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Back to the Past: Breaking the Love Spell

Chapter 204
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Chapter 207 Zachary's expression grew solemn when he realized Wanda could potentially be in danger.

After speaking with Queenie, he gave lan a call.

"Zac." "Mr. Carlson, have you heard about Prince Heath?" "Yes, I've heard about him. He seems to be making a nfor himself for the past two days!" "Find a way to deal with him!" "You don't have to telltwice. Tonight, I'll cause trouble for him!" "Alright. Just ensure that there aren't any casualties." The four suppliers had arrived in the chairman's office at Riley Corporation.

Kenny served drinks to them, entertaining them warmly.

One of the middle-aged men with a large tummy said impatiently, "Wasn't it agreed to be 12.00 pm? What tis it now?" Kenny gazed at the clock on the wall and said smilingly, "11:50 am. There are still another ten minutes to go!" The other suppliers silently rolled their eyes. For the sake of receiving payment, they would wait patiently.

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Five minutes later, Logan led Carlisle to the office.

Kenny hurriedly announced, "Mr. Zahn is here!" The rest of them gazed at the door, and their mouths gaped simultaneously. The chairman seemed too young.

Carlisle smiled while speaking, "My apologies. I live quite a distance away, and there was quite a bit of traffic on the way here. Thank you all for waiting!" "Not a problem. It's not even tyet!" the portly middle-aged man from earlier stood up and said with a smile.

5 The other three suppliers stood up as well.

Carlisle's gaze swept across the others, lingering for a few extra seconds on a middle-aged man who resembled Daniel.

Kenny introduced, "This is our company's new chairman, Mr. Carlisle Zahn!" He then began introducing Carlisle to each of the suppliers.

Chapter 207 First, he introduced the portly middle-aged man.

"Edward Jarrell is the boss of Silver Solutions, our mobile phone screen supplier!" Carlisle shook hands with him. "Hello, Mr. Jarrell!' Edward beamed. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Zahn. I never expected you to be so young!" Carlisle grinned with a nod. "I will still need to rely on all of you for advice in the future." Edward's smile widened at Edward's politeness.

"To take on Caleb's mess tellsyou're not an ordinary person! I hope we can maintain a long-term collaboration in the future." "We'll talk more about that later," Carlisle replied with a composed smile.

Then, Kenny continued introducing the next supplier, "Simon Zahner is the boss of Liberty Enterprise. He is our battery supplier!" Carlisle extended a hand in greeting with a smile.

"We have rather similar last names. We may even have the sancestors!" Simon shook hands with Carlisle eagerly, laughing.

"That's what I had in mind, too! It's good to meet you." Kenny also introduced a tall and skinny middle-aged man.

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"This is Terrence Scott, the boss of Wind Corporation, He our chip supplier

Terrence shook hands with Carlisle with a blank look pok before quickly m withdrawing his hand back. He did not seem interested in associating with a young man like Carlisle.

Finally, Kenny introduced the last supplier.

"Harry Bulton is East Edge-Ventures' boss, our camera supplier! Harry politely and warmly shook hands with Carlisle.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Zahn!" "Hello, Mr. Bulton!" After they shook hands, Carlisle gestured for them to sit.

"Take a seat!" X