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An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori (official version)

Chapter 2237
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Chapter 2237

Dustin's words left Aurora feeling conflicted. While she had faith in his medical expertise, concern for Alicia's

health lingered.

It was a classic dilemma of prioritizing caution over potential regret. What if Alicia remained unconscious? What

would their next move be?

"Aurora, | brought Dr. Rhys here, and | trusted him. Right now, Alicia needs rest. Forcing her awake won't help,"

Grace advised sincerely.

"Hmph! You two are obviously working together, of course, you'd say that!" Brian continued to stoke the fire.

He continued, "Aurora, don't listen to their smooth talk. Your sister waking up is the only real solution. Everything

else is just empty talk!"

"Exactly. A patient's condition can change suddenly. Just because things seem stable doesn't guarantee they'll

stay that way. Lives are on the line, and we need to proceed cautiously," Kenan added as he echoed his support

for Brian.

Kenan was a renowned doctor in the martial world. He felt his pride sting as a newcomer took over his spotlight.

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Given the opportunity, he vowed to reclaim his status without hesitation.

"Dr. Rhys, could you... awaken Alicia as soon as possible?" Aurora hesitated before making the request.

Despite Brian's brashness, she felt a kernel of truth in his words.

"Sure. However, letclarify that if there are any complications after your sister awakes, | can't be held

accountable," Dustin stated calmly.

"Hmph! Enough with the scare tactics! I'll take full responsibility for whatever happens as long as Alicia wakes

up!" Brian retorted defiantly.

"Dr. Rhys, I'm curious to see whether you're a rising star or just another pretender," Kenan quipped sarcastically.

Dustin nodded and said nothing. He returned to Alicia's bedside and extracted a silver needle. Then, he swiftly

jabbed it into her forehead.

The trembling silver needle transmitted wisps of mystical pure energy into her. Instantly, discomfort clouded her

features, and her eyelids twitched.

Despite her weakened state, the abrupt awakening instinctively triggered resistance. This was evident in the

rapid movement beneath her closed eyelids.

Three minutes later, Dustin removed the silver needle and exhaled." Almost there. In about half an hour, your

sister Alicia will wake up."

"Hmph! This is all just for show! | don't believe you have the skill." Brian sneered.

"Believe what you want. I've done my part. Whatever happens next, it's on you," Dustin said impassively.

He had removed the voodoo from Alicia and fulfilled Grace's request. Any aftermath was beyond his concern.

"Alright, I'm tired. I'm heading back to rest. You guys keep an eye on her." Dustin yawned as he turned to leave.

"Stop right there!" Brian demanded as he blocked him with a fierce expression. "Kid, who said you could leave? |

told you clearly, you're not going anywhere until Alicia wakes up!"

"I told you, she'll wake up within half an hour. Can't you understand plain language?" Dustin's patience was

wearing thin.

"Don't givethat 'half an hour' nonsense! | won't accept it, not even for a second."

"Move aside, or don't blme for what happens next." Dustin's tone turned icy.

He had been eyeing Brian with disdain for a while. If the man didn't start showing srespect, Dustin wouldn't

hesitate to teach him a lesson.

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"What's the matter? Feeling guilty and thinking of running away? Well, lettell you, that's not an option!"

Brian threatened. "If anything happens to Alicia, I'll make sure you pay with your life!"

"My life? Do you even have the nerve?" Dustin countered.

"Hmph! You arrogant fool, today I'll show you what the Celestial Alliance is capable of!" Brian's expression turned

icy as he prepared to take action.

Suddenly, Alicia, lying on the bed, moaned softly and opened her eyes.

Brian was stunned, at a loss for words, at the sight.

"Alicia's awake! She's finally awake!" Aurora exclaimed. She was brimming with joy and marveled at Dustin's

ability to awaken her sister.

"She's awake? How is that possible?" Kenan was dumbfounded. 1

He had long suspected Dustin of using deceitful tactics, but Alicia waking up shattered his doubts. It became

evident that Dustin possessed genuine skills—he wasn't a fraud.

The realization that Kenan, a renowned skilled doctor, paled compared to Dustin left him surprised and deeply

embarrassed. He reluctantly admitted that Dustin's skills were better than his.

"Mr. Stern, you wished for Alicia to wake up, right? Well, there you have it. Any doubts about Dr. Rhys's medical

prowess now?" Grace's gaze bore into Brian. He was flustered and speechless. 6