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And The Daddy Is… The Infertile Guy?!

Chapter 247
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Chapter 247 Howard lifted his gaze with icy precision Nathan, smugly trumphant, answered his phone and switched it to speaker mode.

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"Hey, Gwendolyn What's up with the late call?" he asked politely. With Howard at his side, he dared not play the fool.

"Nathan, I have a question for you. Way back in the Capital, who could get into Mr. Chadwick's room?" Gwendolyn's voice cthrough tinged with embarrassment.

It felt like she was checking up on him.

Nathan chuckled, "Gwendolyn, you wanna know if there were any ladies, right? Not even a female mosquito would breach his chamber. Quentin's the one who manages his day-to-day stuff." High stakes meetings were too important for any slip-ups Gwendolyn breathed a sigh of relief at the mention of Quentin, "Are you sure there's no one else?" "Cross my heart" Nathan was about to swear to the heavens, "If he was such a playboy, he'd have a whole bunch of women hanging around him. Why would he need to skulk about?" Gwendolyn bit her lip, hesitant. But knowing Nathan's personality, she ventured. "Do you know if he has a mole on his lower back?" Nathan exaggerated, "Gwendolyn, are you calling to flaunt your romance? But I've known about it forever. We used to play together as kids, remember?" That mole was a stark contrast to Howard's cold and austere demeanor Nathan, never one to mind his words, teased further "You guys are that close now huh? Seems like the gift I gave you cin handy Gwendolyn swallowed her last question, ending the call She had wanted to ask about Howard's virginity In the CEO's office at Summit Corp Nathan shrugged helplessly. "She hung up" His eyes sparkled with murth like the oceani "Do you guys talk a lot privately?" Howard was frosty, his gaze carrying a warming "Don't accuseunfairly Maybe you should reflect on what's making Gwendolyn feel insecure, reassurance," Nathan raised an eyebrow suggestively. Did you indulge "I'm not shameless like you” Howard replied, his face darkening Nathan prodded lewdly, "Con, tell me, are you still a virgin?" Howard had always been controlled and composed the the point where she's callingfor at the Capital? person to disclose such a private matter But even the most reserved have their youthful indiscretions and Nathan wasnt sure if Howard had ever sought the company of women, or if he'd had sex with Selina "Go home." "Howard, that's not cool. I've shared all my first tdetails with you and you can't even be honest ne" Nathan's handsfeatures feigned distress.

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He was genuinely curious to see what Howard would be like consumed by desire

He sighed tically, "Here I am, burning the midnight oil with you over these blueprints, and you cant separate work from pleasure Dragginginto overtjust to surprise Gwendolyn" "Cut the crap. Have you finished reviewing them?" "These two aren't bad." Nathan handed two blueprints over to Howard, Tve never seen you so invested. Are you really into Gwendolyn?" Howard looked up, noncommittal, "What do you think?"

"Sure, a life saving debt ought to be repaid. Ever been Nathan dood her allant steed? 't resist a final jibe Howard shot him a cool glance. "Vulgar"

Nathan retorted, slapping the desk, "You callvulgar, but I dare you to go your whole life without using those toys se Ysent you. Oh please, you think pleasing a woman is just in and out? There's an art to it, buddy"