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Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground

Chapter 50  Beast division
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Chapter 50  Beast division

The next morning, Atticus woke up early and decided to train a bit before heading to the morning training.

He created a simulation of a rocky terrain and settled down in a cross-legged position. Taking a deep breath, he raised his hand and conjured fire, added air to make it spin. He then attempted to manipulate the earth, but struggled to control it, causing the earth around his arm to tremble and destabilize.

After some time, he released a heavy exhale and stood up. "Looks like three elements are still my limit," he muttered.

After breaking through to the next level, Atticus felt his bloodline not only become more potent but also sensed a significantly stronger connection to the elements.

He was now able to sense where his bloodline resided: around his heart, there were four tiny brightly lit orbs in an axis.

Previously, apart from the katana's realm where he was able instinctively control the four elements, Atticus struggled to manage more than two at the same time.

However, following the breakthrough, he found himself able to control three, albeit with some difficulty.

In the initial level, Atticus could only manipulate the elements in contact with his body, whether it was touching the ground to control the earth, manifesting fire around his fist, healing with water or reducing the air density around his body to move faster.

Upon reaching the second level, this was amplified. For instance, he could conjure fire, compress it, and shoot it outward.

 However, once it left his body, he'd lose control of it. Though it was still capable of causing destruction, it could remain intact for up to a minute without consuming any mana.

After getting dressed, he headed to the training ground for the morning session.

Arriving at the training ground early once again, Atticus noticed Aurora already waiting there. Their eyes met briefly, but Aurora quickly averted her gaze. Atticus let out a sigh and greeted her with a simple "Hey."

"Hey," she replied, while avoiding looking at Atticus.

"How are you feeling now?" Atticus inquired.

"I'm fine! I told you I only trained too hard," she answered, finally looking at him. Her expression turned serious as she added, "Forget what you saw yesterday. I'll still beat you!"

"Sure, I'll be expecting it," Atticus responded casually.

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Aurora seemed taken aback by his response and turned her head away, a hint of embarrassment showing on her face. The two of them fell into silence, waiting for the others to arrive.

As they waited, the rest of the group gradually joined them.

Atticus couldn't help but notice the first years he had beaten the previous day. They appeared to be fully healed, but they kept their distance from him like a plague.

Elias arrived promptly at 6 AM, just like the previous day.

The routine was the same as before – they donned the weighted gear, disabled their mana, and began the arduous run up the mountain. Two hours of intense effort later, Atticus and Aurora were the only ones who managed to reach the bottom again, earning Atticus another 10 raven points.

After freshening up in his room, Atticus used his device to navigate to the beast division's location for sign-up.

The beast division building was on the east side of the camp. It was a massive structure made of dark, enchanted stone. It had towering spires that resemble the talons of a great bird.

As Atticus arrived, he saw different groups in the area. They were all staring at him and he caught a few wispers,

"Look, it's him" a boy said.

"He can already defeat 2nd years. Who is he?"

"He must be from the main family" one 1st year said.

 It was only the first years that were aware that Atticus had a high status as they were there when the convoy brought him.

Disregarding them, he kept walking towards the entrance. Entering, he approached the counter and offered a polite greeting to the woman stationed there.

"Good morning. I'm here to apply for the beast division," Atticus greeted the woman at the counter.

The woman glanced up from the papers she was working on, her attention drawn to Atticus. The counter was designed to accommodate the height of the young youths.

Upon noticing the number on Atticus's device on his wrist, the woman remarked, "First rank?" She showed a surprised expression, but quickly composed herself,

"You're early. Are you sure you don't want to think about it more?" she replied calmly.

Atticus, with his perception, of course noticed the change, but chose to ignore it.

He responded, "No, I've made up my mind."

The woman nodded and provided further guidance, "Okay then. Before we assign you to a group, you have to take a written test about beasts and pass. I'd advise you to go to the library, read up, and come back."

The beast division was the only division that doesn't require you to take classes. You only have to pass a test to show you know about beasts and how to fight them.

"Can I take it now?" he asked.

The woman studied him for a moment before relenting, "Sure, I suppose you can take it now. If you fail, you'll have another chance to retake it."

The woman guided Atticus into a room and gestured for him to take a seat at a table. With a press of a button, a holographic screen materialized before him.

Her instructions were concise, "You have 1 hour." After imparting the information, she exited the room, leaving Atticus to his task.

Atticus wasted no time and immediately set to work, his focus solely on answering the questions presented on the holographic screen. They were fairly easy, simply asking basic questions. With his intelligence, it was easy for him.

Atticus completed the test in just 10 minutes and promptly submitted his answers. He made his way back to the counter and informed the woman that he had finished the test.

"You finished?! How?" She was surprised by his speed and even questioned if he had answered well.

She quickly checked the result and saw his perfect score. 'Did he cheat? No that's impossible the AI would have caught him.'

With a more composed demeanor, "Congrats. Looks like you passed. You'll been assigned a team tomorrow so you'll have to come back around 11 in the morning."

"Okay. Thanks" Atticus offered his thanks and turned to leave.

As Atticus made his way toward the exit, he noticed a young boy who appeared to be waiting for someone.

As he approached the exit, the boy approached him and inquired, "Are you Atticus?"

"Depends," Atticus replied casually. He noticed the number 3 displayed first on his device, indicating he was a third year.

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The boy introduced himself, "I am Orion Ravenstein."

"Cool?" Atticus responded nonchalantly. In his mind, he added, 'Of course you're a Ravenstein, you're in camp and have white hair!'

"I am Sirius Ravenstein's son," Orion continued.

"Oh? So that old coot had a son. I never would've guessed," Atticus remarked with a chuckle.

Orion's expression turned serious as he warned, "Don't you dare speak of him like that!"

"Hmm? Ah, I apologize. It's just that I went through hell while training with him," Atticus explained.

Gritting his teeth, Orion retorted, "I want you to challenge me to a duel!"

"Why would I do that?" Atticus furrowed his eyebrows, his patience wearing thin as he thought, 'Shit, another drama. I'm getting tired of this.'

"Father refused to train me and instead chose to train you. I'll show him I'm better than you!" Orion exclaimed.

"Of course, drama. Listen, I don't give two shits about whatever complicated relationship you have with your father. Kindly leave me out of it, okay?" Atticus replied firmly.

Orion gritted his teeth, forced a smile, and taunted, "Don't tell me you're scared."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever," Atticus dismissed and began to walk away.

"Come back here! You coward!" the boy yelled after him.

However, Atticus didn't stop and continued walking away, his thoughts echoing with frustration, 'I'm tired of dealing with children.'


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