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Chapter 340.2: Ding Hao, Unexpected Change - Part 2
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Kairu was leading the convoy, he was walking in front with his chest high up. His right hands were holding several ropes, seven exactly that tied to seven guards they met at the gate.

The ropes tied to their wrists as Kairu easily dragged them. Of course, the armor did not have the armor, making it more painful when their bodies slid through the rough asphalt.

The seven guards were screaming for help, but the road was empty of people. No one was coming for them as it would take more time to reach the base.

Behind Kairu, an SUV followed slowly. Tang Shaoyang was in the front seat while Bai Yuan drove the car. Behind him, Wei Xi, Lu An, and Hu Feng looked concerned.

"Why don't we hurry back to the base, Boss?" They were moving so slowly, Wei Xi was concerned about his wife since the guard turned to be a scum kike this. He was worried something happened to the base.

Tang Shaoyang pointed at the seven guards, "I am not going easy with them, let them suffer more!" The injuries were not that serious since Kairu was moving slowly, but the pain would last longer, "You don't need to worry about your wife, if these weak scums can be a guard to protect the base, it means the base is still safe. Cao Jingyi is not that weak to be captured by the others unless your wife betrayed you and me!"

Wei Xi widened his eyes in shock as he was not expecting the Boss would doubt his wife. On top of that, the Boss was telling him that his wife betrayed him. It would be the worst nightmare in his life.

"Don't joke around like that, Boss. My heart can't handle it," Wei Xi immediately shook his head and denied the accusation, "Jingyi is not like that, she will never betray you, let alone betraying me!"

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"I am not accusing your wife, but it's one of many possibilities to what happened in the base! We don't know until we arrive at the base!" Tang Shaoyang opened the window, "Double the speed, Kairu!" He yelled out.

Kairu doubled his speed and the seven guards screamed harder. At first, they were screaming for help. But it did not work, so they screamed for forgiveness but to no avail.

Soon they arrived at the street with people, Tang Shaoyang could see people with dirty clothes roaming around the pavement. Not only were they wearing dirty clothes, but they were also skinny and looked starved. Their lips dried and pale, weakly looked toward the seven guards who screamed.

The frown on Tang Shaoyang's forehead was deepened. Wei Xi also saw the condition was much worse than when they left the base. The survivors were well-fed and had clean clothes to wear, but now…

Thinking of what Tang Shaoyang just said to him, Wei Xi's heartbeat spiked up. He had known his wife in high school. They went to the same university, she was not that cruel to starve these people unless…

'No! How could you doubt your wife, Wei Xi!' He scolded himself for doubting his wife.

The scream was getting louder and more people gathered to see what all this about. Some people were equipped with armor and weapons, but they did not dare to help at the sight of Kairu's tall frame. Fear was apparent for the unusual sight of the Flaming Lion, but no one dared to initiate the attack.

Two reasons why everyone did not run away from Kairu. First, the beastmen looked scary and intimidating for sure, but Kairu did not attack hence they stayed to see what happened. Human nature, they were curious. The second was because of the convoy that followed Kairu. Soon, the convoy was also getting surrounded by the survivors, hundreds of them, and it might surpass thousands.

Within less than two months, many survivors were gathered, tripled if not quadrupled from the original number.

Soon, the convoy entered a clean area. The street was clean and no junkies could be found around. Tang Shaoyang noticed that more new buildings were spotted around the three main buildings.

It was clear that the building was not there when they left. They appeared out of nowhere which highly possible the wonder of the system. They were about to reach the base, but Bai Yuan stopped the car.

"Why stop?" He had been looking at the new buildings, but the car suddenly stopped.

"Kairu is stopped by the guards, Boss!" Bai Yuan responded with his rough voice.

Tang Shaoyang quickly noticed that dozens of well-equipped guards stood in a row in front of Kairu. Ten guards in the front with a shield and a sword. Ten guards behind the front line with a spear, and another row of twenty guards aiming their arrows at Kairu.

Kairu was not bothered by the guards. The Flaming Lion was looking back at him. The lion beastmen were waiting for further instruction from him.

Tang Shaoyang signaled Kairu to wait as he scanned the forty guards that were in a formation. He quickly scanned those forty faces with his [Greater Sight] to get a clearer look.

He quickly noticed that there was a familiar face, but he just did not remember who the man was. The man did not wear armor, but a formal white shirt. The shirt was worn by the office worker. His outfit was neat and clean, in contrast to the people around the convoy.

"Do you recognize any of them?" He asked Wei Xi. The latter had been scanning the guards too, hoping to find someone he was familiar with to end this farce before it turned bloody.

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Alas, Wei Xi failed to recognize all the guards. He shook his head with a sigh.

"What about that one? Do you know him?" He was pointing at the man with the neat and clean outfit.

"I don't know, but the guards seem to listen to him. He may be the newly recruited guy to supervise the guard? He may recognize us if we come down now, Jingyi should have recruited the survivors who joined us early for an important position!" Wei Xi's eyes brightened as he found the best solution to prevent the bloody event.

"Then let's go!" Tang Shaoyang opened the door and came down from the car. A casual plain black shirt that outlined his toned build, a casual long black pant, and a casual black shoe with white heels. Alas, the hairless head was a minus point for him. The no-hair style was not suitable for his looks.

Kairu was the center of the attention, but everyone immediately turned their heads toward him as soon as he came down from the car. Everyone on the scene was curious who the baldy was.

"Release our people, or we will shoot!" Tang Shaoyang heard the shout from the "office worker", giving a warning to Kairu. The Flaming Lion was bothered by the warning, Kairu was looking at him, or to be more exact, asking permission to take down the guards.

Tang Shaoyang shook his head and gestured to the line beastmen to stay low, indicating to not make a move yet.

Meanwhile, Wei Xi hurriedly walked over Tang Shaoyang, "State your name! Who are you and what's the position you hold?" He wanted to do the talk instead of Tang Shaoyang.

The "office worker" looked at Wei Xi before he looked back at Tang Shaoyang. The man's eyes gleamed at the sight of Tang Shaoyang.

Ding Hao, the ex-Director of the SH Hospital that was rescued by Tang Shaoyang in the operation to find more doctors for the base. But later on, he was knocked by Tang Shaoyang and bore a grudge against Tang Shaoyang.

'He finally comes back, this is my chance! This is my chance for my revenge!' Ding Hao turned from gleaming in excitement to madness as he stared at Tang Shaoyang, 'This is my time, I have many people back me up now. This time, I will take everything from you, everything! Your base and your women!'

Ding Hao raised his hand and pointed his finger at Tang Shaoyang, "It was him, the traitor who left the base when the zombie horde attacked! Shoot him! Kill him! He does not deserve to be here!"

"Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! SHOOT! SHOOT! SHOOT!" From the shout, it turned into a madness yell, "Kill him! Kill! Kill!"