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And Then There Were Four (Lilith Carrie)

Chapter 206
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Chapter 206: Sex with Finn


The moment he kissed me, a feeling inside my soul erupted like fireworks soaring across my skin. I had

felt things with Silas and Lucas but this was different. Finn was different. His hands roamed my body as

we pulled at the fabric that concealed us. Every single negative thought I had before vanished as I let

him take control of me.

I wanted it. Every single thing he had to offer me.

“There is no going back after this," he whispered against my lips as his eyes looked deep into mine.

The celestial blue I was so used to looking at in the mirror captivated me in a way I couldn't explain,

and I knew what he was saying was true.

There was no going back.

Nipping at his bottom lip, I smiled. “Then what are you waiting for?"

The deep chuckle that escaped him was the last sound I heard as his lips crashed upon mine once

more. One fisted in my hair as the other wrapped around my waist, holding me close to him. The

movements between us were second nature, and as he reached down grabbing the back of my thighs,

I was lifted into the air never once breaking the tongue-tied, twister game we were playing.

That was until my back found the lush comfort of the blanket upon my bed, and I found myself staring

up at him. The shirt he once wore was ripped from its buttons, letting sun that peaked through the

window to ripple off the well-defined ridges of his muscles.

His hands slid over my body as his fingers worked at my clothing. One button at a time, he removed my

jeans, sliding them off my body and taking my white cotton panties with them. The delicate touches he

provided me sent a sensation to my core that made me ache for the things he was going to do, and

though I thought he would take what he wanted with force, he didn't.

Instead, he let me feel everything he was doing slowly, and on purpose.

The wicked smile on his face was laced with mischievousness. This clearly was pure enjoyment to him.

“Tell me what you want, Castor. Tell me how you want me to please you."

“Taste me," I replied. “Taste how much I want you."

The words seemed almost foreign to me but the flow of power I felt burning beneath my skin made me

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crave more of what he had to offer.

Slow to his knees, I watched Finn sink until he grasped my thighs, pulling me to the edge of the bed as

he took his time kissing up the inside of my thighs. My breaths came in slow pants as I let my eyes

raise to the ceiling, letting my mind focus solely on the sensations he was creating.

If this was going to be slow, I was going to remember every bit of it.

“Please," I begged. “I need more."

Like a w***e craving what he was going to give me, I begged for it. It was all he needed to dive

between my thighs, his mouth attaching to my aching cunt with a hunger I hadn't expected. The gasp

left my throat with a short cry and made my back arch, and I couldn't help but grind myself against his

face, wanting more.

With everything that had been going on lately, this was the escape I had been craving.

“I see that I can't leave you two alone for a moment, can I?" Silas' voice caused my eyes to dart

towards the door, where he stood watching what was going on. Part of me wanted to pull away and

cover myself, but Finn didn't let up on what he was doing and from the dark hungry gaze in Silas' eyes,

he wasn't angry by what he saw.

Confusion filled me and as Finn came up for air. He chuckled, licking his lips as I looked between both

men. “She tastes just as divine as you had said."

What?! They had talked about me?

I didn't know what to say or think at that moment but the way both men seemed to smile with a

common sense of knowing had me worried. They had discussed this moment before it happened, and

now that I was splayed upon the bed like a buffet waiting to be devoured I was unsure of how I felt.

“Don't let me stop you, Finn," Silas said with a smirk. “I enjoy watching her come undone."

Holy s**t! “What?" I gasped only to have Finn's mouth back at my core, causing me to cry out in

pleasure once more. I didn't know how to feel about Silas watching but he stood there by the door with

a hungry gaze that turned me on more than I realized it would.

“Finn–" I cried out as the swirl of his tongue against my clit had me coming undone with a shudder I

hadn't felt in some time. My eyes rolled in the back of my head as I tried to calm my racing heart.

Finn was far from done with me, and as he came up, gripping my hips to pull me to him, I gazed down,

watching the long rigid c**k he had concealed within his pants spring free with its bulging head that

wanted every single part of me.

He was huge, and though Silas and Lucas were big as well, this man's beautiful c**k curved in a way I

was sure to bring more pleasure then you would think he could provide. I was hungry for him, and

before I could say anything, a fist in my hair stopped me.

It was Silas, and as I looked up at him, he held my hair tight with a smirk at the corner of his lips that

made my heart beat faster. “Do you think you get him that fast?"

Shock filled me with his statement. “Please Silas… I need it."

He made a tsk-tsk noise as he shook his head. “On your knees, Cassie. I want to watch you please him

before he f***s you senseless."

There was no asking in his statement. He demanded me to my knees, which I did without a second

thought. The idea of taking Finn into my mouth as Silas watched was a huge turn on and with Silas still

having a hold of my hair, I gently grasped Finn's long erection. Looking up into his eyes, watching as

his lips parted in enjoyment.

The moment that Silas allowed me to lean forward, my tongue flicked out to run across the slit of Finn's

c**k. I heard a low moan escape from him that made my thighs clench together. Who knew that hearing

a man's excitement over the pleasure I could bring him would be this enjoyable, and as I slid the length

of his shaft into my mouth, the sounds of his pleasure grew.

Over and over I let the length of his shaft slide in and out of my mouth. My tongue swirled around it as

my hand moved over the length in smooth motions with my lips. The faster I seemed to go, the more he

seemed to groan, and the harder and thicker his c**k seemed to get.

I was overtaken by the pleasure and with Silas using my hair to guide me in Finn's pleasure, I had a

feeling that he was enjoying this too.

With a loud pop, my lips retreated from Finn's c**k, only for Silas to let loose of my hair gripping the

back of my neck to force me to my feet. “Are you ready to be f****d like the bad girl you are?" he

whispered in my ear.

“Yes," I gasped only to find myself tossed onto the bed, my stomach flush with the blanket as Finn

gripped my hips pulling me towards him.

I displayed for him my ass high in the air and my p***y dripping as he ran his finger over my lips, which

made my aching cunt clench with excitement. “God, you're f*****g perfect."

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Finn's murmured words were the encouragement I needed when the feeling of his thick erection was

pressed against my entrance, making me wonder how he was going to fit the massive head of his c**k

inside me.

I had only had s*x a handful of times, and right now with Silas and Finn in this room with me, I had a

feeling that this moment would make me forget about all the other times. This time I would be forever

ruined for any other men because I would crave the attention they were both giving me.

In one swift motion, Finn thrusted his full length inside me, causing me to scream out at the pain and

pleasure. The way his c**k hooked upwards caused friction in all the right places and the more that he

moved, the closer he brought me to the edge.

There was something about the way that Finn and Silas manhandled me that made me crave more,

and thoughts of them both f*****g me at the same time thrilled me to no end. However, Silas wasn't

giving me that right now. This was all about Finn pleasing me while he watched.

One, two, three times, and I was seeing stars before my eyes. My throat dry from screaming in

pleasure and when I thought it wasn't going to end, Finn seemed to finally reach the brink as his fingers

dug into my hips and he groaned in pleasure. The feeling of his pulsating c**k inside me as he emptied

himself a welcoming feeling.

Leaning his forehead against mine, he sighed with a smile across his lips before gently kissing the

corner of my mouth. “My little mate… you are absolute perfection," he whispered.

For the first time in a long time, I couldn't stifle the giggle that escaped me as he pulled me close to him

nuzzling into my neck. My eyes turned to find Silas' but to my surprise, he was gone.

“Where did Silas go?" I asked, turning to Finn with a furrowed expression.

Finn looked up towards the open doorway, the sound of the front door closing catching me by surprise

as he sighed shaking his head. “I'm not sure… would you like for me to go find out?"

His question made me hesitant. We had just had amazing s*x, and I didn't want him to think bad

because I was thinking of Silas but as I bit my bottom lip without saying anything, he chuckled and

kissed me cheek.

“It's okay, Cassie. I don't mind," he whispered, unwrapping himself from me as he slid from the bed, his

sculpted ass a perfect sight I wanted to continuously see as he slid on his pants and walked towards

the door. “Stay in bed, I'll be back in just a moment."

It wasn't a request for him, but more of a demand.

A demand that I was all happy to obey, because if this was how things could possibly be if I followed

my mother's footsteps… then I was definitely interested to see what could happen.