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Ascension Of The Immortal Asura-Novel

Chapter 712 Supreme Battle Art!
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John roared as his body power exploded to entirely new heights, augmented by the combination of both his Asura Transformation Art and Supreme Battle Art. Asuros’ eyes widened in surprise, and then jealous rage as he watched John unleash the Supreme Battle Art while his transformation remained, proving his words to be true.

With the combination of his transformation and battle art, John’s power surged to the same level as Asuros’, despite the fact that his cultivation was much lower than his opponents. This fact further enraged Asuros, who roared in return as he pushed his body to his absolute limits. His muscles strained with power even more than before as he sent all his Qi into his transformation battle art, leaving nothing behind anymore.

He flashed forward and appeared before John in an instant, slashing his sword down with his full might as if wanting to cleave John in half with a single blow. Everyone watching the attack felt as if they were being drowned in pure physical power, making it hard to even move, despite the fact that they were far from the battle.

John’s grip tightened powerfully as he slashed his battle axe out towards Asuros’ saber, resuming their battle of impossible physical power once more. The natural aura emanating from Asuros was like a domain itself, assaulting John’s mind and soul in a similar manner to the sinister room within his palace realm. However, thanks to his strenuous training before that gate, he completely ignored the effects of Asuros’ aura as their battle resumed.




Both groups watched in stunned silence from below as the distant battle reached another level, further shattering their beliefs of what they thought was possible. Only three youths were making any noise as they watched the battle unfold.

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“Raaaaaah! How the fuck does he know our Supreme Battle Art?” one of the Bob’s roared in stunned surprise.

“I don’t know, but I refuse to lose to anyone when it comes to our Supreme Battle Art. Fuck this, I’m going to join the fight,” another Bob roared as he found himself no longer able to contain his battle lust.

The two other Bobs yelled loudly as well as they all prepared to charge towards the distant battle. However, before they could do so, their visions suddenly all changed. A world of white enveloped everything, as if they had been transported into a void of white.

At first they felt surprise, but quickly figured out what was going on as they roared within the void.

“Miko! Let us out! I want to join the fight!” one of the Bob’s roared as he realized he was in Miko’s soul trap. Their souls were no longer under their control, and as such, they were not able to move their physical bodies anymore.

“No,” Miko’s voice drifted through the void of white, “you’ll only get in John’s way. I’ll undo this soul art when the battle is over.”

“Miko! Undo this now!” another Bob roared, but their cries within the void of white went unheard as Miko’s attention focused back on the distant battle. To his side were the three Bobs, who stood there with complete stillness as if they had finally calmed down.

Soft footsteps shuffled next to Miko, causing him to glance to the side as Laia arrived next to him, her gaze locked onto the distant battle. Miko could see slight worry in her face, but her face was mostly relaxed, revealing to him that she had quite the confidence in John despite the power that Asuros had revealed.

While he had just met her, his innate attunement with souls could discern what people were thinking with great accuracy. He could tell that Laia’s feelings towards John were complicated, but he did not pry or bring it up as his gaze shifted back towards the battle.




John and Asuros flashed around the battlefield like two blurs, their speed almost impossible to keep up with visually. Their weapons collided thousands of times since resuming their battle, causing most of the temple realm to tremble non-stop from their power.


Their weapons collided once more, shaking both earth and sky as the land behind each of them fractured from the other’s power. John was knocked back slightly but still managed to maintain his balance, revealing his physical power to be nearly the same as Asuros’ despite their overwhelming cultivation difference.

“Impossible!” Asuros roared once more as his mouth opened widely. A roar of rage boomed out of his mouth, blasting towards John with incredible power, not from any battle art, but from pure physical force itself.

The attack slammed onto John before he could react, as he had been within arm’s reach of Asuros and had not expected such a thing. He skidded backwards through the sky for several hundred yards before coming to a stop, as his arms trembled slightly from taking that roar head on.

The two stared at each other once more, with John’s gaze containing calm confidence, while Asuros’ gritted teeth trembled with barely contained rage. He had been gifted the ultimate fighting form from his master, had gone through countless trials of pain and death to get to this stage, and yet was being nearly equally challenged by someone of lower cultivation.

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“I enhance my Asura Transformation by consuming the blood essence of others, with each feeding making my transformation become closer and closer to a true transformation,” Asuros raged out loud as he stared at John with both hate, and greed. “Once I consume you, I’m all but guaranteed to become a true Asura, at which point my evolution will become complete. Now die!”

Without waiting for John to reply, Asuros sped forward once more towards John to resume their battle. His cold and murderous eyes locked onto John as he prepared to unleash another slash of his saber, but an action of John’s caused his rage to be replaced with mockery as he saw John point to him from several hundred yards away, as if he were about to unleash an essence battle art.

With John’s Asura Transformation and Supreme Battle Art already activated, it was impossible for John to unleash an essence attack of any sort of power without undoing his Supreme Battle Art, as the Qi consumption from the art was far too great. Even then, John had displayed overwhelming body cultivation powers, and thus his essence powers were no doubt so weak as to not be a threat.

Even for someone like him, this rule could not be broken. When Parker became Asuros, he no longer focused on essence cultivation as he poured everything into his body cultivation. While his essence attacks were still relatively powerful, they paled in comparison to his body power, making them worthless in this battle.

The lightning attack when John had arrived to the battlefield flickered in Asuros’ mind for a moment, but like Amber, he dismissed it as the result of a powerful one-time use artifact. John continued to point at Asuros without undoing his Supreme Battle Art, making him truly look like a madman.

“You’ve gone mad!” Asuros roared mockingly as he sped towards John, but his eyes suddenly widened with absolute shock as the sky lit up all around him.


An overwhelmingly powerful beam of lighting blasted out of John’s fingers, slamming directly onto Asuros’ chest before he could react. Asuros was blasted out of the sky towards the ground below, slamming into several still-standing mountains and piercing directly through them.

His body bounced on the hard earth several times before Asuros regained control of his body and surged back up into the sky. A small amount of smoke drifted up from his slightly charred chest as he stared at John now over a mile away, who slowly lowered his finger while staring calmly at Asuros.