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Anything For Her

Chapter 1042
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Felix ignored Charles. It was clear that the latter was simply jealous.

“What I’m doing is legal, and you have no right to interfere,” Felix stated as he pulled out a chair for Ysabelle. “Wait

here while I fetch some food for you.”

The hotel offered a self-service breakfast, requiring guests to help themselves with the food.


Ysabelle beamed brightly as she relished the thought of being pampered by him. There was nothing in lif for her to

worry about.

Sophie couldn’t help but smile when she saw her. Ysabelle was truly in a blissful state, and that was all that


“Sophie, I’m genuinely happy now,” Ysabelle said emotionally. It was indeed an exhilarating feeling.

“Of course! When you have a good man like Felix by your side, you’ll definitely be happy,” Sophie responded while

enjoying her breakfast!

“Why is your voice so hoarse? Did you catch a cold?” Ysabelle immediately expressed her concern upon hearing

Sophie’s voice. After all, her friend was pregnant.

“Don’t worry. I’m fine. It’s just a little cold. I’ll be all right in a couple of days.” Sophie had always been in good

health, but being pregnant had made her slightly weaker.

“You must take care of yourself. We’ll be going on our honeymoon soon, and I won’t be by your side to look after

you. If you need anything, just let Aunt Sarah know.”

Ysabelle knew that Sarah would take good care of Sophie.

“There’s no need for that. It’s just a common cold. Besides, Tristan will take care of me.” He’s been doing a great

job thus far.

“All right, then!”

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After they had breakfast together, Sean found a chance to speak privately with Sophie.

“What’s wrong? Is it still because of Cecelia? Didn’t I tell you that she went abroad? Her mother’s not in good

health, so she went there to take care of her.”

In the end, Cecelia still didn’t tell Sean about her pregnancy.

Instead, she went abroad, where her parents could take care of her. She had always considered her pregnancy to

be her own matter.

“It’s nothing. We have nothing to do with each other anyway.” It was just a one-night stand, and she said that

herself. Since that’s the case, why should I be bothered by it?

“Sean, you don’t have to feel burdened. The love between a man and a woman should be consensual. Cecelia is a

proud woman. She won’t allow anyone to be with her out of guilt.”

“I know.” Sean had nothing more to say. It seemed that they were destined to remain as two parallel lines that

would never intersect.

After finishing breakfast, Felix and Ysabelle were ready to head to the airport.

When Ysabelle saw her father, Lincoln, she ran over and hugged him.

“Why are you here, Dad? Aren’t you busy? There’s nothing important going on here. You didn’t have to come all the

way,” Ysabelle said in a child-like voice.

Lincoln had come because he was worried about his daughter and wanted to see her off.

“Ysabelle, you’re Felix’s wife from now on. No matter what happens, both of you have to stick together,

understand? Don’t act like a child when things don’t go your way.”

He knew his own daughter well. Her temperament resembled that of a haughty princess. She was quick to anger at

the smallest provocation.

Ysabelle’s eyes turned red when she heard her father’s words.

Did Dad come all the way here just to say these things?

“Dad, don’t worry! I understand. I won’t cause you any trouble in the future.”

“I’m not worried about you causing trouble. I just want you and Felix to be happy.” Since she was young, Lincoln had

been strict with her. But, no matter what, she was his one and only daughter. How could he not cherish her?

“Yeah, I know.”

As Felix stood nearby listening in on their conversation, he knew what Lincoln was worried about.

“Dad, you don’t need to worry. I will take good care of her, and I won’t let any harm come to her,” he reassured. “It

will definitely be my fault if anything ever happens.”

“Very well, Felix. I entrust Ysabelle to you. She is my only daughter, and if you dare mistreat her, I won’t leave you



Tears welled up in Ysabelle’s eyes as she watched the exchange between her father and Felix. She couldn’t help but

feel touched by her father’s love and concern. I’m just going on a honeymoon and will be back in a couple of days.

“Okay, it’s time to go,” Lincoln said, breaking the emotional moment.

After bidding farewell to Sophie and the others, Ysabelle and Felix set off together toward their destination.

Tristan had an important meeting at Lombard Group. He accompanied Sophie back home, making sure she was

settled before he left.

“Don’t go anywhere since you’re not feeling well. Rest at home and call me if you need anything.” Even though

Tristan was only heading to the office for a short while, he was still worried about leaving her alone.

“I’ll be fine. You are just going for a short meeting at the company. I can manage things here,” Sophie reassured

him. However, she had to admit that Tristan had been taking care of her every need thus far, causing her to lose

her independence in the process.

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“Okay.” The man gently caressed her cheek, his eyes filled with affection.

After Tristan departed, Sophie gave Cecelia a call.

“What’s up? Did you miss me? If you do, why don’t you come to Anglandur to see me?” Cecelia’s voice rang out.

She seemed to be living a good life in Anglandur.

“Sean asked about you again. Are you still not planning to tell him?” It’s really not easy for a person to raise a child.

“Why are you bringing this up again? Didn’t I already tell you? This child has nothing to do with him. Trust me when I

say I will take good care of the child. My parents are also looking forward to the baby’s arrival. I used to worry that

my parents wouldn’t accept this child, but now they have embraced the

idea. What else do I have to worry about? Sophie, I’m being serious. You don’t need to worry about me. I’m really

well now. Just take good care of yourself.”

“Okay. I’ll come to Anglandur to see you later. Take good care of yourself.”

“Sure, I know. I wonder if there will still be a place for me in the entertainment industry after I give birth.”

She truly loved acting, but for the sake of this child, she had to take such a long break.

“Don’t worry. When you are back, I will have everything prepared for you.” There’s no need for her to worry about


“Sophie, I love you so much! What would I do without you?”

It was truly a heartwarming conversation.

“You don’t have to fall hopelessly in love with me. Just take good care of yourself. The rest doesn’t matter. When

you come back, I’ll have the best resources waiting for you.” Cecelia’s a talented, award- winning actress. Giving

birth to a child won’t make her lose everything

“Okay, no matter what Sean says, don’t let anything slip from your mouth. I don’t want him to treat me differently

because of the child in my belly.” Cecelia was not someone who would rely on her child for status. She had her own

pride, and she couldn’t stoop to that level.

“All right. Take good care of yourself. I’ll be waiting for you in Jipsdale.”