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And Then There Were Four (Lilith Carrie)

Chapter 140
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Chapter 140: Proving a Point


Class after class, I was introduced to so many people. I found

my mind swirling with the amount of names I was supposed to remember, and I was happy to see

the end of the day come quickly. The entire day I hadn’t seen my brother, and wondered

whether he had actually come to class at all.

Following a few other students I didn’t

know, I headed out to what they said were the training grounds, prepared to see if that was where Pollu

x had gone. Leaving the large vast buildings of the school, I followed down the cobbled paths and cove

red breezeways until the path led me through grassy fields with the site of a massive golden. arena in t

he distance.

The voices of the warriors grunting, groaning, and yelling commands to one another coil be heard

before even stepping foot into the arena, and I had no doubt this was where my brother had gone.

I hoped Trixie would have been able to go

with me, but I found it unfortunate she was preoccupied by some task she had to do with her parents, s

o instead, I ventured out here alone.

As the building grew closer,

I noted how the high walls of the area stood taller than the school itself, reminding me of the colosseum

in Rome. A place where gladiators used to fight for the entertainment of their people. The same people

who were ruthless and desired to see the blood and gore that made a lot of men lose their lives.

It didn’t surprise

me once I stepped in and took notice of the men sparing that they would have something set up like thi

s. Odin may

not have been what people called a “Greek” god, but according to legend, the gods all were the same i

n the eyes of their believers, no matter the culture they came from. And here in these walls, it was obvi

ous to see fighting was a sport all took seriously.

Stepping forth down the stone steps of the arena, the littered sounds of students sitting and watching a

s they yelled for their favorite people took me by shock. I didn’t find this kind of thing entertaining. I kne

w training was important, but the way they were acting was barbaric in a way, at least to me.

“Hey, your

name’s Cassie, right?” A voice called from my left. Glancing over my shoulder, I took in the brown hair a

nd golden eyes of a dark–skinned girl who was in my second period advanced magic class.

“Yeah it is. You’re Sansa, the witch.”

Small laughter escaped her as she nodded her head, “Yeah I am. Well, I’m a hybrid like

everyone else here. Celestial blood

and all of that. Come sit with me. There’s no point in watching alone.”

Hesitating for a moment, I gave a tight–lipped smile and

nodded as I watched her slide over so I could sit down. “Thanks, I’m not really here to watch. Just see

if my brother actually showed up today.”

Her eyes lit up when I spoke of my brother and, with an eager smile, she nodded. “Oh girl, he did.”

“Why did you say it like that…” I mumbled with a sigh. A

million and one thoughts ran through my head at her comment, and as she pointed in the direction of th

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e field, I followed her finger and caught sight of my brother heaving up and down with

golden eyes and protruding fangs as he stared down at his opponent, who laid upon the ground.

“He has been killing them out there… metaphorically, of course. Bronn was our strongest fighter, and a

s you can tell, he dominated Bronn in no time. Which I’m not sure if that’s

going to be a good thing or a bad thing.”

Glancing at her quickly, I raised my brow in question. “Why do you say that?”

“Well, Bronn is my half–brother, unfortunately. Only by

our father, of course, celestial blood. His mother was a werewolf, and friends with my mother–

a witch. From what my mother said… Our dad enjoyed poly relationships.”

Sansa spoke about the situation as if it wasn’t a big deal, and whereas I was only Odin’s granddaughter

, they were direct children of a god. How was it my brother was stronger than a direct child? It made

little sense.

“That’s crazy… who was your dad?” The question made her laugh and looking to

me she shook her head.

“Who knows…

there were speculations on who he was, but no one dares to claim their heritage. Odin, Freya, and

Frigg just try to clean up their mess.”

“That’s not cool. I mean you should at least know,”

I replied, feeling slightly bad for her that she didn’t know who her father was.

“It’s okay, I’m not too bothered,” she added before cheering for the people on the field. As I looked

back towards my brother, I watched him walk towards

the sidelines where a group of girls were flirting. His signature smile came

on display causing me to cringe as I watched him “work his magic” or so he liked to call it.

“God, can he be anymore annoying…” I muttered with disgust, rolling my eyes

as I admired the others. It was then when my eyes met Lucas‘, I noticed he was staring right at me. Th

ose same damn mesmerizing eyes catching me off guard as a slow smirk

slid onto the corner of his lips.

“Oh, snap… does he belong to you?” Sansa asked, causing me to scoff.

“He kinda does, but she won’t admit to it.”

Trixie’s overly cheerful voice appeared behind me and gave me a heart

attack and as I jumped, I placed my hand upon my chest to turn and glare at her from over my shoulder

. “Jesus Christ, woman… you about gave me a heart attack. You can’t go sneaking up

on people like that.”

Both Sansa and Trixie laughed at my reaction as I grumbled my unhappiness under my breath. “Don’t c

hange the subject,” Sansa added. “I need the juicy details.”

I wasn’t sure what it was about Sansa, but between her and Trixie, I felt like we had been old friends w

ho had known each other our entire lives. “It’s complicated.”

“Everything is always complicated with you.” Trixie smirked. “He is hot, though, just like your brother. I’

m not sure why you’re opposed to him, but if you’re not careful, one of the other girls will try to snag

him up.”

The thought of one of the other girls touching Lucas did bother me, and I didn’t like that it did. Yet, no m

atter the fact he was supposed to be my

mate, I couldn’t get past the shit he had done. To hide being my mate, and then act like an asshole all t

hese months.

He confused me, like an internal war brewing in my mind that just won’t let up.

“He is an ass-” I mumbled, trying to look away from him and not let him see how much

he was bothering me.

“Looks like someone else

likes his ass-” Quickly darting my gaze back to Lucas, I watched Zia walk to him with a smile on her fac

e and anger flared through me. A swirling mass of chaos slowly started to build

inside me, and as if he knew, his eyes met mine and he smiled.

“Oh, that’s how he wants to

play is it?” I replied in a sinister  ́tone as I glanced towards Sansa and Trixie. “Two can play

at this game..”

Trixie’s normally happy expression turned to one

of concern as I stood to my feet. “Cassie, what are you doing?”

Sliding my jacket off, I grabbed my hair band and quickly pulled my long purplish–

pink hair up into a messy bun, and continued down the steps of the arena. I knew very well people wer

e watching me, but right now I didn’t care. The swirling chaos in my heart was calling

me to play with him.

“Hey, coach!” I called out letting my gaze slide from Lucas to the extremely tall older shifter who

stood on the sidelines

watching my brother and another kid spar. My brother of course dominating the kid with ease.

“Let me have a round with him.”

Laughter escaped the man as he shook his head no. “No way. You will get your ass hurt, and I’m not

being responsible for it.”

“I wasn’t asking for your permission,”

I said through clenched teeth as I ran, leaping over the figures of the three men who had been

in my way. I was far more skilled than my brother was. With perfect timing, I landing on the ground in fr

ont of the kid, my eyes locked onto Lux with a wicked glance.

His blow to the kid stopped in it’s tracks as I caught his wrist when I landed. “What the fuck, Cassie!”

“Get that girl off the

field!” The coach yelled from a short distance away as murmur’s and gasps echoed around the


“Oh, come on Pollux. Let’s give them something to really get them excited.”

My brothers eyes narrowed as he sneered. “No fucking way. You’re not supposed to be out here.”

“Are you worried about losing to me again?” I asked him in a teasing

tone as I stepped closer to him. “Come on- brother. You never refused to TRY and beat me before… do

you not want them to see who really is the best out of us?”

“You let it out, didn’t you… Talon told you about that-” Laughter escaped

me at his response. Yes, Talon had said a lot of things but he wasn’t here.

“Fight or die, Pollux. Your choice.”

I wouldn’t really kill my brother, and he knew that. It was simply something we had done as kids. The

first one to land a potentially deadly blow was the winner of

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the fight, but the problem was where he did like to fight he didn’t train as often as me because his ego o

ver being the “future Alpha” made him believe he didn’t need to.

I however… I thrived for the battle. A secret I held deep inside me.

The desire to watch blood flow like rivers upon the ground..

Standing his ground, he took his stance with an angry glare. A glare I lived to see, because honestly,

he and Talon were the only ones who ever gave me a run for my money

when it came to battling and the adrenaline was a drug I craved.

Taking the same stance as my brother, I heard the murmured

words of the coach. “Lux, are you sure about this…”

“Yeah, I am. Start the fucking match. If she wants to get what they had, that’s on her.”

So cocky and foolish.

A voice inside me spoke softly in the darkness, and as it did, I hesitated for a moment. One single mome

me to smirk with satisfaction.

“Oh, brother-

is that all you have?” Making my move, I launched myself into attack. Swing after swing, hit after hit, we

our movements matched like that of an elegant

dance between partners. We were evenly matched in our current state, but there was a side of me

he would never be able to touch.

With a sudden blow, we both landed on the ground knocked back by each other’s hits, and landing on th

I wiped the blood from my mouth one more. Just

to realize Zia was standing near me. “Aww, did you fall?”

“Go fuck yourself, Barbie,” I spat at her. The distraction gave enough time for my

brother to grab me by my hair and

throw me to the ground once more. The stupid bitch distracted me on purpose, and knowing she did pis

Slowly the burning fire inside me grew, and as I gazed at Lux, who stood in front

of where Zia and Lucas stood, their eyes growing wide with realization of how pissed I truly was. Lux ha


“Using a girl, Lux!” I yelled at him with a maniacal laugh. “That’s cheating.”

“Cassie, that’s enough.” The coach yelled, but his words fell on deaf ears as I stalked towards

my brother.

“Do you submit, Lux?” I asked as I watched him struggle to stand. “Just submit, and this

will all be over.”

“Go fuck yourself, Cassie,” he snapped as he struggled to his feet. “I’ll never submit to you.”

Placing my hand on my chest, I smirked, shaking my head.

“Pity… So I guess you want to continue then. Well, come on… I’m waiting.”

“I said enough!” The coach yelled again as he

came to stand between Pollux and I. “I don’t know how you did things back home, but that isn’t how shit

means to stop. Do you hear me?”

Looking up at the man, I smiled, seeing the irritation and anger swirling behind

the depths of his golden eyes. “Sure thing, coach. It was just fun and games anyways. May I suggest pic

Turning on my heels, I didn’t bother to wait to hear what the man was going to say.

Instead, I passed him and headed out of the

circle towards where I had once been sitting. Hopefully, everyone now knew I was more

than just some new girl.

I was hell, and they would remember me forever.