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And Then There Were Four (Lilith Carrie)

Chapter 168
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Chapter 168: An Heir to a New Dynasty

Cassie. Death was something I hadn’t expected to see so soon. Yet as my grandfather explained I was dead,

or at least my mortal life was, I couldn’t help but suddenly feel a hollow pit within my stomach that

screamed at me to say everything I wish I could have said.

They never tell you when you’re at the end, you’re filled with regret over everything you wish you would

have done differently. It doesn’t matter if you lived a good life or if you lived a bad one. Everyone must

feel some kind of regret in some way or another.

“How can I be dead? I wasn’t supposed to die.”

Nodding his head once more, he held out his hand and gestured for me to follow him. But as I gazed at

my brother and my friends, who were staring at Odin in confusion, I couldn’t help but wonder if there

was somewhere else I was supposed to be.

“Are you even fucking listening to me?” my brother snapped and, Silas laid my body on the floor and

stood to his feet, grasping my brother’s arm to stop him from approaching Odin.

“Don’t. He’s trying to help her,” Silas said softly trying to make my brother understand what was going


As Pollux knitted his brows together, two guards entered

through the same hole my grandfather had come in and quickly went to my body, collecting it from the

floor before carrying it out.

Disbelief fell upon the faces of Trixie, Sansa, and my brother. But with a gentle gesture, Silas ushered

for them to leave as he stayed back watching them go. I wasn’t sure what it was that Silas was doing,

but when his eyes cast to the space where I stood—I could have sworn he was looking right at me.

“Everything will be okay, Cassie.’

I didn’t have the slightest clue what it was he was talking about, but before I could open my mouth to

ask, Odin placed his hand within mine and gestured for me to follow him. “You know, I never thought

this day would come so soon…”

The trailed-off statement he made had my mind spinning, and as we stepped through the rubble near

the opening, I tried to make sure I didn’t trip over it. Even though I saw my body on the floor, and I was

told I had died, I didn’t feel any different than when I was alive.

“None of this makes sense. Why am I still here if l’ m dead?” I asked as we stepped into the clearing

outside. My eyes scanned my surroundings in shock as everything around me seemed so much

brighter and clearer than I had remembered iVbeing.

“Because technically, you’re not dead.

Odin’s comment made no sense. You couldn’t be dead, and not dead. That was physically impossible,

wasn’t it? “What do you mean… you either are or you’re not.”

“Typically, yes,” he replied, our footsteps in sync as he pulled me forward across the courtyard of the

school and toward the direction of the arena. I hadn’t realized the underground area I had been in

before was beneath the schools, but looking around now, it made sense.

The school, from what I had learned since my time being here, was one of the oldest buildings in this

realm. It was the first place in which Odin and the other gods and taken up home, but over the years,

as more half-breed children were born, they built their new home and transformed this one into a

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school that could protect and teach the children.

“I’m guessing I’m not a typical situation then?”

Laughter echoed from him as he shook his head. “No, you most certainly are not.”

‘So what am I then?” I asked, my feet hitting the vibrant green grass with ease before Odin finally let

my hand go, and turned to face me.

“You are part of me, Cassie. My• blood runs through your veins, and because of that, you have a

celestial soul. It was bound in your shifter body, but when you were injured, the shifter side of you died.”

The shi ter side of me died? What the hell did that mean? Am I no a shifter anymore?

“That’s not possible… that would mean l’ m I gasped, thinking of what he was saying. I wouldn’t

technically be human, because that wouldn’t be possible, but as he stared at me, I watched his smile


19 “It is possible, and you’re not human, child—well, not ex-actly. You actually have a choice to make

right now, and it’s completely up to you what you want to do. You can remain as you are and rest in

Asgard for eternity, but be a soul in limbo, or you can accept the proclamation of being my heir


Odin was a god and for him to need an heir didn’t make sense. It wasn’t like he would eventually die or

anything. Unless there was something I missed in my history classes that I should be worried about.

“You can’t die though.”

“No, I can’t.” He chuckled. “But one day, I hope to… retire, I guess is what you call it on earth.

“Retire? Is that even possible… you’re a god.

I was stating the obvious but as I watched his twinkling blue eyes stare at me with so much intensity,

my heart wanted to burst from my chest. It wasn’t anything loving as one may think. I was nervous as

hell to be around Odin, even if that wasn’t something I would admit to my brother or anyone else.

I am a god, but eventually, I would like the chance to teach someone else to do what I do. To rule by

my side, but as my successor.” I wasn’t sure what to say to what Odin proclaimed, I had never thought

it possible, but yet standing here now talking to him, I realized he wasn’t the egotistical man I thought

he was.

He was far more caring, and the guilt of what happened to me still lingered in his eyes.

“Can I ever go home?” It was the one question I had that I

needed answered, and with a sigh, he shook his head no.

‘Unfortunately, Cassie, you’ re bound to this realm now.

However, if you accept my offer, you can go to visit your fami ly, eventually. Of course, it would only be

for a short time but you could go and visit them or any of the other realms.”

To hear I would never be able to go home again brought tears to my eyes. I didn’t want to rule a realm

or anything like that, but the thought of never seeing my family again was a thought I couldn’t manage.

“Okay… but I need something if I


Glancing up into his eyes, he hesitated for a moment. “Okay… and what would that be?”

“My little brother…”

“The one who’s sick?” he said cutting mid-sentence.

“Yeah, the one who’s sick. I want him cured… Pollux will return home one day, but my mother will never

be able to live through losing two of her children. Can you heal him?”

Odin paused for a moment as if contemplating what I asked of him, but after a moment, he nodded.

“Okay, I will see to it our healers tend to him.”

“Wait… you have healers? You could have healed him this entire time?!”

I wasn’t sure whether to be shocked or angry that he could have healed my little brother a long time

ago and didn’t. Yet, as he held his hand up shaking his head with a smile, I quickly found myself

calming down.

“It isn’t that easy, Cassie. We don’t mess with fate, but I’m sure, under the circumstances, he would

prefer to have you agree to be here over the fate of your little brother. He will

simply rewrite his future as he has done for so many others.”

Opening my mouth, I tried to find the words to explain my shock over hearing Odin talk about fate as if

it was an actual person, but by the look on his face and the amusement in the corners of his wrinkled

eyes, I already had my answer.

“There is really someone out there who decides our futures… that’s brilliant.” Sarcasm dripped from my

remark causing Odin to laugh a little harder than he had before.

“You will meet him eventually. He will partake in the Solstice games as a judge, of course. It’s an

essential part of your succession. It’s where you will pick your mate or mates if you choose to have

more than one.’ I had agreed to the succession in order to see my family, and of course, save my

brother, but to hear that there was some kind of games that would be held in my honor to determine the

man or men I would be forced to spend my life with was beyond crazy. “Excuse me? First of all, I will

never take more than one mate… I have seen what that has done to my mother… and second, why do

I have to participate in games?” I had so many questions, and the more I thought about them, the more

I felt crazy in my current situation. Odin as calm, his eyes cast from me toward the direction in which

my brother had gone, and with a deep breath, he smiled at me. “We need to find your brother… all of

your questions can be answered at a later time. I think you have had enough excitement for one day.’ I

wasn’t sure why he needed to find Pollux, but Odin’s engifs? demeanor changed, and as it did, I

realized that whatever was going on with me had to deal with my brother. Crossing the grassy field that

laid outside the school, we headed towards the backside of the gardens that surrounded the main

building of Asgard. The same building in which the gods resided, but also where my room and Pollux’ s

room were. The moment our feet hit the steps of the building, I couldn’t hold back my questions

anymore. “Where are we going and why do we need Pollux?” Looking over his shoulder, he sighed

again and kept walking. “He has to help with your succession.” Door after door, we passed until we

stopped outside Poltux’s room. The soft sobs and whispers coming from the other side made me stop

in my tracks, and as Odin opened the door, all eyes turned to us—or him, because they couldn’t see

me. “What the fuck are you doing here?” Pollux snapped, standing to his feet. “Haven’t you done

enough?” Narrowing his eyes, Odin groaned, and it was the first time I heard a normal sound come

from him. At least that I could remember. “I’ll ignore your outburst for now, but on another note.. would

you like to see your sister again?”

POI ux froze in his place, and as he did, Trixie stepped forward. “Of course he does… we all do, but

that’s impossible. She’s dead.”

“No, she isn’t,” Sansa breathed out softly, “l can feel her.”

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Stepping forward, I made my way closer to Pollux, and as

I did, he shuttered. “Explain, I don’t have time for riddles and games.”

Glancing back at Odin, he smiled. “Very well. If you want her back, revoke your celestial side, and give

it to your sister. With her Celestial form and yours combined, she will become a god completely and will

then take her place as my successor.’

My eyes widened in shock, realizing what it was he was asking my brother to do, and as I turned to

gaze upon Pollux, his, Trixie’s, and Sansa’s expressions all matched mine.

“You want me to do what?” Pollux muttered in disbelief. “l can’t just give it up… it doesn’t work like that

it’s in my DNA.”

“Actually, it does. Your twins, Pollux. All these years, you have regretted not being there for your sister

when you should have. Now is your chance.”

It didn’ t make sense what Odin was saying, and even though I didn’t want to believe him, the distant

gaze in Pollux’ s eyes let me know that what he was saying was true. Pollux did feel guil,ty and with a

deep breath, he nodded his head.

“If I’m no longer a Celestial, I will be forced to go home?”

‘Yes,” Odin replied, “but she will be able to visit you. With Loki gone, the veils can be much lower than

they have been over the past few decades.”

My mind swirled with the information being passed around, and as I tried to process it all, Pollux

opened his mouth and began to speak. “l, Pollux, revoke my Celestial rights and transfer them to my

twin sister, Castor. Let her be whole once more, and take her rightful place on Odin’ s

Dynasty throne.”

A surge of power rushed through me, causing a pleasurable hum I had never felt before, and as the

high began to settle, I realized that all eyes were on me. Literally.

“Cassie Trixie choked back as she threw her arms around me. “l thought I’d never see you again.

The reunion with my friends and my brother was wonderful, and as I glanced back to look at Odin, I

realized he was gone. I had signed my fate, and though my brother didn’t know of the conditions of my

agreement or what I had done for our younger brother, I knew one day he would understand. One day

he would be able to forgive me for leaving him

“Where’s Lucas?” I asked as the three of them pulled away.

“And where’s Silas?”

“Silas said he needed time to himself for a while. We aren’t sure where he went,” Trixie replied as she

glanced at Pollux.

“As for Lucas…” my brother said, letting out a heavy regretful breath. “He disappeared after the battle.

Odin told the guards to let him go… or so they said. Said he wasn’t a threat because it wasn’t him

making those choices. It was his father and Inanna. We don’t know where he went, and honestly, I

don’t care where he went.”

Unsure of what to make of my situation, I sat on the edge of my brother’s bed, taking it all in. I had lost

not only my mate but Silas my companion and on top of that, my mortal life as I knew it.

If I was ever going to survive what was to come, I was go-

.ing to have to stop my childish ways and grow up quickly. I wasn’t just some young girl, rebellious and

trying to make a stand in life. I was now the heir apparent to Odin’s throne, and I had no doubt that

people would be gunning to get rid of me.

This time though, I’d be prepared for whatever shitstorm blew my way.