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And Then There Were Four (Lilith Carrie)

Chapter 102
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Chapter 102: Longing for Captivity


Twelves hours had gone by since I birthed my children, and even though everything was perfect on that

front, my mind kept going back to Damian. Talon and Hale went out to his last location only two hours

ago, and I panicked every moment they were gone.

I couldn’t feel my connection to Damian anymore, and as my mind tried to make me think the worse, I

couldn’t allow myself to.

I had to stay strong.

Thad to believe he was alive.

The pain I had felt earlier in the day, before I had given birth to my children, was unlike any pain I had

ever felt before, and it didn’t take until the pain subsided for me to realize it wasn’t labor pains I was


Instead, it was the pain being inflicted upon Damian, and because I was bonded to him in a way nobody

could explain; 1

could feel every infliction.

I cried and cried for hours after the twins were born. Pleading with Hale, Talon, and James to allow me to

go to him.

I could feel the bond weakening, but they just simply said it was in my head.

Something deep inside me, though, told me his life was

ending, and I couldn’t allow that to happen, not after everything we had fought for since I had arrived.

It was constantly the back-and-forth motion of love and hate and fighting, and confliction and secrets and

lies and I was done with it. I was done with all of it. I only wanted to be with my mates and my children

and be whole, normal.

With the protection of the pack, we were a united front.

The only problem was outside forces sought to destroy us because we were different.

No matter what they said, though, I was not a monster. I was a normal person with unique abilities and a

large heart able to love more than just one man.

I wanted to be the Luna this pack could be proud of, but I was so devastatingly misunderstood I didn’t

know if I could ever overcome and be what they wanted me to be.

Pushing away my fears and thoughts, I kept a wary eye out on the horizon, waiting for two of my mates

to arrive, praying Talon and Hale would go to this cabin in the woods and find Damien there.

Find him alive… Maybe slightly wounded, but still alive.

Deep down, though, I knew that wouldn’t be the case. I knew without a doubt who had him, and I was

terrified because the person who had him wanted nothing more than to see his head on a spike.

And, eventually, mine, right next to it.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Ivy, you must eat something,” my mother said softly as !

looked out the window of the nursery, scouring the horizon for the return of my mates.

“She’s right,” Priscilla added as she stepped closer. “You may be worried, but your twins need you, and

placing all of your concentration on things you can’t change doesn’t help them.”

With a heavy breath, I turned from the window to face the two women who had helped keep me together

over the past few weeks. “I know.”

Letting my eyes sweep towards the two small bundles freshly cleaned and sleeping in their beds, I

couldn’t help but find myself at a loss for how I had created something so beautiful. Something so


“I don’t want them to never know him,” I whispered, forcing back the tears that threatened to fall. “I have

been such a fool lately.”

“Ivy, this isn’t your fault,” my mother replied as her hand fell upon my shoulder. “The gods have things

planned for us, and we must accept the fates they choose.”

“No,” I snapped, shaking my head as I wiped away a loose tear that had escaped my eyes. “I refuse to

believe he is dead. He will be back soon.”

Silence fell around us as a soft knock on the door drew my attention. “How are we doing?” James asked

with a smile spread across his lips.

“I’m okay. Just worried,”

Clearing the space between us, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed the side of my head. “He

isn’t dead, Ivy. I can

still feel the connection as his brother. It’s just faint.”

Looking up at him, I held back a sob. “What does that mean?”

“Oh, Ivy, don’t cry. It means he is alive, but they are using silver to dull his senses.”

“See, you have nothing to worry about,” my mother added, trying to reassure me. “You need rest.”

There was no way I was going to sleep, though. Pulling back from James, I went back to the window and

continued to stare out over the horizon. Until my mates were home, I could not feel comfort.

“I need them all back, James. Until they’re home, I won’t find peace.”

Something deep inside me was growing, and every moment my mates were a way, I felt it sending me

into a spiral I didn’t know if I could come back from. It was just another piece of the puzzle that left me


“We must do whatever it takes to bring him home,” I said.

“We will, Ivy,” James said firmly. “But we won’t be able to do our job if we are worrying about you. So I

need you to rest and eat so I know that you’re okay.”

Nodding my head slowly, I moved from the window and walked toward my bed. After having the twins, I

needed something of Damian’s to calm my racing mind, and the only thing I found comfort in was the

bedding from his room James had brought to me.

Laying upon my bed, I wrapped myself in the blanket and

closed my eyes

I didn’t have to worry about the twins and them being okay. With my mother, Priscilla, and James here, I

would be able to rest. At least for now.


Dragged down the hallway after I met with the Elder Council, I was tossed into a white room and locked

in. The silver shackles upon my wrist had been removed, but then an injection of silver had been placed

in my veins.

It didn’t matter what I did. They were going to prevent me from reaching out to the others. Realizing I had

no form of communication made my heart sink. I would have given anything in that moment to contact

them to make sure the pain I had felt from Ivy wasn’t because of the pain I had received.

My eyes swept around the room, taking in the all white decor and the blood that was slowly dripping from

my body onto the floor.

I was creating a mess, but it was a mess that the elders had caused.

That Alokaye and Richard had caused.

That stupid prick Alpha was going to meet his end if it was the last thing I did. Even in my weakened

state, my brothers were not forgiving.

And Allison-I couldn’t believe she was still alive.

To know they had spared Allison’s life for something so meaningless as an accusation I had murdered

somebody, or that someone from my pack had murdered them and I was protecting them, was absolutely


I mean, yes, I was protecting Ivy.

She had killed those people, but that didn’t justify the right for Allison to still be alive after everything she

had done, after the betrayals and pain she had caused, not to mention trying to kill Talon.

That woman was evil, and no matter how they tried to spin this, I would find a way to break free and kill

her. I would rip her to shreds… unless Ivy did it first.

Nothing was what I would be able to do until I got rest.

My energy was absolutely depleted, and I desperately needed a shower. Making my way towards the

bathroom, I turned on the shower’s hot water and stood beneath it, letting it wash away the grime and

dirt upon me.

Multiple lacerations and cuts marred my body, and I knew without a doubt they would heal, but the pain

was mentally inflicted by them would always remain.

I had been careless and had not thoroughly thought about the consequences of my actions before I

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

trekked out on the journey to find that creature.

Now, in the mayhem of everything, Allison was going to get her way of destroying the pack and taking it

over for herself.

That was the only thing she had ever wanted: power and authority.

She may have had it for a short while when Zane was alive, but the moment I came of age, everything

started becoming a complication. At first, she complained about me, and after months and months of

trying to prove I was unfit to take over, she started coming on to me, wanting me to see things from a

different light.

It was disgusting how she acted, and I was repulsed by her, but out of respect for the things she had

done for my brothers and me, I had allowed her to live back then. If I knew what I knew now, back then I

would have done things completely differently. I would have ripped her apart the moment I turned


Cleanly dressed, fresh from the shower, I sat on the edge of the bed and waited to see if

somebody would come to the door. From prior stays here, I knew it was close to dinnertime, or at least

that’s what I had assumed by the things I had seen in the hallways on the way to the room.

If it was, it meant they should bring me food soon. I just wasn’ t entirely sure who that was going to be. I

had a chance. A chance to break out of this place, and even in my weakened state, I would fight that, the

last breath, to get home to Ivy.

When my waiting seemed to be never-ending, the sound of voices floated towards me from the other

side of the door.

“Why is he being treated like a guest?” the feminine voice said.

“Because that is what the Council wants, and you will do well to listen to them. If this is going to work, we

need them to believe us,” Alokaye replied with a voice I knew distinctively.

“It isn’t fair, though. This isn’t what was promised to me.”

“It doesn’t matter what you think is fair, woman. You will do as you’re told. At the end of the day, when the

Solstice moon rises, things will be righted,” Alokaye replied as if he was seething in anger at the question

she was asking.

It took me a moment of processing before I realized the female speaking was Allison. For her to be

acting this way, it meant she wasn’t at the top of the information pyramid, and that itself was curious.

Whatever they discussed revolved around the moon that was to take place in a week’s time. What did

the moon have to do with me?

Slowly the voices died down, and the echoes of their footsteps drifted away. Left reeling with questions,

my brows narrowed in confusion.

Whatever they were planning was directed towards my pack, and the longer I was away, the more

unprepared they would be. I had to protect them.

I had to get out.

My pack… my brothers… my mate and children… they all depended on my escape.