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Back to the Past: Breaking the Love Spell

Chapter 309
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Chapter 309 Daniel disdainfully said, "You're already giving up before starting. How can you start a business with such a timid personality?" Sean surprisingly did not retort this time.

He inhaled sharply and said firmly, "Carl, you're right. I will succeed!" Carlisle smiled slightly.

"When there's a will, there's a way. Always have confidence in whatever you do. Even if you fail, we can always try again. Our youth is our biggest asset!" With Carlisle's encouragement, Sean instantly felt very confident.

Sean had nothing to fear if Carlisle was not afraid of spending money. All he had to do was try.

At that moment, Shania and her secretary exited the elevator. When she spotted Carlisle, she smiled and walked over.

"Carl, have you completed all the procedures?" Carlisle nodded with a grin.

"Yes. Thank you, Shania!" Shania a was delighted to hear this. Her smile grew wider.

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"Sit here and wait for a moment. I've found a designer to help you cup with a decent interior design. You can even leave the renovation plans to him!" "I've troubled you enough, Shania!" Carlisle's heart was filled with warmth.

Not only did Shania offer him a discount on the rent for his office space, but she even arranged a designer for him to avoid any issues. He felt it was worth knowing Shania.

Carlisle understood why Shania treated him so well. It was because she had incurred large profits through Riverwatch Hotel. Moreover, he was the reason why she stood a chance to obtain Riverwatch Hotel.

Then, there was Holly Fisheries. Shania had mortgaged Riverwatch Hotel to invest in Holly Fisheries.

This investment was terrifying in the eyes of the entire Riverland business world.

It was a total of one billion dollars. Even the wealthiest person in Riverland only had assets worth less than that.

Now, everyone was in the sboat. Carlisle was their only hope, "You and I are already quite close. So, there's no need to be so formal with me," Shania said with Chapter 30 VID displeasure.

"Okay. Then, I'll do as you say!" Carlisle smiled radiantly.

"Alright. I'll leave for Holly Fisheries first to handle smatters. Callif you run into any trouble!" "Bye, Shania!" "Bye!" Shania left with a smile.

Daniel and Sean stared in disbelief.

Sean turned to stare at the giant poster behind the front desk. The poster had a picture and introduction of Windex Corporation's CEO, Shania Warbane.

Daniel also looked in the sdirection.

A while later, both of them fixed their gazes on Carlisle at the stime.

Sean incoherently said, "Carl, are you well-acquainted with her?" Daniel pricked his ears up to listen. He thought he had misheard as well.

Although she was Windex Corporation's CEO, Carlisle had spoken to Shania as if they were close.

Windex Corporation was one of Riverland's top real estate companies.

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Yet, Carlisle was on very good terms with Shania.

"That's not right!" Daniel suddenly recalled something.

He inquired, "She must be Wanda's aunt, right?"

He remembered Ryan talking about Shein's businesses. Shania seemed to be Shein's sister-in-law. Therefore, Shania would be Wanda's aunt.

el But lately, Shein seemed to have fought with Josie's family. Daniel had even heard that they were in the middle of a divorce.

Carlisle nodded frankly.

"Yes, she is indeed Wanda's aunt!?

Sean had no idea. But Daniel was Riverland's second-generation rich kid, so he would naturally know a few things about Shania. Thus, there was no point in hiding it. Sean inhaled sharply.

"Wow, Wanda really hid her identity well!" Chapter 310 X