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Apocalypse Gachapon

Chapter 868: Assassinating Dove (1)
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FlDove sat on his seat and was playing with a silver bracer.

This was one of the ten silver pieces of equipment that Ye Zhongming crafted for Neal when he first cto the Imperial City.

Since even Hong Xiang could get one, an old king like FlDove would naturally get one.

But even if he studied it for such a long time, he couldn’t tell why this was magical. Not only did it have special abilities, it could perfectly merge with Posthumous people's battle techniques.

“Another world?”

FlDove muttered softly such that only he could hear himself. He was in a daze as he looked at the equipment.

He might have called Ye Zhongming a wanderer during the meeting and said it was preposterous to say he cfrom another world.

But FlDove had beca king for so long, and he knew that Blue Secret Realm was not the only space.

This recognition cfrom two aspects.

One was from other kings.

People were the same. Posthumous people kings who ruled were also people. Swere closer to others; shad marriage alliances, shunted with others… There was a difference in closeness between skings and others.

This was between kings of the sera. There were legacies for different eras. After all, there were limited resources and battle techniques. Someone who could be nurtured would more easily beca king.

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So, to a certain extent, people could inherit the position of king.

Think about it: if there were two level seven experts, who could beca king? Of course, the one with a legacy and a super faction behind them.

FlDove wasn’t an exception. He took over the position from the last tribe leader.

The person who gave him his position was also one of the heirs to the Saint Pool Protector. He had followed the protector and learned from him.

That king learned ssecret matters, including the existence of other spaces.

Thus, it wasn’t surprising for FlDove to know about this.

Apart from that, there was another reason. One reason that only he knew.

He was only a step from level nine.

He had broken through to level eight many years ago. His battle techniques had becmature, and he lacked an opportunity.

He searched many years for it but wasn’t able to find it.

Although he was stuck at that bottleneck, he comprehended it for many years. He didn’t break through but could comprehend sthings about the level nine level and the laws of the land.

Like human technology, people in the past could only look at the moon and imagine things. Future humans started to observe its shape. Further later, humans were able to get on the moon. Humans went step by step and finally got out of earth.

Cultivation was the same. Level nine was like outer space. FlDove stood in the atmosphere and could roughly see the situation above, but he could not charge out.

Although it was a blur, he could comprehend things ordinary people couldn’t.

There were threads of energy in Blue Secret Realm that didn’t fit into the realm itself.

Right, threads of energy.

FlDove thought about it and knew that they didn’t belong here.

Which meant… They cfrom another space.

In his heart, he believed that Ye Zhongming cfrom another world.

If not, what could explain the shiny weapons he had never seen in Blue Secret Realm?

But even if he knew, he wouldn’t talk about it. He was prepared to grasp this secret in his hands.

He could comprehend space energy, so how could he not sense that Blue Secret Realm was unstable?

Even if he wasn’t as sure as the Saint Father that the secret realm would collapse, but it was good to be safe.

A plan formed in his head.

“Tribe leader, Hong Xiang brought Ye Zhongming and wants to meet you.”


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FlDove was stunned. After returning from the meeting, he got intel that Hong Xiang headed out to meet Ye Zhongming. Why did he bring him here? Are they trying to persuade him to work with Ye Zhongming?

That was wishful thinking!

FlDove felt like something wasn’t right. He shook his head, tossed that thought away, and felt he was overthinking.

“He toldto bring you this and said you would understand when you see it.”

FlDove handed a green armor to him.

Oh? FlDove’s eyes opened wide. He felt even more power from this armor than from the silver bracer.

Unfortunately, why was it a female?

This green armor was small, so a male body couldn’t fit. This meant that FlDove couldn’t try it on.

He placed it to the side and smiled coldly. He knew that Hong Xiang was trying to bribe him into changing his thoughts.

Work together? He thought about it and guessed why Ye Zhongming wanted to work with them. It was probably for those crystals… Whether or not he was a wanderer or from another world, he had a way to use those crystals.

That might be the secret to crafting these shining weapons!

If he grasped this method, then…

“Call them in.”

His tribe member left and led Ye Zhongming in. FlDove looked at the two of them, but his last bit of worry was gone.

They didn’t bring any weapons or equipment.