisle said.

"It's almost tfor class. I'll be back tonight." Carlisle got up and walked out of the room, leaving nothing Chapter $3 but a cool silhouette behind..

Heath stared at Carlisle's leaving figure. He was more and more convinced that Carlisle was someone who could make a fortune. Staying by his side was no mistake.

Carlisle returned to campus. As he approached the campus gate, he received a message from Wanda.

"Carlisle, can you bringa bottle of mineral water?" "Sure!" Carlisle went to the convenience store and bought two bottles of mineral water. Just as he was about to pay, Mike entered the store with two of his buddies.

They looked tipsy.

Carlisle paid five dollars and didn't ask for the change before getting ready to leave.

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Mike put his hand up to stop Carlisle. His breath smelled of alcohol. "You got two bottles of water?" "For a friend." Mike's expression darkened. "They're for Wanda, right?" One of them shoved Carlisle. "Didn't we talk about this last night? Have you forgotten?" "Let's go to the bathroom and have a chat, shall we?" the other one said as he draped his arm around Carlisle's shoulder.

Carlisle knew he couldn't beat them, so he forced a smile and offered them the water. "Here, these are on me!" Mike took the water from Carlisle's hand and patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't letcatch you again, or I'll take you to the bathroom for a real talk!" With that, he waved his hand and went deeper into the convenience store with his friends.

Carlisle left the store with a dark expression on his face.

He never expected to be the target of bullies.

Back in high school, he had sgood friends. As long as he didn't upset any of the bullies, he was safe at school.

He wondered if he should tell the teacher. Things might get worse if he did. Besides, the school might not have handled it properly, and he didn't have any evidence.

"Damn it, just you wait!" Carlisle glared at the convenience storem before quickly quickly dashing out of campus to buy two bottles of mineral water. When he returned to the classroom, he was sweating profusely.

Wanda furrowed her brow. She took a small electrio-fan out of fan out of hendesk drawer and handed it to Carlisle. Why do you look so tired?" X