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Back to the Past: Breaking the Love Spell

Chapter 328
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Chapter 328 A Chapter 328 "That guy we just talked to is suspicious. He might be working for Jalen or Titan. Find a way to get rid of him." Benjamin's eyes widened in disbelief. Then his expression darkened.

"Got it, Carlisle." Carlisle continued, "While you're at it, see how many more of their people are embedded with us. Get rid of all the moles "Understood." Benjamin nodded firmly and quickly walked out.

Carlisle stubbed out his cigarette and leaned back on the couch, rubbing his nose.

Francis, who had been standing behind Carlisle, asked, "How did you figure it out?" Carlisle, still rubbing his nose, explained, “He never lookedin the eye. The eyes are the windows to the soul. He was afraid he'd give himself away, so he avoided looking at me." Francis nodded in understanding. His admiration for Carlisle grew even stronger.

Carlisle hadn't eaten at A1 Seafood Restaurant, and his stomach started to grumble. "Owen, who has the three million dollars?" "I brought it back and left it on your bed." "Good. Go downstairs and buy sdeli meats and a few beers." "Will do." Benjamin returned to the disco.

Hook got out of the car and opened the door for Benjamin.

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Benjamin patted Hook on the shoulder.

"You did well in front of Carlisle. He even praised you. Cto my office. I'll reward you with two thousand dollars." "Thank you, Benjamin.

Hook's face lit up as he followed Benjamin toward the office.

Benjamin clenched his left hand into a fist behind his back.

The guys trailing behind exchanged glances and then followed along. Chapter 328 Benjamin walked into Heath's office and sat down in his chair.

Hook rubbed his hands together, looking slightly guilty.

"Benjamin, honestly, I didn't do that well. You can just givea thousand." The office door slammed shut with a bang.

Hook looked back in surprise and saw the four guys who had escaped with him standing by the door.

"Ben... Benjamin... you...." "Tell me, are you working for Titan or Jalen?" Benjamin pulled a black knife from the drawer. It was the one Heath used for cutting off fingers.

Hook started shaking.

"Benjamin... I-I don't know what you mean. I'm loyal to Wade!" Benjamin gave a signal to the guys behind Hook.

They rushed him, and Hook fought back hard, quickly taking down two of them. But the other two managed to pin him to the ground.

Benjamin said calmly, "Drag him to the warehouse. We'll stop when he's ready to talk." The two who had been knocked down got back up and started beating Hook, who curled up on the floor, covering his head without making a sound.

A few guys carried Hook to the warehouse.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Benjamin, holding the knife, walked out of the office.

At the stime, Kelvin, sitting in a corner drinking, saw everything.

The guy next to him with the dyed blond hair nudged him and grinned, "Don't worry. Benjamin won't last long either.

Kelvin took a long swig from his glass. With Heath and Wade in m trouble his 100 thousand dollars was as good as gone. Feeling down, he went to Wade's disco to drink.

The blond guy, who had bummed a cigarette off him earlier, turned out to be Landon Johnston close associate of Jalen. Landon was present to keep an eye on Heath's crew. Landon chuckled.

"Hey buddy, you got any more cash? Lendten dollars so I can book a private room for the night." Kelvin pulled out a hundred dollars and handed it to Landon.

Impressed by Kelvin's generosity, Landon said, "You're a real pal. I'm sticking with you." Sipping his beer, Kelvin asked, "Can I join you guys? I just don't want to be bullied at school anymore.

Chapter 328 Landon took a swig straight from the bottle.

"That's easy. This guy, Alex Holder, is a big shot at Riverland Universityn boss/nephew. I'm on good He's our terms with him. I'll introduce you tomorrow."