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Back to the Past: Breaking the Love Spell

Chapter 47
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Chapter 47 It was already 7:00 pm by the tthey arrived at South Riverland Station.

Carlisle and Sean dragged their luggage with them as they walked out of the station. The moment they exited the station, a middle-aged lady with a fan approached them. She had a big smile on her face.

"Young lads, looking for a place to stay? Ten dollars a night!" "Ten dollars? That's really cheap." Sean was drawn in instantly.

Logically speaking, inns in county towns would cost 20 dollars a night. However, it was only ten dollars per night here? "That's right. The inns here are very affordable. I'm guessing that you're both freshmen here to enroll in your university?" As she said that, she took the initiative to carry Sean's luggage for him, "Yes. How did you know that?" Sean asked in curiosity.

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He wasn't even wearing a uniform! Couldn't he have been someone who cto Riverland for work? "What a coincidence. I'm very familiar with all the universities here at Riverland. I can even hail a cab for you both tomorrow!" She dragged Sean's luggage arid started walking ahead. “Hurry up and follow me, lads!" Sean followed her eagerly.

Right at that moment, Carlisle yelled out, "Sean, my uncle has cto pick us up. We don't have to stay at an inn tonight!" Sean looked at Carlisle with a look of surprise on his face.

He thought, 'How have I never heard of Carlisle having an uncle in Riverland?" Carlisle went forward and stood in the woman's way. He smiled and said, "I'm sorry, Miss. We already have a place to stay for tonight!" Sean then nodded and echoed, "I'm sorry, Miss. I've forgotten about that!" "Brats. Wasting my time!" The woman kicked Sean's luggage aside angrily. Then, she walked away while fanning herself.

As they walked out of the station, Sean commented in a perplexed tone, "I didn't know that you relatives at Riverland, Carl." "I don't!" "Then..." had Chapte 471 "The Inns at train stations are dishonest!" "What do you mean?" "Why do you have so many questions? Do you think that I would lie to you?" Carlisle rolled his eyes at Sean..

In his previous life, he used to be ignorant when he first started working. He followed the woman at the station and went to the inn He had lost everything when he woke up the next day.

This was a period of twhen security was bad. There were many thieves and pickpockets around.

There were even people who would ride on motorcycles and commit snatch thefts.

After that, he was even scammed at the train station.

With his experience in his previous life, of course, he was not going to fall for tricks so easily.

Carlisle and Sean flagged a cab from outside the station to make their way to Riverland's University of Science and Technology.

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Sean had only turned 18.

If Carlisle added up his age from both lives, he had a mental age of close to 50.

In his eyes. Sean was like a big kid. There was no doubt that Carlisle had to help him settle down first.

After riding in the cab for almost an hour, they both arrived at the gates of the University of Science and Technology.

Sean was touched to see the magnificent school entrance and the bustling nightlife in the city. “Let's find a place to stay. We'll have sfun and then spend the night at an intecafe!" Sean was quick to cup with a plan for themselves.

Carlisle was free at night, so he simply nodded in agreement.

The hotel in the city already had a computer room. It was slightly pricey-40 dollars a night. If it were in the past, both of them would have been reluctant to stay in such an expensive room. Now that they had an annual incof at least ten thousand dollars, 40 dollars was nothing in comparison.